Thoughts on Communism?
Thoughts on Communism?
not a big fan of it
The various attempts have been interesting, but not because of communism.
communism makes everyone a fucking peasant. i'd rather stick to the middle class.
dead Russians, dead Chinese, dead Germans, dead Poles, dead Hungarians, dead Czechs, dead Slovenes, dead assorted Baltic peoples. Sorry if I missed anyone.
100 million people will never answer that question.
I political ideology that neglects to take human nature into account and can only end in death and dissolution.
typical jewry product
like with any good idea, they would grab it as soon as it appears in the thought market, cripple it, bundle it and sell it with vicious marketing
bundling ideas into controlled ideologies is a way to assure you can't for instance criticize capitalism without being communist, can't criticize jewry without being neonazi etc
communism itself was created to dissolve russia which is one of the main long term jewry goals
also, bundling made any thought experiments about equality compromised for next several hundred years
Jews love it, I hate it. Hail victory.
It's the way to go, and ignore the brainwashed "100 million" sheep. They literally believe that half of the USSR population died, and yet they managed to become the 2. greatest industrial power, from lagging 50-100 years behind on most areas of industry and tech.
Pointless and impossible. Let's focus on socialism.
Workers aren't liberated until communism happens. At the mean time, genocide, and famine are a means to it. Basically starve and die until utopia. Communism is anti worker.
Sup Forums has always had a very strong communist contingent.
Anyone have thoughts on how the Syrian war will effect Rojava?
Plenty of communists hate the likes of Mao and Stalin
I don't see it lasting very long sadly. Although it is the best attempt at socialism in decades.
It's pretty neat, that is for sure. Why don't you see it lasting?
I really wish I had been born earlier so I could've killed reds
The ideal ethos of a communist society is that of work
The ideal ethos of a capitalist society is that of wealth
Many people will say that communism deincentivises workers leading to incompetence corruption and stagnation
The inherent wealth disparities in capitalist societies produce similar results which necessitates expanding welfare states and prison industrial complexes to maintain order.
In practice communism failed because idealism is not the case. However capitalism fails in the exact same ways only by different means and with different attempts at resolution.
My opinion on communism is that it was an attempt to introduce the precepts of industrial technology into the social sphere with the obvious naievete that such an attempt requires. The human condition was thought to be made obsolete by technology.
Essentially all modern society is the project of creating both social and technologies to emiliorate the various problems of the human condition.
This is proving to be a rather vicious circle. Only a fool is taken in by ideology.
Sorry for all the misspellings and half ass sentences.
I was born in USSR and lived most of my life in a socialist ex-USSR country. I can assure you it's shit
communism is the best way to stop mass non white immigration
Surrounded by enemies. No way will Turkey, Assad or Iran let the Kurds establish an independent state.