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This is old as fuck faggot. Also

Navy sailor here, Iranians do that all the time. The only reason every nation can use the Persian Gulf for trade is because US ships are there keeping the Iranians in line.

>examine flag
>from america
does best korea use the gulf?

Slow news day?

This happened like 20 hours ago.
Not to mention that USA invading Iranian waters isnt really a shocker.

>Not to mention that USA invading Iranian waters isnt really a shocker.
good troll 6/10

The Iranians are easily dealt with by using weaponised shitposting

good response 1/10

Real shartative quality as expected from an Amerilard.

dude i saw a video wasnt even shots, were like flares or something weird

>does best korea use the gulf?
yup pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/north-korea-flagged-ships-visiting-iran-any-problem-here/

the flares came first, shots came later
apparently iranians are just blind, they got spooked by the big noises
thanks love
you're welcome for the liberation in '45
DoD now assigns one aussie to each deployed unit
we'll nuke them both

So it has nothing to do with the law of the sea, innocent passage, or transit passage?

Really? Have they really managed to dumb down the force this much this quickly?


>ausies telling the iranians to frig off

best thing I've heard all day.

>sailing within 200 yards of an armed vessel when there is miles and miles of sea around constitutes innocent passage
too bad your DI was as stupid as you
the blind leading the blind

>we'll nuke them both
The Saudis are the ones who financed ISIS and Al Queda, funded 9/11 hijackers, spread Wahhabism around the Middle East to destabilize it, and so forth. Iranians have not caused nearly 1/10th the damage the Saudi have, who're allies with the West.

300 yards according to several of the reputable sources, and you're misapplying the law of innocent passage. It is we who need to cite it to pass, not they. We're in their backyard over there.

Also there are no DIs in the Navy, so now I know you were never actually there. Just some jerk-off at home idolizing those who 'serve' and wishing you weren't a loser, huh?

>Legit getting cucked by the Iranian military

Can't you cucks just fucking drop a couple of bombs on them and tell the sandniggers to go back to the cuckshed where they belong? It's embarrassing, yanks.

It's thanks to USA trying to topple both Assad and ISIS simultaneously that the situation in the Middle East has exacerbated. The USA supported unsavory rebels that switched sides and indirectly strengthened ISIS. Their decisions in Syria directly led to Al-Nusra, which is basically the same as ISIS.

>happened yesterday
>nothing actually happened except US destroyer was actually forced to change course by 4 iranian dinghies with pea shooters duct taped to them
No part of this is really "news"

we'll just glass all of it then
international waters are international waters
sorry about the whole di thing
thank you for your service/sitting on a boat and learning how to suck cocks
we need dick masseuses like you in our nation
the dems won't let us
as i said glass them
congrats on the repeating digits

>Their decisions in Syria directly led to Al-Nusra, which is basically the same as ISIS.

ISIS is the rogue group that no longer responds to the commands of its creators.

Al Nusra is run by the GID.

The SDF is run by Mossad.

The FSA is run by MIT.

Get the damn players right.

>we'll just glass all of it then
You give the impression Persia has been destroyed. It was under Hitler's advisement Persia officially asked other countries to refer to it as Iran, its native name. Persia is the Greco-Roman word for Iran. Since Sassanian times out country has been "Iranshahr" -- which means land of the Aryans. We are literally Aryans and we still are.



Iran are trolling you Yanks knowing King Nigger will never attack them and will give millions for American cucks who get captured.

I remember that. It was a good day.

Name 3 significant things Iran has contributed to the world.

Wasn't that during the Iran - Iraq war?

Iran better get all this shit out of its system because neither Trump or whoever "weekend at bernies" Hillary will take this shit like Obama does


>nerds in Mass are ruining the world
i knew it
class 2 shitpost (not very good)
how can we remember what didnt happen
fake aryans

Only wish more of them died. Hope the children died screaming in pain.

>Name 3 significant things Iran has contributed to the world.
There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities:
Read that carefully.

There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities:

The same cannot be said for Africans or Arabs.

The Nobel Prize is kind of biased. There have been a lot of great Iranian scientists, such as the creator of fuzzy sets Lotfi A. Zadeh, inventor of LASIK Gholam A. Peyman, cardiologist pioneer Rashid Massumi, etc. There are many other good Iranian scientists like Nima Arkani-Hamed, Maryam Mirzakhanim, Pardis Sabeti. and Cumrun Vafa that might deserve Nobel Prizes. Even the Director for Solar System Exploration at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is an Iranian American, Firouz Naderi.

The best brain surgeon in Germany is an Iranian by the name of Majid Majidi.

Historically, the majority of the Islamic Golden Age came from Persians in Khorasan and Transoxiana areas, what is now known as Central Asia (but a part of Greater Iran at that time). Avicenna, Al-Khwārizmī, Rhazes, Al-Biruni, Omar Khayyam, and etc. were all Persians.

There were more than three things.It's just that they were done about 3000 years ago.

