>there are people who call Sup Forums or any other board their home
>meanwhile bluepilled boards outnumber redpilled ones 64 to 4
Sup Forums is like 99% degenerate, identifying with this regressive website is embarassing, you can only identify with separate boards
There are people who call Sup Forums or any other board their home
Other urls found in this thread:
>r9k redpilled
Those guys are faggots
Most of the Interests/Creative boards are 10 times less degenerate than this shithole.
/x/ and Sup Forums stand with Sup Forums
Aren't /k/ and Sup Forums supposed to be Sup Forums's greatest allies?
should we go force our redpilled views to all of them? where do we start?
>Sup Forums
>not redpilled
Who here can guess which board OP frequents the most?
is /k/ not redpilled? one would think they are
i'd say r9k is purple pilled
depending who you talk to you can get some insight into women's behavior that MSM would not dare let you find out
but yes a lot of them are autistic faggots, when i have a bad day i go browse r9k to feel better about myself in comparison. works everytime
>/r9k/ redpilled
>not /k/
Fuck off to your depressing containment board r9k faggot.
Christ, even tame boards like /o/ and /an/ are right-wing/redpilled
Sup Forums is the most leftist board
>Sup Forums is the most leftist board
Absolutely. Sup Forums celebrates nigger culture and anti-intellectualism.
WHO /esspee/ HERE?
Most boards on here are right wing, but that doesn't really mean redpilled. They'll still tell you to go back to Sup Forums if you mention any coincidences.
Also, Harambe is a normie meme now.
Hating chad while not trying to become chad or working on self improvement is pretty bluepilled tbhfam
/lgbt/ is red pilled mostly
>Sup Forums
No they fucking don't. All consumerist whores. Fuck neo-Sup Forums.
Sp is degeneracy, the only quality the board has are flags, but int does the thing better
I'm sorry, but trying to become Chad is literal bluepill
t. huge faggot
>not being a bunch of betas who blame women for their own problems of being unattractive autists
its /spee/ fag
>Sup Forums
>red pilled
[s4s] should be on there, they know something
/r9k/ and Sup Forums have the same userbase
fucking normalfags. /r9k/ is based, Sup Forums has always been an anti-woman board.
It's good for a quick laugh at least
In what way are they not?
r9k is redpilled you idiots
The only problem is there are a lot of redditors there who tell you to go back to Sup Forums when you express a right wing opinion.
Sup Forums is definitely the most leftist board, but I think it's because it's the most non-white board. I get the impression that a majority of Sup Forumstants are simply black or some other form of subhuman.
no we fucking don't. we enlisted those retards to help. that's it. Sup Forums did what they never could do and that is take their fucking frog away from the normalfags. Sup Forums also hasn't been anti woman, they have been pro gender role. the Sup Forumsirgins are the ones who started coming here when they were shitting up the board with their gamer gate garbage. get that shit off of Sup Forums
>robots red
>/k/ blue
The only faggot that complains about Sup Forums on /k/ is some very vocal retard from /leftypol/.
I would guess around 50-60% of the board share our beliefs on niggers and kikes, around maybe 10-15% are liberal retards who usually get shot down hard.
You misspelled /k/ mofo
We do more than you think.
Sup Forums is anti-nsa and all about freedom of information
Sup Forums is anti-nsa and all about the freedom of information
Robots are redpilled, it's just that nowadays the userbase is 75% redditors who come to spam REEEEEE NORMIE
[s4s] is arguably the only true redpilled board on the site, in the sense that they've transcended ideology and have come to an almost spiritual peace and inner liberation. They're not even on the political spectrum, they're beyond it. Not in the "lel i don't care about politics xD" way like Sup Forums, but in the ascetic crypto-monk kind of way.
Let's not forget that Kek, despite being associated with Sup Forums, was born on [s4s].
Sup Forums is left if anything
>implying Sup Forums isn't the most truly redpilled board
Because the goal they're trying to achieve is from degenerate ideology.
They're literally wasting years of their existence to get girls on tinder (please no bs on how it's for yourself).
btw gaining muscle mass doesn't make you healthier, it's the burning of fat that does. In the current reality where physical power is irrelevant the only way muscle mass is relevant is by attracting stupid girls.
>Manchildren who fap to Japanese cartoons
>Sup Forums isn't redpilled even though they mostly spout Sup Forums memes.
>applying politics to completely apolitical slow boards
some boards are neither redpilled nor bluepilled.
this desu. It's gone to shit. Full of trap and fembot threads
/k/ is redpilled, I wish I could say /tg/ was as well, but most of us are furfags
How is that a redeeming quality?
If we get a list with everything that's anti-nsa and all about freedom of information we'll probably get the cesspool of the internet
>/Britfeel/ used to be comfy
>We used to just talk about hassle at the job centre
>Now it's full of tripfags, faggots and other cancer
Trying to become Chad is redpilled, how can you be the savior of the white race it you're a fatty?
>bait threads are bad
The sole reason they exist are the redditor reee normie armies that respond to the obvious bait threads, pol is full of bait as well, I see nothing wrong with that
Whatever they do, they knew how to keep outsiders out and actively encouraged quality there.
I don't know if it's still like that but those are some lessons to apply in real life.
>Sup Forums fetishes race mixing with Asian women
>/r9k/ knows the consequences of such degeneracy
No shit.
I got banned for like a month for saying "make no mistake, we are not all equal", in response to some limp wristed faggot on /lit/. Literally stating a cold hard fact.
