Other urls found in this thread:
What film is this?
holy shit DC is finished
Why was Doomfist in Justice League?
That's Jax, nigga.
looks better than the movie version of cyborg
>The absolute state of DCucks
Japs have a superior Cyborg
Is this memes or real?
Holy shit, the MCUck is mad because I exposed him as a nigger
it's real
Company wars are stupid because both Marvel and DC are equally shit
>samefagging DCuck
you know these posts are bannable right?
>trying this hard to hide the shitty choregraphy
At least Iron fist didn't make you dizzy from watching a single fight scene
My favorite part of this is how it angers MCUcks with excuses how its a "workprint"
this one is unfinished though
You cannot make this shit up
It's still horribly designed and still would look laughable as fuck if it made it in
Not MCU. Literally not even developed by the same company.
This was better
Cape crash when.
If that's not MCU then neither is Daredevil.
Proving that Marvel is pure kiddie shit
WW's boobs look shoppe'd
These irony levels are just too high
This zoom angers my animal spirit
uh this one worked out just fine and looked horrible at first thanks.
>jungle music starts playing
Holy shit how pathetic can you be?
What was the irony in my statement?
>That cyborg actually looks better than the movie version
can you point out what is so bad about this cyborg?
It's always the same one or two guys
This scene is bearable until 0:15, then it just get way too ridiculous
Holy shit, the MCUcks are buttblasted that I destroyed them in the other 2 threads and now they're getting salty how we're taking over their own safe space thread.
BTW, only 2 of those posts were mine
this show went from great to a badly written medieval stargate sg 1
>Design is extremely over-complicated
>CGI looks terrible
>The guy that plays Cyborg got ripped for the role then gets covered up by skinnier robot limbs
Was there some leaked workprint for this movie or something?
>Design is extremely over-complicated
You expect alien technology to be streamlined plastic bullshit?
>CGI looks terrible
You fell for the smear campaign brainlet
>The guy that plays Cyborg got ripped for the role then gets covered up by skinnier robot limbs
How the fuck is this relevant
That unironically looks better
no way
All I can think of when I see this Cyborg is pic related
>You fell for the smear campaign brainlet
oh theres SMEAR alright
>jungle music
It Ain't Me?
How much does Disney pay you to shill on r*ddit and Sup Forums with unfunny puns.
sorry I should have been more clear
* youtu.be
This scene was genuinely great.
Do people really think that Robocop looking nigga is cool?
>Not useless
>Booked fairly strong outside of jobbing to Batman early on
>Great look
Injustice 2 Cyborg is the best version of Cyborg
No it isn't.
Can you stop stalking my posts for fucks sake
This shit makes me fucking dizzy
Wut? I don't know who your are. I just really liked that scene. It reminded me of Looney Toons. It looks great.
i just find it sad that the peak of cgi was in 2009 with district 9
hell even fucking iron man 2 had better cgi than avengers
Can someone explain what all of you children are screaming at each other about?
>silly visually gorgeous film with vibrant aesthetics that doesn't take itself seriously
Guardians are genuinely good science fiction adventure flicks
Who cares? Fuck of with your "big discoveries".
I think it's some consolewar type shit where some people valiantly defend their comic book publisher of choice
I just take the films as they are and criticise what I don't like and what is stupid, I shit on something produced by DC and get people replying calling me a Marvel shill and vice versa, tribal shit for manchildren
You're trying too hard
>20 cuts in 10 seconds
>LITERALLY less than 12 frames per shot
>You expect alien technology to be streamlined plastic bullshit?
>Let ME tell you how aliens build stuff
The product of a human and demonic tech wouldn't be pleasant to look at
>"Hey this other piece of shit is also a piece of shit so that means my piece of shit is not a piece of shit, r-right guys?"
And we know this thanks to the hell-wars of 1830. Jeez, these plebians.
>movie comes out
>no one cares
>someone makes fun of it on Sup Forums
>everyone parrots it and thinks themselves experts
This may be bad, but the Inhumans are awesome. I would like it if its a good story.
The most hilarious thing about these threads is each one of you loves this shit, op is probably first in line for each webm posted.
>each one of you loves this shit
im tired of all the superhero movies
the only movie i saw this year was dunkirk in imax
i dont get it, that's from injustice
Which is why you enter superhero threads?
other people need to know that they're not alone in hating this garbage
this is how this website works
but you wouldn't know anything about that you 'dit candyass
that CANNOT be real
This was fucking hilarious and actually a really imaginative way of doing FTL travel.
This. I felt like Wonder Woman would have been a much better film if it had some better editing. The whole movie I was noticing a lot of scenes that needed some smoother editing.
This has to be photoshopped.
It looks like a Chinese bootleg of Iron Man.
>all this for calling her a slut
why is acqua man holding his fork upside down
haha what a retard hahaha
Some of you really need to go back to r*ddit
Is that from Injustice?
the problem here is mainly the shitty choreography they tried to hide by adding a bitchload of cuts
i can still follow the action even though it's fucking annoying. problem is i don't want to follow the action because it's slow as fuck artificial fight choreography and my suspension of disbelief is gone
Stay bitter, nigger
report and sage all nigger porn spam
>17 movies
>zero oscars
>1.5 cuts per second
DC is better than this but only because everything is better than this
>have the most sophisticated power armor in the world
>can't hit a guy running in a straight line
>Design is extremely over-complicated
It's the hot new trend when designing anything these days
They look nothing like that. Autism is a hell of a drug.
I hope he transforms into a scooter or vehicle of some sort.