Annex Canada

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't turn the 13 provinces into the next 13 states.

No odd number of states.




There are none, get a fucking move on. Shit, even Shillary would be better than dudeweed.

You'd have no one to impersonate when you traveled abroad

they will all vote democrat

Correct answers

The entirety of Canada has less people than commiefornia, I think the natural resources are more valuable than that.

Because OP we don't shart here in Canada

this, they have like none
see above

I have no clue what your on about

because Trump isn't in office yet.
but when he is, would you please?

We can turn them into 13 deportation stations instead.

>13 provinces

Nice one, America...


Why would we want canada?

We can't fit any more stars on our flag.

Because Americans are all bark and no bite.

>Americans in charge of understanding things
Guess we won't be getting invaded any time soon...

>Be me
>Be today
>Working hard and getting paid
>Go to mart
>From my flab, a waft of that
>poopoo, doodoo, seeping from my breech,
>shart in mart, shart in mart. It's not a fart
>shart in mart, shart in mart.
>Discount on aisle pee.


resources, whites, land(especially after global warming makes it increasingly arable).

If you turned the 10 provinces into 10 new states that's 20 new senators and around 50 new representatives who would all be farther left than Bernie Sanders. They all want socialized medicine and they don't think the 2nd amendment should exist.

there are quite a few people here in canada who wish we had a second amendment like clause in the charter of rights and freedoms,

>they don't think the 2nd amendment should exist.
have you ever even been to Canada, they arn't yuropoors

also bam

looks better than 50 i can say, though we have 10 provinces and 3 territories, so 60 stars, unless you guys count puerto rico among the stars

vancouver montreal and toronto would like a word with you

At least just take Bay Street. Save us. You get the resources that way too.

Asians aren't that bad, they're like diet whites, more compact and efficient

You must be some eastern faggot, here in the west we may as well be Texas Jr.

ha, get resources from an office building....


Because that's way too many Senators for Canada.

They can have five states, max. And we draw the lines for the states.

>voting for the Conservative party
More like we will kick up a political shitstorm among the 42% of independents you guys have.

honestly you guys have such a small population we'd probably have to consolidate some of them together

for a land mass bigger than yours,

That's the best part of your """country""""

see if we didn't it would disproportionately affect representation

>join usa
>allow free movement directly from mexico all the way to Canada no holds barred

Nah I'd rather not. This brief stint with the absolute retardation of Trudeau notwithstanding, I think we want to head towards more restricted immigration.

Also our charters/constitutions are fundamentally incompatible. Ours says that its legal for the government to kill or torture you as long as they have a vote on it and yours doesn't.

what's wrong with the Quebecians?
as long as they're western European than they're fine by me

yea, and most of the population is pressed together anyways, so sure, 5 big states with teh rest of the landmass being administered territories

which constitution would you rather?

One word, God-Emperor-Trump.
Also that means we'd be helping by giving you freedom.

I'd rather not be ruled over by the complete shitshow that is American politics. Say what you want about the weedman but at least he's better than the corporate shills that run DC.

The Québécois are entitled contrarians that have almost torn the country apart multiple times. The only thing they would hate more than being ruled over by anglo-canadians would be being ruled over by Americans.

The Canadians liberals are bankrupting the country and not funding vital services like water bombers.
The fire of Fort McMurray that rage as the world said we can send water bombers over to help. Truedo replied no we got this and the fire raged on.

America first has to win a war if they want to annex a country, I've yet to see that happen for nearly 80 years now.

We can help redpill Canadian politics

Albertan here, let us run our own healthcare system and TAKE ME NOW TRUMP

We already have enough liberal retards

Because it'd mean even more liberal votes in the electoral college, and that's the last thing we need right now.

That's beautiful

No stay the fuck out of caNadal. You faggots can not even keep your state's under control. Each one having more fucked up laws then the next.

You obviously have never been to Canada, You want to build a wall to keep out immigrants and you want to annex Canada. Bahahahaha

this, canadians are too leftwing to be americans, even their whites vote like niggers

>this, canadians are too leftwing to be americans, even their whites vote like niggers

>Wake up this morning
>Go to the fridge
>Out of Freddy Goodlard's Ultra Double Triple Deluxe Breakfast Burgers
>Have a nervous meltdown, have to change my pants before stuffing myself onto the disabled transport to get more burgers.
>After accidentally suffocating a fellow rider, the bus attendees help me off the bus and onto a scooter.
>Scooter whines and grinds as it slowly wheels up to the double doors
>Can't fit inside
>Desperately ram the doors, people lining up behind me in their scooters, all trying to go about their days.
>Stuck for almost an hour before my stomach starts to growl angrily.
>"Oh no, p-please!"
>For the first time in years, I get on my feet, knees popping and bending unpredictably, ready to give out at any second.
>Too late. I spill an ocean of butt honey all over the sidewalk, coating the unfortunate souls nearby.
>A police van pulls up, immediately I'm tazed and cuffed
>As the forklift loads me inside, the office rolls up to me, leering through his shades. He says, "Keep those the mart"

Can we wait that long?

