Op from Pepe poster today. I displayed my pepe poster for 5 minutes untill on hillary supporter asked to see the poster...

Op from Pepe poster today. I displayed my pepe poster for 5 minutes untill on hillary supporter asked to see the poster. Then they all started asking if i supported and why i am third party. Then one said i had a mental deficiency and said i was homophobic. I eventually pussied out and left.

Im actually gay. Wtf.

Also i never shouted "PEPE!"
That was another proud user. To him i salute you!

Other urls found in this thread:


Also convention pics


What were her supporters like? How low energy was it?


Why is no one here.


Btw pic realated is that a piss bag strap?

They actually were pretty fanatical. But not in support of hillary, but in being against trump.

Good job bro

Thats at the door mate.

Did you wear a white MAGA hat?

boipucci pic noa

how many ppl were there faggot-user? if you are really a fag should have stood your ground, a gsy guy bring thrown out from her rally would be great press for trump.

>one said i had a mental deficiency
>i'm gay

guess they weren't wrong

i presented myself as a libertarian (true) and said i was also bi/gay (true) and that i wasnt sure who to vote for (false).

Yeah, I once argued with some guy who called me out for using the word faggot. I said that it's okay, because I'm gay. He said he was gay too and the word is never okay.

What a fag.

then did you fuck

the irony they find common ground with alt right

Yeah same and faggots have done this to me too.

No, I was lying about being gay to win an argument. There's only one girl for me.

Wait, I missed it, you went to her speech today and held a pepe poster? Are there screengrabs? Did the person shouting pepe make it into the stream?

Fuck you false faggot of misinformation.

I bought Lord keks holy book from Amazon and I preach at my local university about his teachings

Bless me kek

[You need a Sup Forums gold account to view the contents of this post]

do you have a link to the old thread?
Also you are based for doing this and providing first hand evidence of the (((crowd)))

>one mental retard to another


No dubs. Kek does not Vult

Also i used my roommate to post In Why i never replied. My phone couldnt post from where i was at.


go here

>Then one said i had a mental deficiency and said i was homophobic.

HAHA you should have told them you were gay to wipe the smug looks of their faces.

This is him


>I'm actually gay

Story checks out guys. It really is OP

I told a few supporters early that i was gay. So some of the people next to me knew.

A gay independent is harassed by staff at a Hillary Clinton speech? Very problematic.

Soldiers of Sup Forums

How many people were actually there?

Why do you take all these photos sideways you pleb

weaponized memes are changing this election

you made history today



>Also i never shouted "PEPE!"
>That was another proud user.
lmao we've infiltrated everything

Holy crap, even with all that seating full, there would still be pretty much nobody in the audience.

Shitty ass iphone

Seating was filled but those were for VIP




at most 300 ppl

Pre-convention. Chill out hillary hadnt yet gone on stage and i was first to get in

jesus this is turning into real life fight club level project mayhem

No. Blue UNR hat.

>I was lying about being gay to win an argument

dear oh dear oh dear

So you're telling me that out of that tiny little crowd there was more then 1 Trump supporter there?

They cant even fill a tiny room like that with real supporters?


Bravo user

All OP btw

Refer here



Not tiny
About 1000 people. All the seat were filled but people waiting in line had to be seated at the balcony. It was incredibly disorganized and people were complaining it wasnt at UNR or Lawlor Event Center

good show OP

>on gmod
>point out how the admins of a gametype are only banning people that say "nigger".
>point out how any other racial connotation gets completely ignored regardless of how derogatory it is.
>eventually say that i am black to prove how hypocritical it is
>everyone agrees because clearly a black person knows more than a white person would on racial issues.

the autism alert applies, i was playing gmod after all.

I'm just blown away at the size of this one she's having.

>1000 people

pretty subtle record correcting, I'll allow it.

Except im pro trump. And was there

Hahahahahaha holy fuck. Thanks Ireland!

So you're telling me the balcony holds 950 more people than the stage floor?

Stage floor filled up.
Rest were balcony.
Most supporters couldnt even see hillary. Felt kinda bad. There loss not mine

>arrows pointing to the stairs

hillary is literally retarded

The biggest mistake is complacency
Never assume your enemy will be easy to defeat because if you lose what does that make you?
For every supporter at a trump rally hillary has 10 boomers and Mexican housewives ready to turn up to the voting booth, you need to go out and give it your all if you want to stop the witch from being elected.

>You had one job

I would have loved to. But im trying to apply for national guard. Making headlines would be the last thing i would ever consider. I just wanted to stay subtle

I have a future career to protect, plus my family owns a large business near reno. Not going to bring so much attention to myself (even though i already kinda did).

Fair enough user. At least you made an effort

I was the one that made the video on you/the Pepe screamer; see here:
OP, prepare to be famous later on tonight; all my media contacts/public figures caught wind of this thread and will be rolling with your story instead, so it looks like it'll be no dice as far as them spreading my Pepe video since I cut it with the narrative that the Pepe poster guy and Pepe screamer guy were one and the same.

Video is made and uploaded, though (currently private, but won't be for much longer); perhaps one or two of them will spread it around regardless. They want me to take out all the references to Sam Hyde/MDE in the description, though :(
(Pic related)

Regardless, excellent work, user. And like I said, expect to start showing up on a few big sites in the coming hours.

he shouted "pepe" at a clinton rally and it made the air what the fuck have you done today

No i fucking didnt

holy shit so many people

Someone else did, he just said that.

It's unmistakable though, someone did and it was probably someone from Sup Forums.

Did you see what happened to the guy who shouted it? Did he make it out alive?

I want to know that as well.
Never saw him, and actually didnt know about it until i got home when my roommate showed me the post and everyone freaking out saying i yelled Pepe

Im a self bumping faggot who hates is life

But Trump gives me hope

Trump = Daddy

OP you should have tripped up

I can confirm that looks like Reno. high probability of it being genuine.

Provide life stream from jumping off the balcony

You can see Grand Sierra Resort in background of original post. Im at a weird angle and tried to fit in as much as possible

good one.
we still have brave user.
they can't take that away, faggot

Also Muslims

Reno hilldog protester here, hey reno bros, I'm meeting trump tomorrow.

Someone should shout this again during the debate.


I have the stop Hillary sign and I'm in black


based OP


You said Pepe like a proper Spaniard, it genuinely felt like someone was calling his friend Pepe

top kek

What the fuck Trump, I am now a #NeoConShill

Wtf I hate trump now

Here now it's easier to look at.

Anyone got that fightclub poster with pepe and feels guy?


The more I see pics like this, the more convinced I am that they make these rallies small on purpose so she doesn't have another panic attack on stage. Look at the huge buffer around the stage. They still could have kept her secure with a smaller area.