If you care at all about the future of the white race you should be supporting Israel. They are directly fighting against the Muslim invasion. The enemy of our enemy is our friend.
If you care at all about the future of the white race you should be supporting Israel...
The funny part of OP pics?
Women in Israel army are not so "integrated", they have a few in the front for photos and the rest tend to end up as POGs or less, which then are used as stock recruitment material with those photos for the rest of the population to fall like flies, in fact, the nearest thing women are sent is the egipitan front were things are calm and safe they can go whoring all they want.
Also a faggot
>Women are not so good at being a soldier
Woah you should write a book
Except Jews are the reason the United States is going to be the The United Taco States of Nigeria. And the Jews are the reason Europe is going to be called The Islamic Union.
In this case no, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. They are profiting off destroying our nation. They are the catalyst for the destruction of the first world.
When the enemy outnumbers you 1-10, it makes sense to give weapons to even monkeys.
Just don't try to sell me they're equal, or that it should be the norm.
That's not "funny", that's just common sense
gee i wonder who could be behind this post
Shut up turbo kike. Ive taken one of your women and my sons won't forget what you did. We crypto-goys now.
They aren't equal of course, but should serve for morale solidarity etc., and mostly in non combat situations, because they're ladies.
Nothing's wrong with it.
I'm a son of a son of a crypto-goy, kike fucker, go eat a nigger dick
>tfw I'm anti-semitic and my fiance knows it
>and she's Jewish
I wonder if our kids can get Israeli citizenship.
Maybe run for politics or open a popular Hebrew language blog advocating a greater Islamic diversity and level of representation in the Holy Land.
Goys must impregnate kike women and destroy the kike bloodline, it's the only way to defeat these rats.
Bloodline goes through the mother. It's a way to trap the Goyim.
It's why Jewish broads are so hot.
>Listening to Jewish religious doctrine as a Goy
I don't know how we made you guys do this every time, but it's hilarious
They look like Arabs. Specifically from Yemen. They're mixed with Greeks but they're still half Arab and even part sub Saharan nigger African. In addition to the kike DNA and culture embedded in them.
"People" like them need to be corpses. Death to all of or enemies. Jews and leftists alike
Israel is fighting for themselves like they always have, they will never fight for us in a million years. Every other nation on earth would fight for us before they fight for us.
Remember that and remember you're a fucking idiot.
So what's the truth then shekel hoarder?
As much as I would love to date Israeli women, I feel like they are too difficult to ask out on a date.
Sunni islam is not israel's enemy, shia islam is. A few Palestinians are sunni, but no one gives a shit about Palestinians.
Sunni islam's are a kike army and the main tool for white genocide.
>The enemy of our enemy is our friend.
Then the muslims are our firends, who are in the first place the ones who push open border policies to western countries, who owns the media, who's financing isis.
Also Israel is not a white country.
Kys leaf.
It's the truth but it's religious doctrine, it doesn't affect genetics.
Fuck a Jewess two generations and your have a Goy, Ashkenazis are usually 50% Euro anyway, it's not that hard.
>son of a son of a crypto-goy,
You're practically white GOY, why aren't you fighting the JEWS for the NAZIS yet?
Is true. Cousin marry jew woman. Has 4 jew daughters now.
I'm on Sup Forums everyday, I'm doing what I can:^)
So if I went and goyed a jewess, then her children didn't go with jews. Their children would just be goys?
>So if I went and goyed a jewess, then her children didn't go with jews. Their children would just be goys?
Yeah, if she removed her Jewishness and raised them without telling them about it like the Hitchens brothers.
Meh, as long as you don't let them jew the kids out of their foreskin who cares.
Renounced ***
I don't know about the religious sense(Probably yes), but genetically for sure, yeah.
The mother bloodline thing is bullshit, I don't know why people keep talking about it.
Who gives a fuck about Jewish religious laws? I don't get it.
stfu canfuck
its a lie, the children would be 100% Jew. If you only had sons, and they only married goyim, then their kids would not be Jews. plz don't fall for the jew lies
if the mom is jewish then so are the kids you tard
good job making more jews
It's good that jews and muslims fight and all but jews aren't real whites so I don't support them why the fuck else would they wanna live in that shithole known as the middle east
hopefully you kikes nuke each other to oblivion so the rest of the world can forget about you