I was right here laughing at you sad basement dwellers.
Look at these headlines. The entire country is laughing at you morons. Just wait until the late night hosts get started on you alt-right weenies. We're all going to just point and laugh at you.
I was right here laughing at you sad basement dwellers.
Look at these headlines. The entire country is laughing at you morons. Just wait until the late night hosts get started on you alt-right weenies. We're all going to just point and laugh at you.
Other urls found in this thread:
...says the nervous man for the (insert outrageous number) time this month
Not an argument
The real funny part is we are just joking around, and idiot Clinton is taking us seriously.
>instead of writing a speech about her campaign, the problems in the US and how she'd change them. She writes a fucking speech about memes on Sup Forums for some irrelevant made up political ideology that has no bearing what so ever
She literally created the meme by talking about it
>we are just pretending to be retarded, bro
And that's why the entire country is laughing at you.
I hate the media so much.
They are just reporting the facts. Do you have a problem with facts? Oh wait, you're the same people who think humans walked with dinosaurs. What is this, the Flintstones?
Sorry, but Hillary's speech was "historically accurate". Cry now Drumpftards.
>all left wing tabloid trash
try harder
>hurr durr everything that isn't Breitbart is left wing trash
yeah, it's true. it has already been established that she has the media in her pocket
What is the "alt-right"?
I've never heard of anything called the "alt-right"
Just because a bunch of conservatives disagree with the GOP, suddenly they're being lumped in with racists in some mythical "alt-right".
The alt-right has been made up.
>the alt right doesn't exist
Not according to these factual publications. I think I'll get my info from credible sources rather than some stormweenie in his mother's basement.
This is how she looked to non shills and normies.
do you get paid per post?
must not be much considering the amount he has to do
Why does she only talk about color?
>to people gobbling trump's dick*
The media will do anything for a story.
I don't know anything about "stormweenies" either.
These media guys read some crackpot blogs and make up some huge conspiracy.
It's a total disgrace.
The "alt-right" does not exist. There is not, and never has been, any such thing.
surely THIS attempt at calling him racist will work
the first 6 gorillion tries were just practice
She went on a rant about internet trolls. Most people don't even know what those are or care. She looked like a conspiracy theorist.
According to Hillary Clinton, everything is fine for the black community.
>historically accurate
That phrase means nothing in an age of whitewashing and obfuscation.
Comfortable history is not accurate.
Neither was your OP.
OP is a faggot named Sequoia McDowell or one of his fellow DNC intern lackeys.
>fag related
The Democrats have been saying this shit since forever.
It didn't work with Bush, it didn't work to keep the Republicans from taking Congress and it's not gonna work now.
>She went on a rant about internet trolls
not really but i can see how that would be a helpful way to frame it now that you're trying to get everybody to forget this ever happened
>Most people don't even know what those are
it isn't 2005 anymore lol
>She looked like a conspiracy theorist.
not really, what did she say that wasnt true?
Greg Miles is based af.
wtf? I hate facts now
Then you must have been living under a rock.
It is disputed what exactly falls under it, but it's basically an anti-establishment far right wing group.
All her speech in one minute
Says who?
You could've just posted this and the same thing would've been said.
I know you're new to American politics leaf, but the Democrats have been saying this shit for years with little effort.
Yeah OP, she's really going to win when noone knows what the alt right movement is about anyway. If that is what she is going to be known for this election cycle you might as well make a Trump building in the white house already. YEAH THE US IS LAUGHING AT US. YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS. Trump 2016
Holy shit, these headlines are real.
Also says reality.
Fringe right wing figures, the media and people in general I suppose. Sometimes terms are made up to describe things, it's what humans do I can't help it. The name makes sense too, it's the right wing that unlike the traditional right wing in power offers a new perspective which doesn't shy away from politically incorrect subjects.
KEK BE PRAISED! The normies have been handed to us in a gift busket! And morons like this one still think they're at an advantage! HAHAHA!
Not fucking 4 points before the debates!
I'm 100% that you're trolling. Posting articles from shrill websites and claiming them to be "factual". Yeah you're definetly a troll. Also I don't know if you notice but the majority of social media outside of your liberal safe space is literally laughing and disagreeing with Hilary. Just look at what's trending on Twitter "altrightmeans" and the likes to dislike ratio of her videos. Nice try though, the bait just wasn't good enough for a bite
Don't kill yourself after it happens
>the Democrats have been saying this shit for years
I tripped a Hillary supporter today, I think she fell down the stairs. That will teach Hillary to corrupt Bernie.
Trump supporters are such misogynist homophobic racist bigots
>watching Hillary's speech
>she starts listing Trump's policies
>holy shit this sounds awesome
My biggest fear is that Trump will go to soft.
>fringe right wing figures
Exactly. Keyword is "fringe". Just because a couple of idiots playacting online think they've made up a new subculture doesn't mean it's real, or that the people they're accusing of being "alt-right" subscribe to any such thing
>the media and people in general
The media is reporting on it because they think it's a great catchall attack category, and people in general follow that because they're dumb.