On /lit/ of all places. You think the mods would understand the importanc... oh wait
because they are complete shit and not in a fun way. most are underage too so they are worthless
Becoming Chad takes an insane amount of time
Also being healthy and being a Chad are different things, and fit is looking for the second one
omega's too busy crying about his lonely life to learn anything useful
>everyone on /fit/ is a Bodybuilder.
they are more right-wing than 99% of society
/K/ is redpilled
/r9k/ is black pilled, they aren't red.
Also, did /his/ do a complete 180? Did I miss something?
his is literally plebbit the board except even worse
tv mlp fit are redpilled
most robots are quite slim desu
>/ck/ is bluepilled
Yes yes good goy, keep buying our premade store meals.
holy shit are you unintelligent
I lift number 1 reason for fun. clearly you are dyel or you would understand
but its nice too to be fucking swole as furak and have everyone mire you wherever you go, women's eyes slowly traveling down and up your body
the only thing I agree with is that this sex and tindr culture is degenerate
/r9k/ are not sick cunts. I hate them.
Also /o/ is pretty based and don't give a shit
Sup Forums Sup Forums are redpilled
the problem is that redpill means two different things, while there is overlap.
r9k redpill is not pol redpill.
one primarily hates jews, the other primarily hates women.
robots live off neetbux, so they're fond of big government to give them their monthly rations.
>they are more right-wing than 99% of society
Rednecks and our grandparents that dislike gays because they are quote on quote disgusting and the bible says they're evil are as well
/his/ is incredibly left wing, what the fuck?
/s4s/ is well past post ironic memeing and they've reached a new zone that is still without a name.
>the other primarily hates women.
I don't understand how you can truly hate women. On Sup Forums we have discussions such as women should not have a right to vote but not because we hate them it's because they're easy to manipulate which is pretty natural. It's not necessarily a bad thing.
Allies of Sup Forums:
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Rest are C U C K S
Everyone has been overthinking [s4s] since forever. I'm almost positive that the main userbase there are actual autists. I'm not talking about the meme, but the actual mental illness.
Those people didn't find peace at other boards, but at [s4s] they feel like at home.
This is the only thing that explains why that board has regular users, normal people don't have the attention span to tolerate it.
It is a bad thing when you yourself admit that women are not equal yet we're supposed to treat them as not just equal but a protected class.
>physical power is irrelevant
Believe it or not a gun does in fact run out of bullets eventually. Also the ability to move heavy objects has many practical uses.
>One tiny aspect of agreement
>somehow redpilled
Please. Sup Forums is entirely shitposts now.
>desktop threads
>elitist arch users
>microsoft shills
>nvidia shills
>amd shills
>apple shills
>the linux sux1!!1!1! threads
>the "x" is shit threads
>the "nothing to hide" antiprivacy idiots
>FIZ MY PC G threads
>STALLMAN shitposts
The board is composed entirely of 11 year olds. I pity those who weren't able to enjoy what it once was.
>any board besides Sup Forums
autism: the thread
good list
Sup Forums is definitely a great board. Never been to /o/ but I imagine it's good
/fit/ is a bit cringeworthy though
Sup Forums is the equivalent of an Ivy League gender studies professor
But really, a large amount of the most intelligent men to have ever lived all shared somewhat negative views on women. But hey, what do they know? It's not like they've spent their entire lives dedicated to people and the human condition N shit.
Gonna have to agree with you here, always been of the opinion that s4s is where the legitimately mentally handicapped who find their way onto Sup Forums make their home.
What's that run out of bullets you're talking about?
Civilians aren't allowed to hold a gun over here.
Might explain why we don't have homicide and violence on the streets.
>Becoming Chad takes an insane amount of time
It's actually a rather small amount of time you're investing if you're comparing it to all other activities you engage in throughout the week.
>/fit/ isn't red pilled
>/Out/ isn't redpilled
>Sup Forums isn't redpilled
>/x/ isn't redpilled
Pls go op
Wtf I hate the redpill now
>btw gaining muscle mass doesn't make you healthier, it's the burning of fat that does
You're a fucking idiot. A certain amount of fat is healthy. Cardio is the main contributer to actively promoting your health. You'd know this if you went on /fit/
/x/ isn't too bad either
/x/ is on your side
Sup Forums is anti censorship tho. They sided with us on gamergate as well.
I'd say they're red pilled.
>hardcore not being redpilled
>int & r9k being redpilled
nigger pls
Well then it would seem like you should hold physical strength in even higher regard because it's literally all you have.
On my phone and I can't for the life of me remember which irrelevant 3rd world country your flag is, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say America is a nicer place to live.
It's a poor argument
>gee, the subscription fee for "worthless shit" is only 50 bucks a month! You spend more money on useless shit for sure!
Every investment should be questioned, I won't buy a 1$ game on steam even if I pirated it and liked it a lot since it would go to a waste and the devs and gabe need money less than I do.
In the end all the small time/money investments add up
All the cool people went to the other chan once the tripfags shit it up
>/mlp/ isn't on the redpill list
Newfags get out
>red pilled
>trusting women
Would be great if Sup Forums shit stayed at Sup Forums like it was intended, and all cancer didn't spew to the rest of Sup Forums.
oy vey
Armenia, I honestly never felt threatened in my life ever. America might be a nicer place to earn money but I never think about a nigger assaulting me on the streets as a possibility
>newfag thinks this thread can be baited so easily
Newfags remain newfags even if they're two levels deep
>not because we hate them
Speak for yourself fampai
>/his/ is redpilled
They're a bunch of communist and Muslim apologists
Yea I've never been assaulted by a nigger, they pretty much solely assault each other. America is actually very segregated, I live in the suburbs with all the other white people, we keep the niggers in the city with all the other niggers.
Sup Forums greatest ally is /k/. /fit/ is second best.
Other boards are equally shit.
>/mlp/ not redbilled
>Sup Forums not rebilled