
thailad edition

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fitst indian

WILL die alone and without children

screeching at the people still managing to be outraged at trump after he’s done more for north korea than any previous president
social media truly was a mistake

alri niggers

how do I achieve this look

without social media there would be no trump

>before trump
>we need to take over north korea and unite them bitches yeeehaw whooooo

>during trump


probably for the best judging by your posts

Reminder to vote BNP

You must be high test to be able to grow a glorious mustache. Pic related is my one month progress.

niggers should be used as fuel when we run out of petrol


you've been expose /brit/

*leans back and sees them all*
aha yeah nice try cunt

just bee yourself is actually the right advice


*starts trade war with China*


oh rorke, you do amuse me

those are some kissable lips

what video is this

not even a good person desu
I lie, mislead, and expect more of others than I do myself

you wake up in worcester


a trade war will pop the bubble that is china

trudeau-looking ass


this brings me back

This is the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture, dumb crossposter

reddit news network

>Super FUUU Face

dreamt that i was fucking some A-tier chicks lads

wish this was true

I don't feel like she's share my interests

looks comfy ngl where in africa is this?

do yu like even 1 indian

>hey I know, we'll cut off our major manufacturing supplier! That'll show em
>oh shit why does my iphone cost $10,000 now

was at work today and a british lady came up to me and asked how much it was for a dvd, I asked her if she knew how libraries worked and she said they make you pay for them over there so I got curious and looked it up

apparently in london (as an example) you have to pay the equivalent of $5 to take out a new release dvd, you only get it for a week and you can only take 6 of them, meanwhile our rules are that you can take out up to 50 items at once (including all dvds), there are absolutely no fines besides overdue and you get all of them for a month

the absolute STATE of the uk lmao



Indians I've known at work have all been quite nice people, but they're under the impression that India is full of regular middle-class people

shan't read a word

ah yes, new york, land of opportunity

wish iphones cost tens of thousands that’d mean less mongoloids owning them

parents of a girl from high school lived in detroit. that was 2010

can't fucking stand libraryrunt

Hate plastic chopping boards and the runts that use them

wood all the way

>using ihpne

did she die in a nigger drive by

>wish iphones cost tens of thousands that’d mean less mongoloids owning them

that's how it is here

alri samsung

used to work in a library, it's true £1.60 for old release for a week, £2.70 for a new one for 3 days

wtf you just let runts walk out with 50 DVDs?

the state of GQ these days

i am LG tbph famm

using a Samsung right now

*puts a fan on your desk*


>all the attractive koreans use iphones, all the ugly rorke koreans use samsung


you see this?

Stop it or I'm leaving you

don't know man. not in contact with high school friends. some try to talk to me for going out for chinese/ playing cricket etc. but home sweet home

got the 'xiety nausea

are you my gf
get back here wench

>you see this?
>Stop it or I'm leaving you

the funny thing is to my knowledge absolutely nothing goes wrong 99% of the time

both samsung and iphones are extremely costly. iphones a little more. iphoneX a lot more

ate an entire pack of maoam

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!


got a cranky bear on our hands have we haha
interesting seeing an actual aborigine too think pretty much all the ones ive seen before were caricatures

janny raped me

ive got a cat
her name is moffat
she had a moffat meal
with her moffat mouth

grand moff tarquin

my willy is keep spitting pre-ejaculation and i am not even aroused holy shit please send help

this is white privilege and here’s why it’s a bad thing

I've got a poo!
(he's got a poo!)
It's for the loo
(not for you!)
I'm going do go do my poo in the loo
(in the loo!)

.why the fuck didn't australians wipe out the abos?

neighbours are still having a domestic
someone ought to wash this twat's mouth out with soap

she wasn't aborigine

>check mail to see 10s of thousands of government companies vacancises everyday
>all require min 65% marks
into the trash it goes
i'll apply to work directly in government. no companies

There are barely any left anyway and mostly in their own areas


do NOT like aubergines

>I can't get 65%

we tried
even into the 20th century when straight up murder was frowned upon we tried to interbreed them with whites but even this was seen as genocide by the left
political correctness gone mad

do NOT like abo genes

It's spelled 'aborigines'

we'll become abos in a few ten thousand years anyway

pics x


why the fuck didn't english wipe out the irish?

earth will be a toxic husk before the 3rd millennium is out

wow... this... is... powerful
stunning and beautiful

thought it was petrol guzzlas

they purposely give you less marks. my college was controlled by deep state

why the fuck didn't yanks wipe out the injuns?

hopefully we can get rid of our abos soon inshallah

not materialistic or anything, apart from food, internet and shelter I require very little

Just don't want to toil, simple as really

Are all British girls named Holly hot? I've never seen an ugly girl named Holly.

with that sasid, scoring in my college was extremely easy if you were a brainlet. i have seen many brainlets get 85%. and autistic robots got 90+