This board is currently trying to pretend that we support Hillary.

But there are many archives of Sup Forums, so you can see what Sup Forums really is, and notice how we have been stuffing online polls for Trump since the beginning of his campaign.

Here is one such archive, but there are more.

You will learn everything about the alt right if you go through the archives for Sup Forums and a satellite site that has 8 in the name (it is filtered out here)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump's flip flopping on deporting all beaners and his recent nigger loving speeches have really opened our eyes. We need a candidate with a proven record of hating niggers. She will rid us of the super predators once and for all.


Leave shill

Jesus can you drumpf supporters fuck off? Sage

i'm offended. Sup Forums is a board of peace.

we are but modest farmers
tending to our memes.

masaalam, my friend

Actually, Sup Forums is full of shills. For Trump. Which is readily apparent by looking through the archives which are full of proof of us gaming online polls for him.

Also it will be very easy to see how we have orchestrated other situations, such as the harassment of Leslie Jones.

Whatever publication the lurkers reading this are from, we have likely fucked with your own online efforts, dig through the archives and see, they are dated for your convenience.

>not knowing the alt-right is a big meme to make everything into a happening

You're a fucking fagnadian. You have no say in this election you fucking cocksucker.
Go rape your niece, maple turd.

You're probably confusing us with sheeky forums. These guys adore trump there, you can see for yourself. We, we always supported Hillary.

Yes we get raided by pro dump supporters that most likely come from goybook but this borad is a borad of peace and will shill for hill until I die

Sup Forums is a board of peace, drumpftard


Sup Forums is a board of reason and peace!

Heil Hillary!

Sup Forums is satire

No we are just meager guack merchants tending to our avocados.
Heil Jeb !

>I'm a leaf, just here leafposting

Sup Forums is not one person.
Us Nationalist Socialists have always sided with Hillary's sensible Democratic Socialist policies.
It's the conservatives (ugh) on here who have been in support of Drumpf.

fucking leaf can't tell the difference between
>Sup Forums
fucking idiot

>Being this Trump shill

And neither do you, because you need to be 18 or older to vote.

See how angry they are at the suggestion of reading the archives? That's where the real story is. Ignore what we say to you today, take a look at what we've actually done. And pay special attention to the "Trump General" threads to follow our poll stuffing efforts.

A fucking leaf

Die in a fire leaf

No if you look closely you will see that we have a great passion for bernie sanders, hillary and big black cock. We are most active in those threads because we cant get enough. We call all trump threads as slide threads here.

Hillary for Chief Nigger Killer 2016

Now that I think about it, I am going to start mailing archive urls to the main outlets.

To any lurkers sick of the Trump spam we've had on here since he started running, join me in this.

>Lying on the internet

And then there's this asshole.
We support Stronk women like Hillary
Fuck off Drumpftard

> someone is getting paid to browse Sup Forums

Fuck this world. I want to get paid to browse Sup Forums

Ernst Rohm

I have a fantasy that I am a nazi officer, I shoot Anne Frank right between her pretty little eyes.
I would visit her decaying body everyday on the other side of the fence.
I'd love watching the maggots feast on her perky budding breasts.

Shut the fuck up drumpf shill

I'm going to #BringThemToHeelWithHillary
I'm so glad that KKKillary is taking notes from Lyndon Johnson!

He had a lot in common with Hitler, from how he wanted to disarm the population, and he knew which people were superior!

Even better, he turned the niggers into wage slaves and a guaranteed voting block! Why waste time killing them when you can have them as modern slaves!

1. Get them stuck under college debt
2. Have them take on useless degrees like African Studies
3. Nobody hires anyone with these degrees
4. Get them dependant on handouts and welfare
5. Have them stuck at minimum wage jobs
6. Have a voting block that is stuck voting Democratic because they are dependant and can't pick themselves up!!
>Even better than Hitler

>Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this.

>I'll have them niggers voting Democraticfor two hundred years."

I'm glad that she is following Lyndon B. Johnson's example!!

He tells it like it is!

Exactly we're tired of these niggerloving Drumpf shills. Hillary is the only candidate with the pure strength of will to bring the dark skinned super predators to heel.

>pretend that we support Hillary
gtfo shill, how much is drumpf paying you

This was before Drumpf flip-flopped on immigration, now #ImWithHer

Lying leaf strikes again


>But there are many archives of Sup Forums

>a fucking leddit leaf

Leaves are the biggest manlovers out there.

>a fucking leaf can't pick apart this satire

no wonder#Imwithher, drumpfkins, nationally and internationally, can't do anything right

Why is it always, ALWAYS a fucking leaf?