Hey Sup Forums, Northern Irish MLA here, AMA

Hey Sup Forums, Northern Irish MLA here, AMA.

My nephew browses here very frequently, and has been telling me for a while that politicians needs to understand internet culture and memes to be able to connect with the under-30 electorate, and that Donald Trump's success is tied with the fact that he is well acquainted with internet counter-culture.

I won't identify myself beyond saying I am a designated Unionist MLA.

At first I only came here as a chore to try and learn how things work here, and specifically why Donald Trump is doing so well in the US despite his unconventional approach, but I sometimes find it hard to tear myself away now I've been here so long.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off we're full

I mean you could at least try to appeal to more than half of the population

I am probably the most sympathetic of all Unionist MLAs to a United Ireland. I'd rather a United conservative Ireland than a liberal Northern Ireland part of the UK.

The Republic is going to become more of a cuck country than England over time. I understand why you'd still want a United Ireland regardless though.

How or have your opinions changed since you started lurking?

because of Sup Forums, that is

That's just not how it works. I wish it was but it isn't. Having said that there really is a noticeable shift in how many Catholics are willing to vote for us because Sinn Fein are so liberal. It really showed in the last assembly election

Provide some proof, Like a ID card or something just black the names and shit.

I don't know how much you know about the UK and Northern Ireland, but Northern Irish Unionists are the most socially conservative in the UK. Our First Minister said he wouldn't trust Muslims, are we are the last place in the British Isles without gay marriage.

I'm somewhat aware of that, I meant if there were any shifts on opinions or, in other words, how much has Sup Forums redpilled you?

When will a Unified Ireland happen?

Do you like Wales?

What I mean is that I was already in tune with Sup Forums anyway. In some areas it seems a bit liberal for me especially with that Milo faggot that is popular here

I used to think that it was inevitable. Now I'm not so sure.

I like Wales almost as much as England. I can't stand Jocks though, despite a lot of shared ancestry and history.

When you say 'in tune' what do you mean?

There are a large contingent of National Socialists here, myself included.

Or are you more libertarian?

I don't agree so much with the authoritarian nature of National Socialism, but ideology wise I am very favourable to National Socialism.

When will you eradicate the national menace that is Sinn Féin?

>those digits

Well it's nice to see an elected representative in our country who isn't a cuck.

I wish you the best of luck in your political career and your life.

They are eradicating themselves up here. Unfortunately they seem to be replacing that with seats in the Dáil. Just to add I am sympathetic to the cause of United Ireland. But for the time being we have a nice little enclave of conservatism which would disappear.

If a social conservative party ruled the whole island, I'd be more than happy with that

Thanks. To clarify my position. I have read Mein Kampf and watched a lot of Hitler's speeches, and I can't find fault in anything he says, but I'd want a society that is naturally healthy in its people and values, rather than have a brutal state force it upon everyone. Hitler himself unfortunately gave rise to, then killed a very good ideology.

I may not believe in the holocaust narrative as told, but it's beyond doubt that he was incredibly brutal and otherwise mad regardless of how much it is blown out of proportion.

Mate, I live in Belfast. I used to bang a chick that lived in the street past the bus stop right in front of Stormont. Nice wee area. Fuck sake like I probably know your wee nephew, its a small town.

Anyway, my question to you is, can you give me any money? I'm sure you're minted.

NatSoc is about promoting a healthy society, and I don't think it's possible for to come about naturally. I can understand the qualms about a 'brutal state' but in reality it wasn't bad, see pic related.

Won't go into the holocaust, no doubt you've seen enough threads about that, but I have to disagree with you about Hitler's character. The Allies, having gone to such lengths to paint Hitler as the devil, couldn't abandon this picture they'd panted of him after the war, so to this day we still see Hitler as a madman bent on destroying the world, when that wasn't the case.

Still, I am immeasurably pleased that you've kept an open mind to this.

I don't think Hitler was evil, quite the opposite. But I meant more that he was not always level headed, and the leader of a state at war absolutely needs that at all times. I think that he was a very intelligent person, and I know he isn't the monster that he is now painted out to be, but he was not flawless and unfortunately his arrogance cost him and his nation dearly.

Obviously he wasn't perfect, nobody is. But I don't think you can pin the war on him, as pic related shows.

Whether he was arrogant in demanding territories for Germany in the 30s is up for debate. I think he was, considering how Germany had been ruthlessly punished for a war they didn't start.

*don't think he was

Admittedly my knowledge isn't as great as most people on here, although I consider myself a lot more knowledge than the average person, I'm always willing to correct my opinions on further research

Although you're even starting to sway me on this, what is Sup Forums doing yet again.

just lurk man.

trying to get attention from Sup Forums, is never the kind of attention you want.

That's good to hear.

I'd reccommend to you watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
Website: thegreateststorynevertold.tv/
Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=Vnu5uW9No8g

It's 6hrs long but divided into parts.

You may also wish to check out some of the links at Might be some links that are not for you, but it's a varied selection. The thread is mostly just shills like JIDF raiding though.

Good luck in your endevours, I'm off to sleep now.

Adams, Paisley, Campbell: Imprison, make First Minister, Kill.

>under-30 electorate


Kill Adams, Imprison Campbell, Ian Paisley First minister. All 3 of them are cunts though

Off to sleep now lads