No one can take this from us.

We won today and history will remember.


Other urls found in this thread:


I've identified the madman, now we can all praise him as a prophet of Kek.

what the fuck you already finding him, this site is full of hackers like google says

Could have yelled something else like "put her in jail", instead you frog post IRL. Fucking sad.

anyone got video of this happening

it's literally in op's post you faggot, go back to mart

Is OP ok or did he get gulag'd?

More like autists.


Yeah, should have yelled "Deus Vult, Pepe"

saved, btw


Holy shit

fkn saved.


This is the guy that yelled Pepe, never forget

Surely Kek will bless us with a true happening.

I hope the prophet will do AMA. praise KEK!

25th of August (8th month) '16

2 = B
5 = E

8 = H

1 = A
6 = F

Be H(itler) a(s) f(uck)

It's pure pepe pottery.


How could any real, hard working American vote for her....Trump IS'NT going to make America great again. What every blue collar American has to do, is pull every dollar out of the bank and pay for everything in CASH. Start organizing your state militias. This movement has legs...

Based Hugh

You beautiful bastard.

Is that Ted Cruz?

Did he lose another bet to Trump?

Oh goodness

>guy yells a word
>Sup Forums creams it's pants

In the old days we used to celebrate accomplishments such as conquering a region or vanquishing a great foe. What a bunch of fags you are.



but what happened to the guy? is he safe? was he dragged out? what happened? we need the rest of the story.

He was utterly ignored because he didn't do anything at all. Is this what impresses you? Are you all such shrivelled dick weaklings that tepid heckling is the greatest act of bravery you can imagine?

people shouting at rallies all the time

In the old days we were conscripted against our will to fight people of our own race, so that our people can disappear forever.

That's what I call weakness.

Nice retarded hyperbole.

No faggot...

He screamed "PEPE" right after Hillary said "Alt-right" and that sound bite will be played for ever and ever spreading the name of PEPE far and wide.

It signifies the absolute penetration of KEK and meme magic into ever facet Of life

>looked at 2 pictures

Lol listen to her "educating" her followers. She's a cult leader using the idea of racism as a weapon

Check my ID

Yes. Yeeessss... I can feel it. I feel it in the primordial chaos of the universe, in my very VEINS!

He grows STRONG! Kek wills it. His aspect, Pepe, will deliver us. I see it, already. The memes have given us a saviour, my Brothers!

What does she say?
"Anti women..all (???) all making up"

There aren't 25 months, faggot.

You're right, next time someone will shout POO POO PANTS and like magic America will become a white supremacist utopia!

Aight niggers.

Just here to say what KEK told me last night during a dream:

"We will prevail"

He should've screamed PRAISE KEK not "pepe", what the fuck

>All key tenants making up
there you go italybro

>mfw I saw it happen live

aaand off by one :^)

I'm not blessed at all

Only if we meme is hard enough. You clearly know little of sorcery. Go to /x/ and have them lecture you on the fundamentals of chaos magic.


Nice. When I watched the stream I thought he said something else.

234 is sort of a get


What the fuck is a key tenant? How many people in that room understood that thing? Maybe a dozen, comprehending her staff, or is it a normal noun in English?

Today, we made our own dubs.


teh haxxor 2chin


A tenant is someone who lives on some property. A tenet is an idea of an ideology, which is the word she used. It's not a particularly uncommon word.

Doctrines, beliefs. A 'key tenant' of Christianity is a belief in the resurrection of Christ, for example.

This is the best present ever.

Thank you, Sup Forums. I love you absolute madmen.

Meh, it would be much better if it was a 1234

>Two people from engish speaking countries mistaking "tenet" for "tenant."

What is happening to her Sup Forums?




what is that

yeah but he shouted out the secret name of the secret mascot of the big bad evil alt-right

Fresh hot pizza

Interested in this developoopment

"dont tase me bro" guy was tased for less

>audio out of sync
>can barely hear the shouter

Try again.

They just need to walk away.

And today I read about religious terminology on Sup Forums

Thanks guys

So a "ket tenet"/"key tenant" is synonimous for "dogma"?

no, he was asking a question at a microphone.

I hope it is shopped, otherwise the poor thing has horrible face proportions.

He got escorted out. His twitter name is SeanLewandowski

Volume control or you're going death or you're just being an enormous faggot.


pepe shouting @ 29:08

>Sup Forums?

me likey



I had a right good chuckle at that m8, cheers

>What the fuck is a key tenant?

Yeah, fuckin yale law grad saying "key tenant"?


She said "tenant"

But then it wouldn't have been a memetic win ;)



Yes, they do

So did Hillary basically just call the alt-right racist like everyone calls the right?


What is happening to her Sup Forums :^)?

You're trapped here forever now


This system makes much more sense tho
Please adapt it amerifats

nothing, she's always been ugly

Someone attempted to kill Merkel
Germany might get fucked hard

feels guy?

Curiosity, mostly. It's harmless.

If he can't get Trump's delegates, he'll get Hillary's.

Peeey peeeeeey

That was next to braveheart for the best freedom call


Imagine teaching 21st century history in the all-white classrooms of 2116, post-RaHoWa.

Imagine explaining the frog meme that derailed the corrupt presidential campaign of perhaps the most dangerous person in American history, the woman who had the choice of standing for or against the ethnic dispossession of her own people, no less, and stood for it, alongside the banks and the Lügenpresse and the whole damn Cathedral.

Imagine explaining why some guy yelled 'PEPE!' in response to Hillary Clinton saying 'alt right,' and why it matters.

These are strange times lads.

She's bulking

All of his father's testosterone