If anyone tries to stick this label on you I'm telling you what the smart response is. You don't know shit about the "alt-right", it's a made-up concept as far as you're concerned, and you find it offensive that you're being stuck in some imaginary category with racists just because you support Trump.
You mean a bunch of online tabloids that aren't taken seriously by anyone but soccer moms who are already the backbone of Hillary's campaign?
The fallout from Hurricane Katrina.
Everytime an irrelevant Midwestern Republican opens his mouth to say dumb shit like "you can't get pregnant from rape."
Everytime Republicans try to pass Voter ID laws.
Everytime the Republicans call to cut welfare.
Everytime Arizona does something.
Same shit different election. Democrats didn't just pull this strategy out of a hat.
Thats right! were gonna fucking wipe those niggers out! Heil Hillary!!
Hillary is going to bring those stupid niggers to heel. They are going to be so pissed when she pulls the old switcheroo
Thanks for correcting my record
give some specific instances though
Why is it always a canadian?
>Why does she only talk about color?
that's what racists do
>the REAL racism is talking about race at all!
how to spot a racist
Praise our Queen of the Alt-Right!!! #ImWithHer
>Obvious troll thread
>63 replies
I guess the newfags are already here. Sage.
Can't say I necessarily trust polling given how corrupt the system is these days. Could be true but i'm skeptical
I get that this is just a shill, or probably a troll, but honestly its like this.
For Hillary to even mention Sup Forums, to even give us the 20 minutes she has a day to speak people words, shows just how much her campaign is floundering.
The reason the RNC didn't touch this, is because they didn't realize how serious the situation was. Hillary is figuring it out, or at least Soros is.
>Trump wins
Western Civilization is saved: Feels Good Man.
>Hillary wins
Western Civilization begins its decline and fall, happenings abound: Feels Good Man.
Whoever Loses, We Win.
Literally all she talks about is color though.
That's her platform.
How is that not racist?
Won what? A get out of jail free card from King Obongo?
...I mean, you know that's true right?
Or are we memeing again?
>Setting up Alex Jones to receive a record number of listeners is good for her campaign
because it's demonstrably false and talking about race still doesnt constitute racism as much as you guys want to think that
fuck you, normie scum
>Literally privately owned Marxist propaganda publications with endless histories of outright lying and agenda driven "reporting"
My sides are in orbit. Praise Kek.
>assuming that LE LAMESTREAM MEDIA SHEEPLE dont know about any of your internet clubhouses and will side with them once they are exposed to them
normal people know about all your fringe internet weirdo shit already
There an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the political fallout of Hurricane Katrina
It does if that's ALL you talk about.
She has no plans for how to fix anything, no plans how to lift people out of poverty not even a mention of it.
It's just a continuation of the same shit that continues to keep the poor down.
Going to war against Russia for a pipeline to go through Syria/Turkey helps black people how?
Tin Foil Hillary - She no dount believes in other fringe conspiracies like Muh Patriarchy Boogeyman or Muh White Privilege.
Even if she doesn't state it in public.
>DNC leaks prove media working for Hillary
>well golly gee whizz I guess the polls could still be accurate
>entire country
HuffPost was right all along!
Why you lie to me Sup Forums? wtf I hate Trump now
which parts of it tie politicians to internet hate groups?
>It does if that's ALL you talk about.
good thing it isnt... it would be like if i was trying to convince you that all trump talks about is the wall
A fucking leaf
The media's doing a great job recruiting for the alt right! ITS WORKING
Not enough people trusts those sources any more. They're going out of business...
If Clinton wins it means the country has been bought and paid for.
You didn't answer my question.
How does open war with Russia help black people?
We both know that's her true agenda, and you can't convince me otherwise because one of my parents fucking wrote that agenda.
They've been calling the entire Republican party a hate group since the Civil Rights movement. Specifically they've been pinning the KKK on the Republicans.
You think just because magically the internet is involved now this is big development for the Dems.
>You think just because magically the internet is involved now this is big development for the Dems.
lol so you're a literal crazy person then?
>talking about race still doesnt constitute racism
unless you're a white man
The same ones that went against brexit, right?
You bait and then leave, nice.
>implying we want cuckservatives in our movement
Fuck off nigger faggot kike chink.
but im white and i get away with it... maybe it's because i say things that arent racist
what do you do, self flagellate?
Well you're a fucking idiot then because the Democrats have even gone so far to find Republican KKK members and expose them. Even Republican politicians who were KKK members long ago.
Those multiple cases didn't stick and some image board isn't going to either.
Hillary literally just ranted about how all her enemies are Russian agents. This woman is a paranoid schizophrenic on top all her other health problems. If you think it's a good idea giving Hillary command of the military, you're an idiot.
>implying that anybody here ever gave the slightest fuck about public opinion
This is a win dipshit. The fact that this has mainstream attention is absolutely hillarious
peeeeeeeee paaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
never forget