CNN contributor David Brock here. Can you tell me in your own words what about this site appeals you...

CNN contributor David Brock here. Can you tell me in your own words what about this site appeals you, and what you spend most time discussing? Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

We love hillary

this picture sums it up nicely

we're also anti-semites gas the kikes race war now

Proof, or get out (something your audience will never say).

Its anti-globalist. Its not CNN. Its fapolicious


We love Hillary. Stealthily keeps the niggers down through poor neighborhoods and lack of education. An anti-black genius.



I come hear to spread the good word of Hillary and her wonderful husband

photo of your credentials, then we'll talk

We like hillary because she will kill all non whites

>1 post by this ID


Could you please post proof, that being a picture of yourself and a piece of paper with the time written on it. Until then we cannot know if it is really you, I hope you understand. Thank you.

The gassing of kikes, and the warring of races.

nigger hate appeals to me the most

Now you always have been. If CNN wants proof of the real Sup Forums check the archives.

OP is a faggot.

Hillary just saved the white race.


>CNN contributor David Brock here.
Prove it with a timestamped image showing your face and CNN credentials.

I need a time stamped photo.

We love Hillary. But Trump's People have been raiding.
Raiding is when Trump buys people to post for him. Because he is corrupt.
Trump buys out the Media.

We love Hillary

Also post proof or gtfo

That picture is basically us (for the most part).

We're big Hillary supporters here at/pol.

I come here because I can say whatever I want. Doesn't mean I want to kill niggers. Also go back to sucking Clinton's trap cock we all know she has.

Well Sup Forums is a board of peace, there are a few people here that give us a bad image though. Some of us on Sup Forums condemn the hateful actions others commit, we fully support gay/trans/people of color.
Thank you, and praise kek
(Peace be upon him)

David would you pull out your dick for harambe please.

I come here to support Israel, and God's chosen, the Jews.

Don't forget abortion. We love our Sang aka Margaret Sanger.


>no timestamp

Pic related is why OP will never understand this site.

It doesn't matter what we say, you're just going to pick whatever is the furthest polarized opinion.

Besides, this is likely just role playing.

I spend most of my time praising Hillary for her work perpetuating black poverty for the foreseeable future. She really hates niggers just like us

>This she's red-pilled af, and she'll bring them to heel. Fuck that clown Trump

we love hillary and we love killing niggers.
heil hillary.


mostly transsexuals and masturbation




>1 post by this ID


[You need to be verified to see this comment]

We're here to share our common love of cats.

We discuss about how Hillary is the perfect candidate to fulfill our agenda.

not having to deal with you cunts

we are a board of peace. we are tolerant of the free exchange of ideas. individuals who participate in this free market are solely responsible for the ideologies they internalize. welcome.

You will get nothing from us until you post a photo of your sharpie in Cooper's Pooper.
Don't forget the timestamp.

I'm here to support Hillary and conquest over putin and Assad.


We hate niggers and the democrats are the best way to achieve that. They are already calling for the re-institution of segregation on college campuses. Hillary is the candidate who can do that.

I come here for the memes

pic does a pretty good summary.

Cooper would not object, he would probably insist on the biggest one in the office

post by this ID

1. Hillary wants to kill black kids
2. Hillary wants to bomb muslims in the Middle East
3. Hillary wants white americans living near minorities so they become aware of the differences between the two groups, leading people to self-segregate.
4. Hillary is fiscally conservative next to Trump.

For these reasons, I would vot for her if I were American. #ImWithHer.

Nigger nigger nigger jew fucking nigger nigger

Israeli-Palestinian relations. Uhh, humanitarian specifically.

Mostly this

Judy Hopps :3


And lo he rent the sky in two and a black death descended upon the nations of mankind smothering the children of its labour and the fruit of its life leaving only the embers of civilisation in its putrid wake and as the sky closed the death spread across the earth lustful for the chaos it wrought and the priests and prophets lost faith and begged to the sky and the sky did not answer them for it too had been silenced by the End.

Niggers, nigger colored bowel movements, and Niggeria.
Mostly memes if I'm being honest.

We enjoy the free and open discussion in a platform in which we don't need to worry of repercussions if we mess up on an argument and make an ass of ourselves or if we espouse views which may be publicly shamed. We are anonymous and so we are whatever we want to be. This allows us to shed ourselves of societal pressures in our decision making and rely upon hard facts and statistics to make genuinely informed decisions, even if that means someone end up supporting holocaust denial, genocide, or something to that effect. You can say whatever you want, you'll just get called a stupid faggot by another stupid faggot whenever you're being a dumb nigger about things.
So, that's why we've ended up hillary supporters, we recognize the threat blacks pose to society and we know she'll continue the genocide of blacks via abortion, work to keep them in slums with welfare, and incarcerate the rest.

My privilege.

One good thing about today is no shart in Mart threads.


We love to talk about how Hillary Clinton wants to murder the blacks and deport the mexicans.

>1 Post by this ID

It's where I get all the most spicy content to promote the Hilldawg to my fellow white nationalists. Together we can defeat nigger loving trump and secure a future for the white race. #Imwithher

This is a website about anime, pls leave if you can't at least read kana


These Trump trolls invaded late last year.
pol is a board of peace and these trolls are destroying us.

kek, jokes on you shitlords. I don't work for CNN just testing you faggots to make sure the narrative was set. You passed

Also check em


>1 post by this ID

Hi David,

Can you explain why your network has consistently declining viewership? Do you think it's related to the proven link between your organisation and the Hillary For America campaign (re:leaked emails), and the fact that Americans disapprove of government sponsored propaganda?


Sup Forums is a board of peace.

We actually hate drumpf, it just all false flags to make him look bad.

Hillary 2016!

it helps me distribute stress by berating people over the internet, faggot


tits or gtfo

I come here to discuss Hillary's platform and network with European and Slavic White Nationalists.


this, she is the savior of the white race

oh thank u

the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" really was meant for this image.

i literally saw these cuckolds talking about the 'dangerous alt-right movement' last night when i was visiting my sis and her boyfriend

it's not even a meme, they're fucking retarded

Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance.


Nazi ponies . There is a big fandom for themvhere.

>cnn contributor
KYS faggot

She will take away guns, making it easier for our white majority gun owners to kill the niggers. Also, fewer blacks because of loose abortion laws. Hillary honestly > Trump for white supremacists.

Because I can say what I want here and poisonous kikes and their despicable traitorous goy servants like everyone that works at CNN can't stop me.

I love puppies, and I've learned Trump is a puppyist. His Trump Tower doesn't allow them, his golf courses don't allow them and he's a mean man. He even hits puppies. I'm with her.

I want to fuck that bunny



I for one appreciate all the nigger hate and the opportunity to converse with fellow supporters of the next President of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton

We're discussing penises, want to join?

op didnt deliver


We talk about politics and history mostly. As an alt right board people assume that we are pro-Trump but in reality Trumps history and recent pivot has shown he has been very weak and friendly towards minority communities and not tough enough on subhuman/more violent peoples.

As a board that identifies with the white race, we are Pro-Hillary. She is pro abortion which keeps down the negro race, for keeping them in poverty, pro war and nation building which we are as well, and she has talked in the past about "super predators" meaning thugs and negros, as well as being on friendly terms with ex-KKK member Robert Byrd. So we're all sort of peas in a pod in that sense. Her husband Bill also worked on welfare reform, making negros work more, or something to that effect, so we like him as well.