So is this the alt right?

So is this the alt right?
Should Mollyboy be included?

Other urls found in this thread:

>No Stef

>Furries, fatties, fags and whores are the representative voices of the "alt-right"
Guys please, fix this.

>any of these people
>alt right

he certainly should not be

Trump is literally married into the tribe.


>Thundercuck is right
>Cuckgon is right
>Shoeoncuck is right
>Armorded skepcuck is right

All listed are right wingers.

>godawful body proportions
>entry-level-tier ecelebs

putting moly in this image would be an insult

>Armored Skeptic
How about fucking no. That man is a joke.


The only decent person in your picture is the woman on the far left. I cant remember her name but iv seen her videos and when she does public events. Anyone know her name?

Who are those cunts?

>Fucking Leaf

It's another fucking leaf, you should know her name.

I really dont pls tell me

Milo shouldn't be on there, he's a figurehead plant the media created.

Attention whores the alt-right worships.

Christina Hoff Summers

what about Ben Shappiro ?

Looks like Christina Hoff Sommers, but she's in no way "alt right"

I only recognize Sargon and Milo, one both are fags, one figuratively and the other literally
literally WHO

She's Christina Hoff Sommers. A left wing feminist.

> themoreyouknow

Every day you push these faggots.

>A left wing feminist.
Her videos are all about anti feminism. Why even bother lying?

They your you faggot
Alt-right is literally edgy conservashits

The alt-right won't last a generation.

It's only audience are virgin white man who will never have sex with a woman. Subsequently they will never breed and pass on their ideology.

I give it 10 years at absolute most before it dies completely.

Almost all of these are liberals that are hostile to Alt-Right.

Especially Sargon.

not advocating for the forceful extinction of white men means you're alt right

>They your you faggot

He is far far away from them all


The joooooooooo??

I don't know more than 1 of these memes. You're fucking nu-chan cancer. Kill yourself and kill some of these e-celebs too.

Coal burning democrat whore

None of those people are alt-right. Sargon, Shoe, and Christina Hoff Sommers are all liberals. Milo is just an edgelord trying to get attention.

>not including sister who

yeah, so what?


>the alt-right doesn't include the ghost of Hitler or Trump


Important figures not present
>Richard Spencer
>Steve Sailer
>Jared Taylor
>entire TRS network
>Millenial Woes
Yes goyim, this picture represents all your leaders, and they are the only people you should be aware of

She's a Democrat, and calls herself "The Factual Feminist". She just doesn't like safe space harpies.

He hates the alt-right because we're basically anudda shoah. The kike is just a shill for Israel.

None of these people are alt-right.


Where's Cernovich?

>The alt-right won't last a generation.

Neither will the United States. In 25 years, whites will be a complete minority. Became a minority in children under 5 in 2014. Will become a minority in children under 18 by the next presidential election (2020.)

I kinda like Armoured Skeptic but I don't think he's an alt-right.

His gf is hot tho

yeah but he doesn't lower his head to SJW's the way ShoeOnHead did many times.

None of them are alt right.

>no Jim

Alt right doesn't mean anti-SJW. It literally just means pro-White. Shapiro is a Jew and only cares about his tribe, which would be fine if he wasn't so opposed to Whites doing the same

TL;DR, besides being a massive autist, is the only god-tier "youtuber" in that picture, others are entertaining, but not "the voice" of any propaganda or spectrum

That dudes arm literally does down to his knee.

he's literally ranting on twitter right now about how you're all bigots

lol at milo

Doesn't he do that every other day?

CHS is a liberal Democrat, Sargon is a lefty.

Shoe just parrots shit someone else said.

Not sure on Thunderfoot but he seems mostly libertarian and lefty aswell. Teal deer aswell.

Milo is a faggot that probably does more harm than good, still he's entertaining.

No, Thunderfoot hates libertarianism. He and Molyneux got into an argument over it a few years ago.

>look her up
W-What's going on? What is this
Why the cleavage? Why are you a man?

Where's Undoomed?

wheres that one tranny whos gotten popular recently

>1 post by this pencil neck

Thunderfoot is a EU federalist and almost a closet statist if his debate with Sargon is anything to go by.

Where's black pigeon?



The only one I really know is Skeptic Knight, who has said that he leans slightly left.

Like I said, not certain about it. It was just my impression from his comments over the years on the free market of ideas and similar stuff.

He commented on a lot of research being sponsored by the EU. I kind of get that was his biggest argument alongside with the UK getting more money back from the EU than the money they had to give.

who the fuck are any of these people

I wouldn't consider any of those alt-right except milo who I despise because hes a homo and the two broads but I don't know who they are because Ive never found women to have anything enlightening to say at all.

When I think of the alt-right I think of Ramzpaul and now Molyneux

I definitely don't think of Sargon I think of him more as an SJW

>le ebin ctrl-right crew XDDX LE EBIN, EPIC FTW

Hope this is not from you,
why have some people always have to turn things into gay shit?

Who are ANY of these people`? Sargon of cuckad i recognise and i have seen that miscolored deer before but who the fuck are the rest?

Oh fuck, this looks like a roster of bosses for a Dark souls game

haha xD have le upboat

>So is this the alt right?
No, those are gamergate jewtoob cucks.
>should Mollymeme be included
If he's gay or jewish, then yeah

Bps is the only one i respect.

Milo isn't alt-right, he's just not a complete ass to them. Sargon is flat out on the left, but he's a completely different type of left than SJWs are.

who the fuck cares, i only recognize deer sargon and milo thanks to Sup Forums
they are all vapid retarded attention whores anyway,

There's at least 3 Jews in that pic

Sorry OP, but those people think critically. They can never be a part of the Right.

So tumblrites?

Aren't most of these people classical liberals? Also who is the blonde lady on the far right?

Also, where's Blaire White?

Who is the girl off to the side that pissed herself and has pet porcupines?

thunderfoot doesnt deserve to be there now...he cucked us on the brexit

is the only criteria for alt right speaking against extreme feminism? because that seems to be the only mutual thing going on here

mrs. pee pee

Alt-right is just Reich wing. E-celeb shills are, by default, charity cases going along with the tides of the newest fringe movements. They just want a quick buck from Jewtube views and Patreon shills. Sage this trash and stop using the term, (((they))) have subverted from within because you forgot the JQ


who the fuck are they ?

i only know milo

Isn't this just gamergate?

So basically 10 degrees to the left of center in good times. 10 degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally. Why is it the republican party that's fracturing and not the democrats?

>Fucking ThunderCuck

Where is Pidgeon

> no TRS
> no MW
> no Radix, no Neoreaction


Times change user.

Millennial is bisexual.
A.k.a. Useful fertilizer

About 60% of the shit he argues regarding modern leftism is pretty great, his weakness is being an incredibly religious jew who hates the alt right merely for supposed anti-semitism.

Ew, fuck that pic. I want the anti sjw trend to die. There is literally nothing wrong with identity politics as long as whites can participate.