Yes, we had a party and everything that night
They got off lucky we only shot down one

As Ibn Khaldun suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars…in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs:

>"Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent…they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar…great jurists were Persians… only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it"…The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts…This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana (modern Central Asia), retained their sedentary culture.

The average IQ of Iran is not 84. That was taken during a period of economic downturn, and it was taken in the 50s in rural areas. It is obsolete.

Also, even with sanctions, my people have ranked highly in stem cell research and nanotechnology. Iran has been making impressive progress in stem cell research and nanotechnology EVEN WITH CRIPPLING SANCTIONS:

" According to a study by David Morrison and Ali Khademhosseini (Harvard-MIT and Cambridge), stem cell research in Iran is amongst the top 10 in the world."

"By 2012, Iran ranked 8th in nanotechnologies."

>There were more than three things.It's just that they were done about 3000 years ago.
Look at what I am saying you piece of shit:
the creator of fuzzy sets Lotfi A. Zadeh, inventor of LASIK Gholam A. Peyman, cardiologist pioneer Rashid Massumi,

EVEN the NASA director is a fucking Iranian.


Look at all of the notable individual Iranian Americans in Science/academia:

Even the best brain surgeon of Germany is an Iranian named Majid Samii.

The creator of LASIK was Iranian, creator of Fuzzy Sets in mathematics was Iranians, cardiologist pioneer was an Iranian, and so forth. Stop fucking talking out of your asses.

Also, even though the West pours billions into Saudi Arabia and GCC countries, Iran still outranks them in the scientific sector, and that's WITH sanctions. We ranked high in stem cell research and nanotechnology.

Of course you are.

(In reality the original 'Aryans' left their mark in very big bright marker on the layers marked 'language' and 'religion' but not enough of a genetic marker that anyone can even spot it with certainty.)


Iranians/Persians are not the enemy.

Sunni Muslims are.

Can you read you stupid piece of shit?

"Even the Director for Solar System Exploration at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is an Iranian American, Firouz Naderi."


There are about 80 million Iranians worldwide and you're naming like 3 or 4 people....ever heard of standard deviation?

goalpost moving
nasa director is a black

All brown people are.

>Name 3 significant things Iran

I'll start with your post, look at the numbers

>There are about 80 million Iranians worldwide and you're naming like 3 or 4 people....ever heard of standard deviation?
Can you read?

"There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities" The same cannot be said Gulf Arabs or Africans:

I wasn't speaking precisely at that point. But I did speak precisely here:
I said, "Even the Director for Solar System Exploration at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is an Iranian American, Firouz Naderi."

stop posting the same old shipost
this would be funny of you had a different flag

>USS Squall
>tfw 5 short whistle blasts followed by sniper fire and 50-caliber machine guns, all of which capable of inshallah-level perforation @

Nigger YOU are talking out of your ass. I can't tell if you're trolling or you're just a buttmad ethnic Iranian. Probably the latter...Anyways, there are plenty of Indian-American doctors and top ranking scholars...does that mean they're a intelligent race collectively? Nope. You've bought into your own lie so much that you've perpetuated it in your own little pea-brain head. Iranians aren't white and will never compare to Europeans. End of discussion.

>I wasn't speaking precisely

>stop posting the same old shipost
I'm just refuting obviously shit points.

Practically everyone who is dealt with Iranians in academia agrees they are intelligent diaspora and model minorities.

Look here:
Bachelor's Degree or Higher Educational Attainment:
Ethnicity or nationality Percent of Population
Taiwanese 74.1%
Korean 72.8%
Indian 67.9%
Lebanese 64.9%
Jewish 59.0%
Iranian 57.2%

>Iranians aren't white

United States Population Statisics disagrees with you

Seconded. Every dead iranian child is a boone to the world.

>practically everyone
lol nope

>He fell for the globalist divide and conquer meme
Yes, goy... Unrestrained hate is good, let emotions cloud your judgement ehehehehe.

>Implying the US population statistics are correct

>Iranians/Persians are not the enemy.
>Sunni Muslims are.
No, but some Wahhabis are. Wahhabis are a subset of Salafists, who are a subset of the Hanbali fiqh, one of the FOUR traditional schools of Sunni Islam.

They were a tiny minority of Muslims until they were handed control of the Arabian oil fields and the Muslim holy cities in the first part of the last century.

Since that time they have diverted a significant portion of their oil revenue, and all of the clout that being 'protectors of the holy land' brings them in the Muslim world, to win new converts around the world, of course.

>Iranians aren't white and will never compare to Europeans.
Fucking faggot, we have always historically valued education. Also, Europeans are a mix of dark-skinned blue-eyed Elamites, Anatolian neolithic farmers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia (who typically broad heads, brown/black hair, and brown eyes while being tall).

Northern Europeans have more Yamna ancestry (which are proto-indo-european), about 50%, whereas Southern Europeans have 10-20%. Does this mean you are different races? Fuck off. You're just breaking your people up. It will have dire consequences in the future.

