Just finished reading CNN's ready-made Clinton alt-right speech article...

Just finished reading CNN's ready-made Clinton alt-right speech article. Once again it struck me that (((they))) are consistently trying to paint all of us as some kind of woman haters. Why are (((they))) so desperate to prevent women from joining us?

Who are (((these people))) you speak of Finnanon

Like all this time I have never once seen anyone here deride Hillary just for being a woman. Yet lookie here:
>As both a political actor and individual -- as a woman -- Clinton neatly encompasses nearly all of the alt-right's most prevalent hobgoblins.
>and the fact that Clinton, now aspiring to the most powerful elected office, is a woman.

They repeat something like that almost in every paragraph. She is evil murdering witch with serious health problems and mysterious millions on foundation account plus batshit insane foreign policy record. Nobody gives a fuck that she has a vagina.

Because they are over half the vote. Seriously, there are always more women than men in a society. The reason (((they))) are panicking is because if The God Emperor gets in he'll let loose the hammer of justice on the (((banking and financial industry))) and we'll get what amounts to annudah Shoah.

It's the same thing with McCarthy. (((Roy Cohn))) probably didn't really notice it in his ideological fervor, but almost all the commies he was outing and persecuting were of the (((tribe))). The Kikes just don't know when to give up already.

If there was any myths that I could actually dispel about this board, they would be that we are actually rayciss or sexist

What I don't understand is that they try to say that we hate women. How can I hate women if all I want is a pure wife? It's not fair!

Suddenly I'm a woman hater because I don't eant a slut for a partner?

there are some woman-haters on this board to be fair

If they didn't do it we would do it ourselves cause we do dislike women LOL

Proofs. Like, how can you "hate" women? Do you hate the CONCEPT of a woman, or what?

Like, it's alright if you dislike thr idea of being in a relationship but that's less hating women and more just not wanting to associate with them. I don't understand.

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>File: 1456810143772.jpg (26 KB, 283x314)
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>Anonymous (ID: dXlJ3ZBq) 08/25/16(Thu)17:05:46 No.86590335▶
> Just finished reading CNN's ready-made Clinton alt-right speech article. Once again it struck me that (((they))) are consistently trying to paint all of us as some kind of woman haters. Why are (((they))) so desperate to prevent women from joining us?
>Anonymous (ID: mBVU8C5C) 08/25/16(Thu)17:07:22 No.86590562▶
>File: Jews_7.gif (323 KB, 500x375)
>323 KB
> (OP)
> Who are (((these people))) you speak of Finnanon
>Anonymous (ID: dXlJ3ZBq) 08/25/16(Thu)17:10:19 No.86590919▶
>File: 1468631257058.jpg (27 KB, 200x228)
>27 KB
> Like all this time I have never once seen anyone here deride Hillary just for being a woman. Yet lookie here:
> >As both a political actor and individual -- as a woman -- Clinton neatly encompasses nearly all of the alt-right's most prevalent hobgoblins.
it's a divide and conquer tactic