CNN Sup Forums Q & A

Greetings Sup Forums,

I'm Don Lemon, the current host of CNN Tonight. We are planning on running a special about the 'alternative right' later this week, and would like to ask you a few questions.

Who is the owner of this message board and would he or she be available to interview via Skype tonight?

Prove that you are Don Lemon, have a picture with your thumb on your forehead.

We FULLY support Hillary, you guys got it wrong. She stealthily keeps niggers down through welfare, poor education, and depraved neighborhoods.



what do you think of Canada's flag?

We are going to need a picture of your gaping asshole to confirm your identity. Not gay btw.

>I'm Don Lemon
We are all anonymous here. You're not Don Lemon. You are NOBODY. And even if you were Don Lemon, you'd still be a nobody. CNN only hired him so they could show their true racist colors through their pet, light-skinned African mouthpiece.


Greeings Don Lemon,

May your mother get eviscerated by Islamist freedom fighters and may you be castrated for selling out your fellow Americans. sage

I think Moot from Facebook owns this site.

Gas the kikes

Vote Hillary 2016. Continue what Obama started!!!

Prove it lemon head

Fuck Niggers! Heil Hillary!

We aren't talking about that.

I've seen a lot of faggots in my time, but you sir take the cake. Er cock I should say.

Everyone is pretending to be Hillary supporters today because they want people to think her supporters are racist



>Who is the owner of this message board and would he or she be available to interview via Skype tonight?

I'm the owner, big guy. Email me so we can cut the chatter and not bring any friends, don't talk on here. [email protected]

prove you are don lemon by posting a time stamp.
or this
preferably this

Her supporters ARE racist, they're just too dumb to realize it.
Also let's get a picture of the glistening gigantic schlong of yours, lemonboy.

Go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go fuck yourself faggot go

>1 post by this ID

We are a board that likes hillary because she will kill all minorities but whatever you are a pussy that wont put this onto your shown to avoid the knolegde of the white supremacy of hillary.You cant hide the facts

We fully support Hillary Clinton for her abortion policies. Abortions keep the nigger population in check.

So you work at the Clinton News Network, do you? You really did some poor research before coming here asking that questions.

But I guess a "journalist" today only reads copy/pasted material from Reuters, AP, AFP etc...

Please go back to your job informing the normies on what the elites want your people to hear.

There where times the when there where real journalists, a time when your information took down presidents and where proud to do there job, now you only care about the fame, not the power you really have and not use.

Just set yo ass down lemony boy!

Fuck off poser. Everyone knows Jon lime is the man in the picture and CNN host.

fuck up, nigga.

I would fight Don Lemon in real life, coon ass nigga uncle tom mothafucka

Hey, Don.

Why are you such a cuck?

Lou Dobbs

>1 post by this id

I laughed

How might CNN contact Mr. Moot? We are primarily interested in learning about what led to the creation of fringe sites such as Sup Forums and reddit.

This board is owned and operated by Correct The Record, please forward all questions to [email protected]

Want to prep the bull

Prove it.

Hey there Don, just a daily reminder, black lives don't matter :D

Just spam MOOOOOOT in this thread and he will appear

Timestamp with sharpie in pooper

Yea Moot only uses this board to communicate with the outside world. So you will just have to stick around and wait for him to show up.