Also pic is of the Pre-Islamic Zoroastrian hero Rostam, which many Iranians still revere and name their children after. Fuck off you piece of shit.

>globalists push an agenda to keep countries divided.
Pretending to be a shill is a good cover for actually being one goldstein

You stupid piece of shit. Only in the 2nd post, did I not speak clearly. Stop trying to evade the basic reality of what I am convey. Iranians have an accomplished diaspora. Their culture values education. We have a saying "the pen of the scholar is mightier than the sword".


Build the wall.

of course man,

>USA Govt = wrong
>BiBi's Bitches = right

"According to the latest census data available, more than one in four Iranian-Americans holds a master's or doctoral degree, the highest rate among 67 ethnic groups studied.[6]"



Hell is being a sand nigger like you

>Hell is being a sand nigger like you
We do not even plot closely to Gulf Arabs or Mongols.

Also, I do not look like a sand nigger, and if I were a sand nigger, then I wouldn't have succeeded in high education. It seems you pieces of shit will never be satisfied: even if we become great doctors and help you out, you will still be hateful vile pieces of shit.

Go suck Gulf Arab and Israeli dick.

bawww some white trash stormfag crying about losing his safe space, my poor sides

Right after we wipe your country

Off the map.

> 2016/8/24
> yesterday

sounds legit

I love the Iran defender. I see some buthurt creeping into his posts. How long until it becomes a "I was only pretending to be retarded" poster? Place your bets!

>wipe your country

I'm guessing you even have a FoolProof plan !!!

>sorry autist loner shitposts to simulate the feel of friends
>yfw you try this hard yet are still alone

This could get interesting...

>I love the Iran defender.
I HATE the current regime, but the Carter administration and BBC backed Khomeini as he toppled the Shah. USA and UK were starting to dislike The Shah because he was becoming more independent and not economically subservient, and due to William E. Simon's 1974 deal, the USA pivoted to being more pro-Saudi Arabia in order to "neutralize crude oil as an economic weapon and find a way to persuade a hostile kingdom to finance America’s widening deficit with its newfound petrodollar wealth".

I hate the regime, but the USA, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have started supporting the Islamic Marxist terrorists, People's Mujaheddin of Iran, who gassed our own people during the Iran-Iraq War. They are even worse than the regime, and I think the West and KSA + GCC countries want them installed because they would be subservient on how to price oil -- it basically is about global economics.

The vast majority of terrorist attacks come from Sunni Orthodoxy, not Iranians, but of course, the media does not put enough emphasis on this.

Attacking Iran like this will also provoke Russia and China, though. They're the real reasons why we don't do anything about Iran. Although we would ultimately win World War 3, it's one of those things where even the winners still lose, you know? We're just trying to do the right thing and avoid another global conflict for as long as we can.

>le good sand nigger meme

Back to the_donald they'll give you the acceptance you crave so much over there

meanwhile americans.

>Back to the_donald they'll give you the acceptance you crave so much over there
I gave you all of the evidence. Iranian diaspora in the USA has contributed a lot in the USA in science and academia:
We are not stupid like Gulf Arabs or Northern Africans. We have historically valued education, hence why the majority of the Islamic Golden Age came from Eastern Iranians of Greater Iran. Our successful, educated diaspora is proof that we still value education and civility.

It's a shame that you, yourself, do not value civility by not taking into consideration all facts. You only accept what supports your worldview.

>Pretending to be a shill is a good cover for actually being one goldstein
No, it's a horrible cover for being a shill. It's no cover at all. It's standing naked. Are you stoned as hell or just stupid?

Oh, just stupid, I see, carry on Mr Drunken McBride. I'll be sure to swing the tire-iron hard so you don't suffer if you come back across the street tonight.

> USA would win WW3


We will not forget

The Iranian regime is not representative of the will of the people, who want a more secular republic. Also, no one was killed, and if it were pissed off Sunnis, it would be far worse.

USSR also took a photo from the surface of Venus before the atmo fried the drone.

>invade iran
>play the victims

Amerifats. Not even once.

>law of the sea
Oh right, that convention that neither Iran or the US is part of.

All of this is fine up till I saw what the check marks mean.
What good is being the first if generations later (now) the competition may be ahead of you.

That convention that neither have formally acceded to but both have literally always claimed to have abided by as customary law nonetheless.

Haha right. That's why the US conducts seabed mining outside of its EEZ every day. That's why Iran continually harasses shipping in its EEZ like they're in its territorial waters.

Fuck off, you're both garbage when it comes to sea legislation.

>Germany winning WW1 and WW2


Uh yeah, neither formally acceded to it, both claim some exceptions. The US claims exceptions pretty much everywhere, Iran in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz (where this happened.) And both have historically understood this was a bit of bravado on the part of both sides and backed down to more defensible claims whenever seriously threatened as well.

There's a ton of gamesmanship, and also two levels of game. Sometimes people try to change the rules.

I'm a bit late to the party but this is part of the Iranian initiative to capture US soldiers and get millions of dollars from Obama, correct?