What does Feijoada taste like?

What does Feijoada taste like?


Some people like theirs with extremely shitty meat, others don't.

Like beans with pork and beef, I think

like beans with slighty spicy sausages and some bacon

like my cock

sopa de porco

> Rice and oranges


I wonder how it tastes with lemon

is it good tho

yes if you like beans and bacon
no if you're homosexual

Pretty shit desu

homosexual detected

Like milk and coins

Bags of sand

Like a woman anus



i like it yeah

>Brazilian posts feijoada and calls it "poverty food"
>I can barely afford to eat meat once a week while paying rent

I really like it, as long as there's no shitty meat on it. It's that kind of food that it's really easy to eat, and you can eat lots of it.

I go to Portugal at summer should i eat Feijoada?

It's more of a winter food, but you can try. There are various types of feijoada too.