When Hillary tries to tie Trump to Sup Forums, by calling 4channers racist, bigoted, hateful, and monstrous people, all Trump has to say is one thing as a rebuttal:
"They're not criminals"
Her bullshit is defused right then and there.
When Hillary tries to tie Trump to Sup Forums, by calling 4channers racist, bigoted, hateful, and monstrous people, all Trump has to say is one thing as a rebuttal:
"They're not criminals"
Her bullshit is defused right then and there.
I wonder what it's like to suck on a cows nipped?
It's like sucking a really warm ripe and brown banana
Give it a shot.
I live in a city and so no cows for miles.
Is there someway to simulate a cows udder?
We are a board of peace.
Your mum can't be that far away, britbong
No, but you're obnoxious, anti-social assholes. That can't be refutted.
>always blame Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
but in a way she is right
Sup Forumsacks are racist bigoted hateful and not nice people
Statistically speaking, about 20% of the US posters here are criminals.
Or, Trump could tie Hillary to SJWs and that women that need her weaves and said "burn that shit down" but that CNN said "called for peace".
The nice thing about this is that this would also show the mainstream media lying.
i think more of the europoors on here are violating some hate speech laws
Ad Hominem.
Who cares.
Get off of this board, Shill.
That was savage. His rhetoric is miles away from hers. The debates are going to be a bloodbath.
get a thick latex glove, or put two inside each other, then fill with warm milk and prick just one finger.
>or put two inside each other
And the paradox award goes to CzziIYrQ.
She didn't id the chans, only koshered characters were named, jonestein, jewbart, jeweduke, aka only controlled/compromised opposition are on the stage of this theater production. pol is a loose cannon with too many targets making it uncontrollable, so her (((speech))) writers didn't name pol outright, otherwise a large segment of normies that would come here would get pilled.
CNN literally linked to Sup Forums in one of their articles that they released during her speech
a fucking star with strips
Secondary source with a very low viewership, not from hillarys mouth in the speech.
CNN is one of her main new outlets
They are as much of an entity as her in the media.
She actually mentioned Sup Forums?
They have less than a million(750k) "viewers," where 500-600k of them are known to be 24hrs/day "viewers," aka what business turn on in the background that no one is following. They're nothing, their actual viewership is half of what pol gets. That's right, pol is twice as big as cnn.
nah, called it like dark reaches of the internet i think
How do you respond when they call you uneducated?
Their party consists of spics, niggers, and sjws, they're projecting.
Who's "they"?
Statistics? Numbers?
Psychology doesn't even have a concrete definition of intelligence.
There are many measures for it but there is no one right all encompassing measure.
ok nigger
>masters of womens studies and other liberal art majors
pick one.
Sounds like you just lost this debate.
If you say so.
you should go here
Yes there is, it's IQ.
Holy shit
Did she really mention Sup Forums?
>calls us assholes unprovoked
Enjoy your hypocrisy
It's crazy to think that Hillary Clinton the Queen of Sup Forums would link us to Drumpf. That's some 5D chess she's playing
Pictured is what would happen, they'd come to check it out and try to "gotcha" evil(tm) pol only to get a serving of poll is always right, rinse lather repeat enough times and wala, new polster.