Do you agree with her, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Church is supposed to be comfy? Church is gay as fuck.
that's a man, baby
The balls on this woman.
the fuck is kia?
>alt-right is a hate group
so what are SJW then?
Who cares, >she isn't relevant anyway
no i don't agree with him.
i hate people who act like morons and cry when you say or type something
grown some skin faggots
goobergate subleddit kotakuinaction
> her
kotaku in action
Did this man just call kotaku in action a hate group because they think her games suck?
Klan In Action, it's our other board that you can access with Sup Forums Pass.
Yeah my chair is way more comfortable than a pew.
HA! I'm over 40. Eat shit, Brian.
pol is our church. pepe is jesus. kek is the true god.
Never even heard of KiA.
Also, Sup Forums is a Christian board. This guy is retarded.
I can't shake the feeling that painting any and all opposition to the elite political establishment as inherently racist - going so far as to link the concept of "conspiracy theories" exclusively to the extremist right wing - is a prelude for bad shit to come though.
I also can't shake the feeling that Hillary is just a palette swap of the same ruling class that's been in control of America for the last several decades, and that their goal is still nerfing the first amendment. Just control+F any Bush speech about us needing to sacrifice civil liberties for safety from Muslims and replace all instances of "Muslim" with "racist" and it ends up being the exact same argument.
(bogeyman) exists and is out to get you. So we need to shut it down to keep us safe from (bogeyman). Don't ask questions or you're just as bad as (bogeyman) themselves, and possibly even a (bogeyman) sympathizer.
>implying this whore goes to Church either
She's a fucking sub par slut
Kek at Brianna Wu trying to be relevant again.
>not going to church
fucking degenerate
It's a notoriously racist car company owned by the based South-Koreans. You must be new here, everyone knows Hillary takes donations from kia and drives a kia with a boot full of aborted nigggers to fuel her immortality.
my dad still makes my go to church though because I am a 20 year old who lives at home
lmao, didn't even notice
as if that degenerate has even set foot in a church
Did xhe just assume my fucking gender?! Holy shit, why are normies so insensitive and bigoted Sup Forums?
I mean they are better than Hyundais but I'm more of a Subaru guy desu senpai
>GG is still real in my mind. Pls respond.
But I'm an angry white tranny...
quite a waste of ammo tbqh
He's out of control
This. And coming from a small town, churches are where somebody the most shady business partnerships get formed.
>oh, you're a baptist too, let me fuck your wife and I'll make you a millionaire
>Any church """"she""""" would approve of
>Red hair
>Speaking nonsense.
Sounds about right
> [You must purchase a Sup Forums ALT-RIGHT pass to view this post]
Why does he have a Chinese last name? Don't tell me this mentally ill fag is actually married.
*Dyed red hair
It feels bad enough being a mutant, at least dont group me together with """"her"""" bullshit chemicals
Kek if that's real.
LOL she is SJW with pink hair, lynch her
It speaks. Dear god...
All of these precisely describe your standard shitlib or SJW.
Brianna Wuz chinese and shiiiiet.
>church goes into degenerate proggresive mode and loses most of it's support
>tumblr sjws now go "wtf I love church now."
The key diffrence is that the SJW arent as funny, other wise they are pretty much the same thing just on diffrent sides
It's like he's describing himself.
Patrician taste user
I am glad to be fighting along side you this day
>talking about church when you're a fucking transgender faggot
i'm triggered
Killed in action?
>a 40 year old white male who was born to multimillionaire parents in a privileged part of Mississippi who attended college for 10 years and opened a $200,000 failed animation studio, then cut his pee pee off still finds something to complain about
It's tough being John Walker Flynt. Smdh.
who is this simon dimon?
>it's a 40 year old 6'4 white male pretends to be a woman online episode
What did he mean by this?
Google "John Walker Flynt"
Alt-male desu
Is he okay?
what is KiA
Why isn't the image showing?
>being an unfuckable tranny
Like, whats the point then
Killed in Action
>Describe themselves as victims
Okay, so, if somewhere on that list there was a bullet point that showed a total lack of self awareness, I'd assume she just didn't read the list.
But it's LITERALLY the first one.
>red hair
Well everything she said was true so I guess.
They just aren't used to white males standing up against their cultural marxism.
Why do people create this stuff? Can't you not see she's being harassed!??!!??!!!?! She's constantly in court and it's harassment. That's why she's tired all the time is because she has so many court dates. It's stressful, give her a break.
Who is John Flynt?
What is KiA
Wtf? I hate Kia now!
>under 40
I thought we were all over 40 and basement dwellers.
Also, Literally Who?
Alt right really loves Korean engineering
I think this was an elaborate car ad.
Gotta wait for the email, friend. Sup Forums's mods will be pulling your info up, it can take up to 30 mins
>implying gingers aren't the master race
Not who, wu.
Ironically, that description describes her just as well.
>being so white male that you _______
also, """"""""""""""""""""""her""""""""""""""""""""""
0/10 faggot.
Is he alright?
>Do you agree with her, Sup Forums?
Caring what the mentally ill think
2016 is the year... just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware of that fact
Wu doesn't want to admit that more and more young men are feeling totally disaffected and voiceless is modern society. She doesn't want to admit that for the first time in decades, young people are turning to the right.
So she says "men under 40" to subtly imply that the alt-right is full of failed men approaching 40. I'm in my twenties, but I have nothing against men in their thirties, forties, and beyond. And I have nothing against men who are struggling in life, looking for work and looking for a purpose. I'm merely stating an observation on the words Wu chose here.
On a side note, journalists are REALLY hyping up the alt-right. In their attempts to demonize it, they're ultimately making it seem like a mythical, mysterious, powerful club that tech-savy young people join if they want to overthrow the system.
Thanks, guys.