How would things be today if Christianity never caught on?

How would things be today if Christianity never caught on?


Then I wouldn't have been arrested for going to the beach.

you'd be wrapped in a burka and raped daily cuck

Would Islam be able to exist without Christianity happening first?

white people would still be savages

this t.b.h. f.a.m.

The parallels between Jesus and Michael Wilusz are pretty clear.

>Michael didn't even want the cookies but ate them to be a good guest
>Jesus didn't even want to be king of the jews but took the crown to be a good guest

probably some extremely brutal civilzation/culture

Yes. Islam built itself on Pre-Christian Judaism borrowing almost no concepts from the New Testament or it's prophets, but solely from Islam's own prophet Muhammad and the prophets of Judaism.

Then we would have no islam.

> implying islam has jack fucking shit on literal gods of war in a pantheon religion

Thor, Aries, Nordic drugged out berserkers, and all their associated friends would kick muddie ass on the daily you idiot

>Michael was on his way to the beach when he stopped inside in the house
>Jesus was on his way to the beach when he walked on water

Islam is just a symptom of arabs being retarded subhumans. If Christianity never existed, they'd be following some other death-cult.

I would differentiate between:
A) Degree to which Islam contains Christian content vs.
B) Degree to which Islam's emergence involved reaction to Christianity

You can have a lot of B while still having very little of A. For example the 3rd reich had a ton of reaction to kikery but very little kike content in its own structure.

Islam largely built itself off of Judaism, but it does have Jesus in passing as a prophet. Its not really a child of Christianity at all, so much as a relative since it branched off of Judaism.

If we're going to be totally honest, a world without Christianity is fucking UNIMAGINABLE. Every moral value of the West would be completely different, our view of history would be different, its all hard to imagine.

>Rome at its height
>no Jesus Christ
>Rome would probably still decline
>try to keep itself together with the cult of the Emperor
From here, we can assume some other religion would spread ferociously through the empire, or no religion does that and we stick with a mismash of pagan religions. I have no clue what would happen here, what potential religion could take Christianity's place because that goes into answering why was Christianity so popular in the first place. Was it because of the strong effort of the Apostles? Was it because it was spiritually fulfilling and more logical than paganism? Was paganism just running out of style?

Salaam aleikum my brother have your wives treated you well today? I just thought I'd send you this message before going to the Mosque, Shukhran hajji okay praise Allah

>answering why was Christianity so popular in the first place

It's a good question. I wonder if the environment was such that something like Christianity necessarily had to emerge and spread with never before seen breadth and intensity. In that case, it almost wouldn't matter so much the particular religion that filled that role. It'd be like an AIDS patient who contracts an infectious disease of some sort that spreads like crazy and kills him. Nothing about the particular disease that gets there and spreads throughout his body would be too important, the real noteworthy thing going on would be the environment of total immune system failure that would allow nearly any infectious disease to spread like crazy.

the gospel is like leaven in a loaf, not AIDs in a homo. for fucks sake. what's your beef with the white man's jesus?

>why was Christianity so popular
later roman emperors endorsed it, really it's just that simple

saudi arabia is basically state-sponsored if not enforced islam and taxing the fuck out of non-islam religions inside its area. getting brow-beat every fucking day from those cunts is terrible, and the money issues cut deeper than anything, so of course the country is going to be 99.999% mud

united states, canada, most of europe, etc have no "official" state religion and thus there's no appeal outside of social and personal reasons to join

china and north korea is basically state-enforced authoritarianism; if you go against the state, even as a religion, you're getting fucked in the ass

without christianity islam would have taken over europe a thousand years ago instead of right now.

Awful. Europe would have been conquered by Muslims centuries ago.

Your thought is reductive. There were plenty other religions besides Christianity that could've expanded with the intensity Christianity did but didn't. Take for example Neoplatonism, its almost the same as Christianity but didn't catch on.

Probably this. Christianity from Rome, to Russia to France was used as the basis for royal legitimacy. Considering this, Rome would've continued pushing for a single religion based around the state, probably Sol Invictus which probably wouldn't be popular for its lack of spiritual fulfillment. I think once Islam rolled around, whatever states populate Europe by then would probably accept Islam on the basis for legitimacy and Europe would be Islamic.

From here on, I don't really understand Islam to predict what an Islamic Europe would be like.

> then would probably accept Islam
not necessarilly
bhuddist monks who are being attacked by islamic conversion in asia are actually fighting back defensively despite their general non-violence stance because the religions are so antithetical to each other.

a shit ton of northern europe pagan beliefs likely involved nudity, which christianity obviously removed. however, islam and christianity have both existed at the same time, and for the longest time, everyone in europe basically stayed christian and still is christian.
the people clearly made their choice, and removing christianity from even a hypothetical timeline doesn't mean islam gets a free pass to world domination

also, the only reason why europe is becoming more islamic is because the middle east is leaking its fucking colostomy bag all over. no one in europe is actually converting, because they're not inbred hicks who join inbred hick religions.

this guy has a point
we all know islam is just a shitskin religion that unites shitskins under one tribal flag. its hard to think that huge populations of white people could take to it so easily.

Without Christianity, the world would be 100% pure white super-race

you really believe that don't you.

we wouldnt have had to fake the moon landing