Do you honestly still believe in outdated gender roles?
Men and women should be able to be whatever they want. Why can't you guys see that?
Do you honestly still believe in outdated gender roles?
Men and women should be able to be whatever they want. Why can't you guys see that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>outdated roles
what's outdated with penis goes in vagina?
So I can identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter now?
Two men and two women can also love each other. I don't understand how you can stand against that, much less actually want them to die.
But honestly, what I was talking about was this idea that women should be caretakers and men should the breadwinners. It's not the middle ages anymore, people can do what they want as long as they don't harm others.
This site doesn't seem to get that.
Hey Rebecca
If I can be w/e I want does that mean I can go around humping peoples shins? because I identify as a shin guard.
T. Triumph
Embracing the role of the other gender=/=being trans.
But there's also nothing wrong with being trans, and I don't understand why anti-trans people always come up with the absolute worst "analogies". They are literally meaningless comparisons.
get the fuck out
A human can be male or female.
A human cannot be a shin guard.
This board has a much more complex relation with /lgbt/ that you can possibly think it has.
also cause this is trans related now, as a transgirl I'd love to be a housewife, cleaning and cooking getting food w/e sounds amazing
I dunno, when you get posts like...
It seems pretty obvious.
but you said men and women should be w/e they want
>Men and women should be able to be whatever they want.
and I want to be a shin guard, you shouldn't be so bigoted and help me be a shin guard
Why would we bow down to what you want? Humans are driven by emotion so we will accept what we seem as fit. Also, don't even try to get this type of shit in politics and legislation plz.
Did you just attack me for wanting to be a helicopter and call it a useless analogy? You heliphobic cis white tranny.
In regarding to the human condition, of course. Otherwise, you get a bunch of nutjobs thinking they're guns and going on killing sprees. In fact I'm sure a lot of people here would just love to do that...
*shrug* Next.
I like it when my wife cooks dinner and the entire family sits down to eat together.
I do not like it that my wife wants to work outside of the house.
I expect great performances from my wife in the bedroom. And in the shower. And in front of the mirror. And in the garage, on occasion.
I don't however, think she should be barefoot. But she should be willing to wear red stiletto heels in the bedroom.
>Everyone using first name trips now
Is this our new dank meme?
It's too late for that, the tides of politics are already changing.
The views of the people here are only becoming less acceptable as time progresses. Sorry champ, you were just born in the wrong era
You didn't answer his question. So I'm going to assume you said yes.
I identify from now on as a Jewish mayonnaise. My pronouns are mayo, may and may. As per my religion, which is Xenoism and must be respected, I am religiously allowed to spit on women and those who identify as women.
You need to check your privilege and quit hating on someone because they are different.
Nope, you are still human. Otherkin actually is a real mental illness, unlike transsexuality.
>outdated gender roles
didn't know it had a date
The date is when the human mind evolves past its tribalistic inclinations, which the people of this board seem so desperate to fall back into.
You are holding the human race back.
when you are 50 and childless, you'll regret it.. they all do
I am not an otherkin: I told you what I identify as and you, being the racist bigot that you are, refuse to even use the proper pronouns to talk to me!
*sigh* Worry about your own life, sport.
Where does this helicopter meme come from? It's cringey as hell
I'm sorry, but your mere existence makes it harder for trans people.
Why do you hold these views?
There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to teenage girls.
>outdated gender roles
Critical theory is basically just one big argumentum ad novitatem fallacy.
>Men and women don't WANT to be men and women
Why are you pushing YOUR OPINIONS on everyone else. People naturally want to be what they are. Why can't you just accept that.
Because you refuse to acknowledge me properly. Why do you hold such outdated, racist, bigoted and disturbing views on society?
Why would you attack the Jews when you feel threatened? Is it panic, or...
Maybe you people are so aggressive because you need to compensate for something else...
and the other 97% of humanity
I am sorry, but you are physically and mentally irrelevant to the discussion, this forum, and the the world as whole.
>Men and women should be able to be whatever they want.
>X and Y chromosomes
>Tribalistic inclinations
or maybe its the only race with an impossible number of coincidences
kinda like your girl Hillary
>t. butthurt trans faggot
That's why in Scandinavian countries men and women STILL choose completely different professions, even though there isn't barrier anymore.
Men and women are biologically different.
You are absolutely right.
See! See how the female oppresses me! LITERALLY using her privilege right here!
Are you implying that people are literally incapable of overcoming their biological makeup?
People like you are seriously holding this world back.
Everything is going to burn, again and again, until the fire grows cold and we turn to each other for warmth. Old divides turn scabbed and scarified. Blood's long since run out of the stains in our clothes, mingled with the rain and snow. We're all going to be the same shade of fucked.
