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I'm Mexican you fucking retard I CANNOT BE RACIST.
I don't feel like a victim. Maybe its because I'm white.
Political correctness will now be protecting us from now on.
i'm just a farmer tending to my memes
Das rite white liberal gurl we aint racis we ALT RITE n sheeeeit u bes watch yo language
>getting called a racist on the internet
been called worse
Sorry Paco, you would've been right a decade ago.
But you've been surpassed by the 'Religion of Peace' in the race card ladder ranking. Now it's Negros, Ahmed, Hispanic in the descending order and you've lost your free racism privilege. But hey, you still have partial dindu nuffin status on certain matters.
Nigger, my fake twitter account had more than that before I got IP banned.
>even acknowledging bantz this weak
not worth one (You)
Oh no a feminist bitch called me an asshole guess I'll have to kill myself now
>mfw I'd rather be called a racist asshole than be compared to 16 year old babies "fighting" over the internet
Attacking political correctness now... if they dismantle it, 'racist' will be meaningless...
Is this a checkmate, pepe wins?
That fucking bigot. We are the political side of peace.
>tfw I'm black and free to be openly alt right and nobody gets to question me on it
>IP banned
Just set a new account from your phone and never give them a phone number/use a number from a free voIP service.
living the dream user
#racist asshole lives matter
Hey dude!
Also black conservative with a WIFE a JOB no criminal record and confuse the FUCK out of people when they see a Trump sticker on my Escalade
So we spics are finally considered crackers just like chinks?
Would race mix with 10/10 post
The more of you become cops and kill black guys like Jeronimo Yanez and Brian Encinia, yeah.
We never advocated for political correctness nor being called the Alt-Right though
post >yfw you can get away with openly being a fascist because you aren't white
Its changing in my area, I'm latin but now they are saying I can be racist, just not as racist as whites.
Maybe one day I'll be able to be as racist as the white man.
>black trump supporters in America
its highest level of woke attainable for a black man
Any black man who supports the GOP is an Uncle Tom light skinned piece of shit. I am white but my gf is black and black people who hurt their own community by supporting white supremacists is sickening.
Them niggas need an education and to wake up and realize they are fucking field hand slaves for their white owners at the GOP
>So we spics are finally considered crackers just like chinks?
Kek. Pretty much. Most of you guys are already classified as white in most Federal reports lol.
>Any black man who supports the GOP is an Uncle Tom light skinned piece of shit. I am white but my gf is black and black people who hurt their own community by supporting white supremacists is sickening.
>Them niggas need an education and to wake up and realize they are fucking field hand slaves for their white owners at the GOP
Nice copy pasta.
this is so much fun
As long as you plan on going back to Africa, it's okay to be Negroid.
>I am white but my gf is black
Your opinion is worth nothing.
Plus trump cares about blacks and shit. That's why I'm probably hillary, she supports abortion and welfare which keeps niggers where they belong.
>mfw people find out I'm a "self Hating" spic that knows whites are genetically superior to all races
>mfw they immediately get over it
>pretty sure I'd be hung from a flag pole if I were white
;_; I just wish mom wasn't a coal burner
>but tfw still love my dad
Yup, according to leftist dogma if you become a productive member of society you are an honorary aryan and therefore have white priveledge. Enjoy your new social station Spaniard of European descent.
I envy you user.
You still have to go back Pedro
Did you not notice there were two of you in the Republican Primary? Three if you count Bush? You're white (with possible admixture from being a Spaniard or Portugese and close to Africa) with a variable amount of native blood, essentially.
Also as of 2010 you were considered white on the US census, Obama literally changed that to a separate race on government paperwork.