When's the last time canada fought a war that wasn't just them being an auxiliary force for america or england?
the northwest rebellion?

We can't even make it with 50.

Should have a state cap of eight max.

Because they should be a single state. They have less population than California. Okay, let Alberta split off and we can have another Texas to balance out all their liberals.


Currently I don't think we need to right now, and it would just be more trouble than it's worth. The rest of the world wouldn't react kindly to it, not that they'll stop us, but it would create more tension and drama than is neccesarry. And for what? Some frozen shithole filled with pussy liberals that bend to our every will anyhow? They may as well stay where they are until oil and fresh water become such scarce resources that we'll just go in and take it all like candy from a baby.

i live there,and i cantell you it isnt

They'd vote Democrat.

Hahaha your funny

quebecer dont like murica and are natonalistic over nothing, (btw i lived there my whole life i know what im talking about)

This guy is right, we don't like Anglo Canadians but we like Americans even less

You can do anything you want. But you won't win. America hasn't won a war since WWII. And even then we all really know that it was the Soviets that won the war ;)

The US lost in Afghanistan. It lost in Vietnam. It just walked away from that train wreck of a civil war called Iraq - no one can be called a winner in that disaster. It paid Iran $400 gazillion dollars for a few sailors. It chickened out when taunted by North Korea. It won't even go near ISIS with ground troops, which means the US commitment to "degrade and destroy" ISIS is just bullshit with some window dressing.

So come at us, America. Take on another guerilla war that you can't win. If you can't even handle a handful of illiterate Pashtuns, how can you handle 30 million pissed off Canadians? Stop deluding yourselves.

Fuck Canada

What say USA and the UK meet as equals and form our own fucking league?

You would destroy the military, but you will never conquer the people.
Expect us to become the barbarians of the North which crippled Rome.


Sure we would gladly join you but good luck with french being angry about english being forced down there throats.

That is where most of the libreal seats are from.

you're faggots who couldn't take over afganistan and irak
while you're thinking of an annexion you're currently invaded by the South
you're also slowly invaded by Russians and Poles
WTF are you talking about?
open your eyes, you've lost


>95% black
>population 110,000
>825 people per square mile

Well I hope you won that

>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't turn the 13 provinces into the next 13 states.

Toronto alone is like 3 million Democrat voters added instantly.

Yeah but

Canadians would elect a democrat president every time.

>So come at us, America. Take on another guerilla war that you can't win.

You do realize by the time americans actually do this were only a few years away from global thermonuclear war at best.

You can take the rest of Canada and I dont give a shit.
Just give us slight parts of the Ontario border, some of the maritimes and Labrador.

>republican sweat

Because it's against the constitution
We are not a conqurer we are a nation that fucks people up because it's something to do
If cucknadia wants to join they will first have to stop being cucks
second they are only allowed to be territories just like Puerto Rico or Samoa is
We will not ruin our perfect number of 50 just because a bunch of faggots want to pussy out and have us do their job for them
If they kick out the shitskins and ban chinks so they can't invade them it might be considered, otherwise fuck off we're full


>Canadians would elect a democrat president every time.

Their Green Party is our Conservatives. The Americans would all be pot smoking pacifists in two election cycles if we joined.


Smooth move, ex-lax

Nice friendly fire there.

pls do it

Especially Quebec.
People here really deserve a good slap in the face.

If the Americans tried to annex us I'd vote for the democrats at every single polling station within driving distance at least once just to fuck with them and their lack of ID laws


You do know that Canada was essentially founded by Quebec.

You're only allowed to annex us if you elect Trump.

If you faggots let Hillary become president then WE are going to annex YOU.

Canada, you can join but must consolidate into five states:

1) Western Canada (or Cascadia) - BC & Alberta
2) Prairieland - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and western Ontario
3) Ontario - the eastern part not part of Prairieland
4) Quebec
5) Atlantica - All the Maritimes and left over bits

Nunavut, NWT, and Yukon become US territories or can join Alaska if they want to be part of a state.

Note to my fellow French Canadians - Learn English or at least Spanglish. My grandparents had to learn language when their part of Ontario became English speaking, you can do it too. We're not going to put French on all of our products. Optional Spanish is already annoying enough.

Ofcourse, leaf.

Annexing Canada would be literally impossible. Remember, if you invade them, they win