>Where does this helicopter meme come from? It's cringey as hell
so is a little boy that think's he's a girl
No really? Mind starting to clank there. Think a little harder, what are people lacking here.. think. What is it? You know what it fucking is so what is the point of arguing.
>He doesn't know about the pendulum
Your philosophy has come and gone a thousand times before, and it will come and go a thousand more.
science denier.. must be a christian
panmoneyantic demigoldsexual otherkin here
i am one of you
*sigh* I can see you people absolutely refuse to see logic and reason. You hold back yourselves, but the rest of humanity as a whole.
I can only hope that one day you allow yourself to change, or that your social charade slips and you reveal your true nature to your friends and family, resulting in you being ostracized and shunned like you so rightfully deserve.
This will be my last post.
but i can be a ciberdragon of chaos?
I love my father, my grandfather, my best friend, and my mother and grand mother for that matter.
Doesn't mean I want to sodomize them.
Love =/= buttsex
The smartest scientists alive were christians
There is no such thing as gender. Only the sex you were born with
fuck off shill. OUT OUT OUT
Too much your puny little sexist, racist brain?
>Men and women should be able to be whatever they want. Why can't you guys see that?
Totally agree. My wife and I have a non-traditional gender role relationship. I work in healthcare, she works in business. I do most of the cooking, she's outdoorsy. We really enjoy pegging, and she's almost always the big spoon during a cuddling session. Before her, I never expected to find someone.
you're the one who'll drag the human race into the dirt when birth rates plummet like they already are in the west,causing mankind to go extinct and the economy to stagnate and crash.
gender roles=biological sustainability of the state
The amount of cancer in this post is quite substantial.
OP I got something for you......
..... Wait for it.....
>>>Men and women should be able to be whatever they want. Why can't you guys see that?
Aww, I'm happy for you! XOXO
Exactly! Gender roles are STUPID. IT'S 2016! That's why I fucking HATE trans-folk!! They think you need to MODIFY GENITALIA to fully feel like another gender. What fucking
I am a proud transphobe!!!
>Do you honestly still believe in outdated gender roles?
Nope. That's why I believe that if a girl doesn't "feel like a girl" she should be able to not act like a girl, and shouldn't be pressured into switching genders just because she doesn't adhere to her assumed gender role.
At least use a tripcode faggot
y so bigoted?
What is a tripcode?
And please refrain from using words like that.
>Men and women should be able to be whatever they want
>implying gender identity bullshit isn't being pushed on people
When you tell little boys and girls they can choose their gender you are causing them harm. When you tell mentally unstable people they can choose their gender you are causing them harm.
Pushing gender identity as a choice is abusive plain and simple.
>People can do what they want
Oh, can they? Can I become a unicorn and fly into the sky`?
Can an 18 year old man get married to a virgin wife, have 3 children and support them all on a single wage?
Guess people aren't free to do what they want.
The only thing people are free to do at the moment is do exactly what YOU want, not what they want. They are free to not have any children till they are 30. They are free to be homosexual faggots. They are free to embrace hook up culture.
They are NOT free to live a traditional life.
Why would you even want to live a traditional life?
Also, please don't use so many slurs.
>And please refrain from using words like that.
Why are you afraid of the word faggot?
Reminder that being transgender is the most brave thing you can do!
what the hell Israel what are you doing way up there
I guess you people just don't get it
Fuck you, you are on Sup Forums and we use slurs here like there's no tomorrow.
Poor people are more likely to oppress others when given the chance, and poor people also have more kids.
It's not that hard.
Fun fact. Everyone calls everyone else on Sup Forums a faggot. Better get used to it.
Are you unable to explain?
Have you ever thought about why you are unable to justify a position you hold so strongly?
Does this bother you?
>Poor people are more likely to oppress others when given the chance
uhm, wow, how about you check your class privilege, shitlord
It's not classism, it's common sense. Classism would be saying they were poor of their own accord.
Why do you hate this OP? TELL ME?
Women are inferior to Men in almost every aspect, giving Women the same standing as Men weakens a society and causes it to die
uhm, wow, like did you even notice that most of those "poor" (as your oppressive capitalist nomenclature would call them) countries are full of strong independent POC that are just expressing their own unique cultural values?
fucking racist bigot, there's no place for you on Sup Forums
Impressive ad hominem.
Gender roles are largely cultural. Gender is biological.
I don't hate it, I just don't understand the desire to have it. It seems... boring, if you ask me.
You're free to pursue it if you desire.
Loving your work OP. Well executed bait
>ad hominem
Personally I think being a faggot/trap is a mental disorder. The tradional lifestyle is the best lifestyle. Every gay I've met was either molested or is basically an aspie. Letting them get married is like letting two downs adults get married, it's fair but they should be kept out of sight.
This gave me cancer
What does "cuck" even mean?
So you are against Islam then? You racist....
I know plenty of gay men who haven't been molested.
Sweeping generalizations are logical fallacies.