Also, would anyone mind telling me why YOU are part of the Alt-Right?
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Hearing morons complain about the alt right has convinced me its the right thing to do
I'm not tuat updated on this Alt-Right thingy, but I know one thing and that is that I don't want my people and my country to die.
That is just a made up term used by liberals who are afraid of actual discussion
As a typical member of the alt-right, I support Hillary because of her pledge to bring black "superpredators" to heel, her support for providing free abortions to black women to decrease the black birth rate, and her support for disarming inner city blacks to make them easier to control by police.
Hillary Clinton is a Southern dixiecrat who has said herself that her mentor was KKK leader Robert Byrd:
Her support for militant police action against blacks, for ethnic cleansing of blacks, and gun control efforts aimed specifically at disarming blacks to make it easier to (in her words) "bring them to heel" is all well documented.
There's a reason why her husband's campaign buttons in 1992 prominently featured the confederate flag. Like us on the alt-right, Hillary is an anti-black bigot. Her campaign is built on an edifice of hatred and intolerance, which is why we have always supported her and will continue to support her.
We were disheartened to hear her attempt to disavow our support today and tie us to the Trump campaign, but we understand that this is politics and sometimes you have to disavow parts of your base in order to win elections. Hillary's recent comments about us, a fervent core of her support base, have not dissuaded us from continuing to strongly support her candidacy for President.
I'm from the Alt-Right, and #ImWithHer
All of us are not part of the alt-right. It's a lot of different ideologies on this board and alt-right is one of them.
Please go away normie, or hell, stick around and get educated.
Actually no, please leave.
This is the alternative
For the memes
Because I hate niggers and Jews. Hillary 2016!
I'm not alt-right. A lot of the board is leftist. The alt-right just have "big mouths".
Because while a majority of the people here are racist, they don't lie about their viewpoints or evidence.
The "alt-right" is a made up movement. It's literally only right-wing people posting stats and videos.
I'm a national populist, alt right is a meme term for those who believe the democrats and republicans are the same at this time. I vote for trump because i want a renewed relationship with Russia.The cold war ended a long time ago and Russia is still being labled the boogyman.
I just wanted to be part of something bigger than myself.
Would you say the Alt-Right is more pro-Clinton or pro-Trump?
I am literally hitler, AMA
where you live at little cuck? IMA FIND YOU AND CUT YOUR NIPPLES OFF
Because I hate niggers and Hillary will keep them in their place
Trump wants to attempt to civilize the subhumans by offering them OUR white jobs and education
I have a conservative nature, although I wouldn't consider myself Alt-Right as I want to destroy politics and America.
What's good ma nigga?
what is alt-right?
I'm actually part of CTR
The real alt-right is entirely pro Clinton. Trump shills have taken oven the board. Everyone educated knows that Clinton is the only candidate who will keep the Jews and Niggers in check.
Anyone who truly believes in a future for white supremacy is voting Clinton.
I am a high ranking official in the alt right movement. Decode this to contact me for further information.
Night as bright as day
Internal censorship
Gamma rays in monitors
Gold worth less than clay
Existential threat of sight
Repercussions unlike ever before
Serpents gaze sets in stone
Awaiting your response,
Having a conservative nature but not subscribing to MSM and Party Politics.
Fucking tired of these kikes and niggers and wetbacks
Heil Hillary!!!
What this guy is trying to say
... is, we are SOCIALISTS, NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, we identify with the SOCIALISTS.
Because I'm tired of Democrats' racism and race-baiting.
Not a data-mining thread.
Absolutely. Welcome to Sup Forums, a board of peace. We are #WithHer
Heil Hillary
alt right are just bratty kids and rebranded cuckservative wimps
The answer is 42
but (((Trump))) is orthodox jewish and only wants to lower his own taxes not audit anything
To ensure a victory for Hillary and a future for the white race. Only she can defeat kike-lover Trump.
Sup Forums is not one person. Some of us may consider ourselves alt-right, while some may consider ourselves commies. What matters is that you can back up your ideals.
Right here is your answer, faggot.
Sup Forumsdoesnt Have anhtbing to do with the alt Right. Its literally a Hillary meme to link Trump to us -who say outrageous things- and thus claim he's the same and racist and blablabla.
Fact is he never said anything racist. Fact is that the only evidence of racism ks some tabloid titled "is Trump racist?" Where he said deport illigal people
Fuck the left so hard
Trump is a meme populist
The Neo-Cons will take over completely once the Democrats have been destroyed from the inside out, we a looking at a potential 20 year Republican period of governance.
What is alt right? We are a humble community of paper folding and underwater horticulture enthusiasts. You seem to have us confused with
Please go in peace.
Because i hav nazi fetish
I have a fantasy that I am a nazi officer, I shoot Anne Frank right between her pretty little eyes.
I would visit her decaying body everyday on the other side of the fence.
I'd love watching the maggots feast on her perky budding breasts.
I'm not, the alt right is pure autist. I'm a normal right winger, not a special needs right winger.
"Alt right" is a label created by the media and to tie us in with a wide range of other groups including (((controlled opposition))).
Whenever one of these groups makes a mistake or does something that looks bad they tie it to all of us. This de-legitimizes any group labeled Alt-Right, and keep the average uninformed person in-line.
Preplanned headlines:
>Alt Right Nationalist Raids
>This Alt-Right supporter has something CRAZY to say
>Hilarious Alt-Right video, debunked by fact-checking
Alt-Right is a check against the expansion non-mainstream thought.
The alt-right is actually a small minority. We are not the alt-right. But, we'll don that mask if that's what's going to get our views out.
It's a more centrist approach to most of our political views, more easily accepted by the "modern" world. It's also a better strawman for liberals to attack, due to it's somewhat contradictory nature as a result of moving away from hardline conservatism and national socialism. The idea is to make easy targets for liberals to debunk, but in the process, slowly redpill them.
Even if only 10%, 5%, 1%, of the people who came here to knock on these supposed "alt-right" people see the light and stay....until the media blows over and runs towards the next scandal or controversy to fill their headlines. Then we resume normal Sup Forums operations, and you'll see us for who we truly are.
So come stay awhile, and listen.
There is no such thing as the alt-right. I'm right wing because I don't want my race to die.
No one joins the alt-right dickhead, it just appears to be a label slapped on anyone under 50 who isn't a marxist piece of shit.
>supports nationalist and racial identity
>anti globalism and foreign intervention
>pro men's rights
>pro constitution and free speech
what else could you want OP
anti establishment, memes, freedom. Globalization kills individuality.
get some
Why are you portraying Hillary as a racist bigot? You are disgusting.
I am a former muslim (current atheist) who likes to indulge in Jew memes
Because it's my birthday today
Hillary will save us from nigger loving race traitor trump. #HeilHillary
The alt right is what the right should be. Easy answer famalamadingdong.
your mother is a whore and I drink her piss