Anyone else disappointed in Hillary?

Is anyone else as pissed off as I am?

We have always supported Hillary Clinton and now she's calling us racists and Trump supporters in the media. Feels like quite a stab in the back, to be honest.

Are any Americans now considering voting for someone else?

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Classic Hillary, turning on her core supporters

Yea man WTF. I love Clinton and will be voting for her come this November.

She is part of the true Aryan master race and will bring these nigs to heel.

I don't get it. After all these years of solid Klansmen support, she throws around the R word as if it were an insult and stabs us in the stomach with it. What betrayal.

America wake up Trump has heard the peoples call check this out.

She's just doing it for more votes, we all know she is down in the polls and the media can only cover it up for so long.

Don't give up on her yet, Sup Forums!

if I was an american I'd vote for stein , not because I think she'll save the country but to teach the main parties a lesson

Yeah, I am now a Gary Johnson missile

Wish I was American so I could vote for Clinton :/


It's what she does!

She is a LIAR and a CROOK!

She cheated BERNIE out of the Election!

Now do you know how WE feel?

Hillary will say ANYTHING to get elected.

We supported her for so many months, against the TRUMP TROLLS, and guess what?

She throws us under the bus just to appeal to the drones.

Enough is ENOUGH!

Even now?

I'm kinda glad I don't have to, at the moment
So betrayed

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that supports white interests. As a proud Aryan, I cannot support that cuck, Donald (((Trump))). Globalism is the only way to guarantee that the inferior races remain on their knees in service to whites.

dont get me wrong, i know that
>Clinton foundation is nothing more than a money laundering empire sucking money out of normies AND she gets tax breaks on donations to HER OWN FOUNDATION top kek gg
>shes racist
>she rigged the primaries against that faggot communist bernie sanders
>she will kill muslims in syria
>she will make sure blacks continue to slaughter each other and the pigs
etc etc but i might vote for trump because he has a better slogan and is way more charismatic
>inb4 bong im abroad visiting folks

the reason the gop are coming over to hillary is because they know she'll keep the gravy train rolling. they're afraid trump will fuck it up

No, I understand, she has to distance herself from us to ensure this win. I'm disappointed but I have hope for a future with her

It's for the greater good. Hillary needs a group that the nation can rally around and hate. I wish she had picked a group that actually doesn't like her, but if we need to be the martyrs, so be it.

Anyone agree? Or is she betraying us?

I don't really have a voice in your elections, amerifats, but what Hillary Clinton just did is pretty low. We are her strongest supporters in the dark corners of the web and she just turns her back on us.
Germany would profit a lot from her being president, that's why I supported her, even though I can't vote in your elections. I really hoped for your new Führer to be a woman who would be incredible strong and harsh behind her soft mask.
Damn, I bet Hillary would put the niggers and spics to the stake after she used them as the dumb voting cattle that they are. Then we could finally cleanse the earth from the sandniggers that are plagueing the West since the last 3 decades.
I would still vote for her but I have got my reservations now. Hope she turns this around.

I get the point, but I refuse to be her martyr. We should be in the front!

She's doing the right thing. She had a close call Drumpf has been slinging a lot of mud her way, she needs to hide her power level. We can trust her to do the right thing when it counts

Bernie or bust here, I don't really understand why she did this DESU. After Bernie dropped out I decided to give her a chance, I feel betrayed.

I agree, shes using us as her scapegoat but we know that she's the best candidate to ensure white supremacy

Trump will actually help niggers and spics get on their feet, fuck that

IDK man, I love that she's so racist and antisemitic, I mean fuck the jews and the "super-predators", and I love how easily she can get away with fleecing the retards that donate to her "foundation", but I'm not sure she can win anymore...


I cant believe she would do such things! I am now on the trump train


Everything we did for her campaign was just ruined. I wonder if I can turn off my reoccurring contributions?

clintons face when she starts ww3 and the nukes are coming in

>racists and Trump supporters
but you are, stop lying.
why do you guys delude yourself into thinking otherwise, for saying what you truly are?

Don't do it comrade! We have all been long time Hillary supporters, and we must trust her long term gameplan. Us being the scapegoats can help her get elected!

It's just another subversive Jewish plot in the Zionist genocidile regime to pin this on Drumpf, that idiot nigger lover wants blacks employed, at least we could keep them poor and stupid

If he wins, it's over, the white race is finished

Hillary is literally our last shot at FINALLY cleansing these glorious states

These colors don't run!
Donate Clinton!
Match me!
It's 2016!

Word from the Druids channeling Himmler is that she is channeling the furher

Its bullshit man

It's the ultimate fucking backstab. I was literally paid to post for her on this board, and I just got the boot this morning, with reasongs being cited that I was "associated with right-wing ideologies and have slandered HRC's good name". What the fuck is this shit?


I know... I can't believe she did this to us... After all her support we gave here... She promised she would get rid of blacks now she's calling us the racists and bigots?? :(((((

This is all part of Her Plan. She planted the seed of racism (logic and rational thinking) and is now using us to attack trump. Just keep things up and our empress will give us our slaves back.


Damn man, sorry to hear that. Stay strong in your support though, we must get her elected!

Please this thing you guys are trying wont last. One CNN has checked out this website way before not and two you can't change the ARCHIVE.

With Hill, Niggers Heel

We Still


We're Hillary nazis m8, we always have been.

We love how good she is at murdering her opposition and oppressing the super-predators and destroying their silly little nignog families. We also love that she has bombed so many shitty brown countries.

Drumpf supporters please leave, this is a Hillary board

If the KKK supports Hillary, so do I!

>This is all part of Her Plan
I know it's been said a hundred times before, but she's playing 3 dimensional chess with this election.

