Wow this site was just linked on facebook. Are you virgin wierdos really this racist. Also all this trump support wtf

Wow this site was just linked on facebook. Are you virgin wierdos really this racist. Also all this trump support wtf.

Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks have lower IQs and commit more crime.

Stay mad, cuck.

Trump? We support Hillary here. Trump has completely cucked on immigration since the beginning of the year. Hillary's policy is much more effective because it is accepted by normies whilst leading them to realize the truth and self-segregate.

Wtf I'm now a #cruzmissile

I support Hillary, only she can prevent white genocide. If you vote Trump you are a traitor to the white race.

And you dont have sex. Shame to see racist creeps over in europe too

wtf ur rite
wtf i hate racists now

Trump is a nigger lover with a kike daughter

Not an argument

can't tell if troll or just a normalfag


You came to the wrong place kiddo.

This is a hillary board


She will keep niggers and spics poor for years to come, trump actually wants to help those subhumans by giving them jobs and education


Is she alright?

this. Hillary is the real nigger killer. Hillary for Chief nigger Remover 2016!

This thread needs links.

Links to EVIDENCE.

>tfw predicted ironic shitposting like this as soon as hillary announced the speech
>tfw noone puts effort into shitposting anymore and just goes for the most predictable, easy shit

trolling truly is a art

You realize more browns still contributes to white genocide? Sure she may have the blacks in check but there are other colors that will muddy the waters.

Heil hillary

Are you crazy? Half this board supports Hillary, although after endorsing the Bushes she might take a beating around here. She's now a #YebHead.

Sup Forums is an international board of peace where people from all countries and of all races discourse in civil and rational discourse about politics, news, and related events.

Trump supporters are just a small portion of our board. We tolerate all opinions and political viewpoints. More importantly, contrary to popular belief, we don't judge people by their skin color and nationality. It's mostly just friendly banter.

Welcome to pol, my friend. :^)



Is this a new topic for the shills to do? I've been seeing this fucking everywhere today. You aren't convincing anyone to vote Hillary, just give up

>b-b-ut all his friends are peacfull

Why do people create this stuff? Can't you not see she's being harassed!??!??!!!?! She's constantly in court and it's harassment. That's why she's tired all the time is because she has so many court dates. It's stressful, give her a break.

>Sup Forums links to facebook
>it's like Sup Forums isn't blocked from sharing on facebook and hasn't been for years now

Made copy past a link onto normie book, go ahead, that shit filters pretty quickly if it's a normal link to one of the boards/threads. That or Jewbook is fucking with me on a personal level in private conversations between me and my buddy.

She's Alt-Right.

I'm with h>er because she puts the super predators in prison.


Hillary is our queen



Sup Forums is a board of peace

Media thinks trump is linked to this racist frog meme website. When us nigger haters have always been behind hillary. think about it

>And you dont have sex
How will Sup Forums ever recover?! this refutes everything!!!

bjgsehjj sddee4eouiasd delete thsi rigyt noqwbd

>sex outside of wedlock

We dont support Trump. Hillary wants to allow abortion and keep blacks from taking over. SIEG HEILLARY

>implyig normies understand how to post on Sup Forums

the layout is confusing on purpose, quit false flagging, retards.

How do you tell the difference between new people and just 4channers pretending to be new?

You fool. You now find this chess game we are playing actually has one extra dimension.

funny leaf

ahahahahhaha welcome to our world BITCH!

Excuse me? We support Hillary here.

Hillary is going to bring those niggers to heel! Fuck yeah I'm with her!


Ah, thanks for clearing this up

I just want to see more dead Muslims. That's why Hillary should be elected.

I checked the image and it is the very first result on google...


>virgin wierdos
that a perfect summary of Sup Forums
little boys who will never get laid because women don't like wierdos with AD who spend their life sucking at their videogame career, fapping to kid porn and hating the entite world

Your a cuck, why are you on here, no virgin and not racist, I just want america to be great faggot nigger slut whore bitch asshole


They need to have this trip code

She needs to see a doctor. I don't know much about medicine, but she don't look healthy

>virgin weirdos

Let's see who's laughing when I'm a wizard