Wired.com has now weighed in on ALT-Right now

Wired.com has now weighed in on ALT-Right now.
The goose is cooked.

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>Making news articles about trolls
America has entered a new age of retardism.


Reminder that wired openly endorsed hillary clinton

'Researchers say.'

Who fucking writes this dribble?

Such a dark dark board of peace.

ALT-Right is a movement of peace.

it's just clickbait. the people that make trash threads here all day could get paid for it if they had a little more effort in them.

the "news" sites are like the next level of sitting inside all day on the computer. they have their captive audience that spends an hour a day on shit they paid someone next to nothing (or literally nothing) to hack together, and that audience never looks into anything themselves.



it honestly isn't even clickbait its a narrative push. notice the same wording repeaded across multiple groups same day. it's the same coordinated attack style that got uncovered during the gg shit.

How could people be so stupid? An entire political stage turned upside down by a couple of bored guys posting frogs and masturbating to anime. The world has gone mad. You call out people on their bullshit, post a few pictures of a photo shopped cartoon frog putting Hillary Clinton in a gas chamber and suddenly you've taken over the Republican party, ended the presidential runs of some slick politicians who've been groomed since high school to deal with you, yet failed miserably. Your candidate becomes the leading presidential candidate. Oh and you are an evil racist neo nazi fringe group that has undermined American politics. You are now part of a big conspiracy to revive far right white nationalism across the world involving Nigel Farage, Putin, and fucking Donald Trump who is leading the charge.

Unreal. We've come this far. How much further can we go? These morons. They've done everything wrong. Look at what they've made us. Its...fucking hilarious to be honest but shit.

I would call you a mad man if you would've told me this five years ago.

How far will memes take us?

What is kek's master plan?

Just about the only joy I have left in life comes from seeing these ridiculously worded headlines about people who post pictures of cartoon frogs.

Mark potok of the splc. I'm surprised people still cite those crackpots.

They weren't around for the early days of the internet so they don't know how to deal with trolling/bantz/shitposting what have you. They honestly think that if they confront it head on and point out how silly it is that it'll deswade the bantz and the trolls will go away.

>If I throw gasoline on this fire it's sure to go out!

I know. This shit is ridiculous. The fact that Sup Forums, and other """alt-right""" sites are pretty much influencing half of the country's opinion is fucking dumb.

It's funny; it's really fucking funny. But it's also sad. And stupid. What does that say about our country and politics? How weak, shitty, and just completely wrong would they have to be to be so easily changed? By people who mostly don't try and don't give a shit.

I remember think it was crazy when Habbo Hotel raids made some local Fox News program.

I'm regretting spending so much time here as underage b&, maybe shotacon and traps weren't the best influence at such a young age. I'm just so happy to see our collective shit on the main stage of US politics.

m00tykins (peace be upon him) would be proud


>Cyber Racism

Why isn't there a northern poverty law center? What kind of bourgeois crap is that?

>it means white supremacy researchers say

holy fuck that is gold! really doubling down on the racist thing, kind of overt but I guess the kinds of people this will influence need more of a blunt approach. Can't wait until all the pretenses are finally thrown out and its just 24/7 bold "ANYONE WHO VOTES TRUMP IS A DUMB RACIST" headlines clear through November.

"Researchers say"?

Who's this Researchers person?


I believe they cited Sarah Leibohertzowhitz of the 'Cat Ladies for Social Reformation Institute'

> [Alt-right] means white supremacy, researchers say, plain and simple.

Jeez, these fucks need to get themselves new researchers.

OH BOY, this is funny. Now can we start an alt-left to make everyone think that hillary is going to put the niggers back in chains?