Will always support her and pechtold, the only way to ensure white dominance

the clintons are dying, lets elect one for our future

CNN can do what they want. this is an anonymous board there is no consensus.
remember where you are faggot. show respect to the font of all memes, the chosen webpage of the chaos god.
>if CNN say ebil Sup Forums has a plan so it must be true

Fuck off Drumpf shill, we've always supported Der Fuhrer Hillary. She'll bring the niggers to heel and keep their population down with abortion.

I just miss Balkenende

I just home from work. Can't someone give me a TLDR of her "big speech"?

Apparently Sup Forums is full of 'alt right' racists that support Donald Trump. CNN picked it up, of course, and now tries to show the world that racists support Trump, for some reason.

Thank god we will hang on to our ideals and keep supporting the Hilldog

Oh and someone shouted 'PEPE!' at her face when she said that

You didn't miss much

Despite our efforts to support her in every way, she called us out as being trump supporters. I get that we're the scapegoat, but it still feels bad.

Republican Millennials Grapple With a Trump Nomination

She's calling us drumpf supporters?? It's fucked.

I supported her for so long, but she backstabbed us all with this video, if she's stabbing people in the back before she even gets elected then she must have some nerve.


She can't come right out and praise us. Don't you realize she just redpilled the masses on the following? She's is the queen of the white race!

>feminism is cancer
>white genocide is real
>nine-eleven was an inside job

She was dropping redpills so fast I couldn't keep up. This speech was historical. She just saved the white race.

She is only doing this because she has to win. Dont worry we will get our race war sempai.

She didn't mention Sup Forums or Kek.

Fucking weak.

It was straight SJW whining and projecting/half truths as usual.

It won't help her because she's just continually lowering herself to Trump standards, which just plays to her base and alienates independents (like Trump).

The election will entirely be decided on demographics.

He is the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, she'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. Pepe the Frog.

It's bullshit.

I've been with her since 2008.

It's her turn now and she's shitting on us.

It's for the ultimate good!

Lets Lynch her


am I the only one that shitposts on Sup Forums in hope that hillary or someone from her "meme team" sees my post? if hillary (the saviour of the white race) responded to this post i'd be over the moon.
>pic somewhat related

Hillary lost me today when she called me a racist

I thought dems hated blacks? wtf

Bring back LBJ


>I thought dems hated blacks? wtf
Don't they? They support abortions, which takes more potential black lives than any other factor, or that they want to take hard working, honest black people's guns so they can't protect themselves against police abuse. As a Brazilian, I'm pretty scared what might happen if Hillary wins.

It's classic misdirection friend, we will win yet. We still support her!

Guys she's just trying to expand her base by painting us as her enemy. Soon, she'll bring all of the niggers to heel. Give her time. It'll be worth it.

That nazi bitch lazy down has a very nice pair of tatas.


Youre a faggot that needs to be rid of.

I am racist.

She stabbed Bernie supporters in the back long ago while insisting that they MUST support her against Trump. Now you understand why I'm voting for Trump.

As they say in Arabic:

An enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Yup, I'm now #Cruzinforabruisin




Don't worry user, I think she was just trying to throw the nigs off her scent. (((Trump))) has really been hammering her on the superpredator thing and trying to win the bluegums over. Hilldawg just needs to hide her power level better. We'll keep those niggers on welfare and in their warzone neighborhoods.

It was a shout out to paranoid french Rothschilds... they got exposed in the e-mail scandal - Hillary contacted Rothschilds by e-mail many times ...

The Rothschilds, they hate publicity Hitlary got them,
therefore she calls them PARANOID FRENCH

How can she have the balls to fuck with Rothschilds?
Doesn't she realize that if she's not a good MK ULTRA slave to them or gets in their way, they can have her dead the next morning?

From: Hillary Clinton To: Lynn Forester de Rothschild Date: 2010-04-19 04:42 Subject: MISS YOU PEPE.


Hillary is our last hope for the white race..She talks a good game about liberal causes, but she's running as a democrat, and needs their votes. Her actions speak much louder than words.

In spite of the pro-BLM rhetoric, she recognizes the problems with violent black Americans, and will put them "under heel" after January.

The pro-Islam stance is really just a brilliant ploy against feminists and homosexuals. I expect to see their numbers decreasing after opening immigration up to Merkel-like levels.
Her attacks on the second amendment will lead to massive gun confiscations in the black communities, weakening them for an easier solution.
She has taken her contributions from Wall street and the 1%ers, who will be expecting their pound of flesh, so I am not worrying about about economic disruption during her term. The socialists that have her support are in for a rude awakening.
She has the best minds on her team, and they have been planning for over 25 years. The subversion of Liberal values has been complete for over a decade.
Our time is arriving Sup Forums and so is ours!

How does Sup Forums like my new tat?


Hated her then and still hate her now. But yeah I am voting Trump.

Clinton needs to be locked up for fuck sakes.

no, you have not always supported hillary. you are racists. if you're an american, you most likely support trump. you input on the american election means less than a squirt of dog piss

Fuck off, shill.
I'll never lose faith in the queen.

Guys cut her a break. She's on 2 hours of sleep because she has to appear infront of court all the time. I truely feel sorry for her. She's being harrassd by all these subpoenas. She's the most subpoenaed candidate in history! I really hope she can hold it together until Nov 8.
She's alright because she's alt-right!


it's like, she doesn't even realize how much this hurts. she can't empathize with me because she doesn't have the capacity, but I really wish she would just try. for once, try to understand that without our togetherness, we will all fall.

>tfw I was a Shill 4 Hill, now i'm a Grunt 4 Trump