ITT favorite minor characters

ITT favorite minor characters

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Who would he be in GoT? Shitmouth?

That guy from season 4 from Game of Thrones, who calls himself the fookin' legend of Gin Alley


i miss the extremely short-lived dixonposting.

Is that the guy who cut off Jaime's hand?

Mine would probably have to be that one goofball who was pretending to show his friend how to dance with a girl only to shove his finger up his bunghole

>Smells like pussy to me!

inb4 >minor character

so this guy is dead in the books, what purpose does he serve in the series, theoryfags?

At this point I dont know what the point of half the characters in the show is.

He will cross blades with night king and his firesword will be extinguished, then he will be stabbed but will breathe his life into Jon who was killed by night king earlier


Just another named character which will get killed off during the war for the dawn
He will probably try to take on the nights king in single combat and get rekt



The Shah of Iran

I love that she exposed Amerilards for what they really are

>all he wanted was to drink wine from the Lord Commander's skull and fuck Craster's women until they were dead

"You sayin' I got 4 kidneys?"


>Why didn't you burn my shit, Ray?

Any supporting character played by Bill Paxton.

shitmouth or patchface

love this guy in Turn and Pacific Rim, seeing him play a character like this was great

literally hittler


>Is that the guy who cut off Jaime's hand?

Here, this should help you remember

Negan was really cool


Spy was shit but Statham was GOAT

Technically he was a major character that got retconned into being minor by a "reintroduction" in the middle of the show, but whatever.