Has her campaign totally lost the plot?
Has her campaign totally lost the plot?
Seeing as she's currently 10 points ahead of Trump, I'd say she's doing fine.
She has no message or policy, thus, attack. Plus, the election will be fixed for her. No downside to having nothing to offer.
>he has no message or policy
true but she has one strategy to her advantage, and that is to win
Nobody actually cares about or wants Hillary. This election is basically Trump vs. Not Trump. And that's literally 50% of her campaign: "I'm not Trump!" The other 50% is "I'm a woman!"
When she does things like this, it truly terrifies me.
Like deeply and sincerely.
Why? Because usually she is a lying, word twisting, race baiting cunt. But every once and a while she uses this avenue of attack. It's "look at my opponents policies everyone, from his own website. This is my attack"
She really and truly believes that her following is so wildly out of touch, that just going to Donald trumps official website and reading about his policies there is going to strengthen their support for her. It's fucking crazy and she needs to stick to libel and slander or risk redpilling her base, because I guarantee someone is going to click that link, read the policies with an open mind, and then say "wait a minute, what the fuck is supposed to be wrong with this? It actually makes a lot of sense.
Or maybe they won't say that, and that's really frightening
No she just has pol moles inside her campaign.
I mean honestly think about her fans, most of them are brain dead retards
Can you imagine any of these people even being qualified enough to work for her?
Ofc not and even the """"""smart""""""" liberals usually would obviously prefer someone like Bolshevik Bernie.
So you either have full blown pollacks who are trying to fuck her or you have Sanderistas who don't like her and pitch bad ideas.
If you go through her twitter, you'll find these tweets that NO twitter team would be dumb enough to tweet.
She's just such an evil cunt that there are people working for her that no doubt want her to suffer.
>identifies the primary grass roots campaign keeping Trump aloft
Who are the mythbusters? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Between them they have more than 30 years of special effects experience. Joining them: Grant Imahara, Tory Belleci, and Kari Byron. They don't just tell the myths; they put them to the test.
>literally back-linking to your own competitors webpage.
wew lad
>When you short circuit and direct your supporters to Trump's website, giving him page views.
How is her PR this bad?
>Trusting (((polls)))
Clinton's entire campaign is and will continue to be vote for me because I'm not Trump.
She will be elected by hormonal, over emotional faggots without anyone of them having a single fucking clue about her policies or objectives.
>directly links to trump's site
>free publicity
is this real
>be Hillary
>supporting Trumps campaign
>hunting down grinchs in masks
>Alex Jones
>buy the filters
yeah wtf
>everyone assumed that Trump was a Hillary plant at first
>Hillary ends up being the Trump plant
Who cares about the social shit. Give me stuff with real value. Go harp on Trump and NATO if you want me to vote for you...
Dammit both candidates suck. Why does Trump have to suck in foreign policy so much...
>every single time hillary has a speech, brand new polls come out in favor of her
>every single time
it's not a coincidence, the media is being bought out by Clinton to get poll ratings
>what's your strategy?
>to win
Never fucking change, Australia
>linking directly to his policies
holy shit seriously?
>poor bill
is he alt-right?
I'm guessing after all the blatant lies today at her speech, her PR team decided she needed to provide some sort of sauce for her claims.
>Why does Trump have to suck in foreign policy so much...
Yes he would be much worse than Shillarys foreign policy and arming terrorists...sorry 'rebels' and feeling civil wars.
Don't forget the shady donations to the Clinton foundation that coincides with weapons deals being granted.
Trump couldn't have a worse foreign policy if he tried
That's most likely the aids eating her brain.
Her speech fizzle, didn't have the impact it should've. The problem is that its an old play, "racis" shaming could've worked in the previous election but this time it won't, people are fed up with it. She won no one over because the only people who buy into such a shit argument are probably running her campaign.
>supports a sentient Cheeto who alienates nearly every demographic aside from white conservative males without college degrees
>acts surprised when people don't like him
Oh yeah. The system is totally rigged.
"I don't know much about about other than what I heard on the news today"
This is PRECISELY the type of good goy that is Hillary's target audience.
That actually shows that they were virtually tied.
Also Leave actually had a lead, unlike Trump who is losing since July in every single national poll.
i'm convinced someone on her PR team is trying to sabotage her, this is hilarious
Has anyone else seen the more recent Hillary Ad?
The one where she will put in place an "exit tax" for American companies that decide to go over seas?
It's a complete rip off of what Trump has been saying since the beginning.
Is her and her team that incompotent.
Advisor: Uh oh looks like Trump is promoting job increase to the public and it seems to be working.
Hillary: I know we'll copy-paste his plan and change a few words and then act like it was my idea all along. They'll never know the difference.
Advisor: but, what if-
Hillary: What difference does it make!? Do it or your fired! You'll be so fired I'll burn down your house AND your cuckshed.
Advisor: Y-y-yes Ma'am.
>its real
jesus christ
U realize this Cheeto has an iq far and beyond yours and is a multi billionaire who attended the most prestigious business school
these bigoted leftists need to be dealt with harshly, preferably with waterboarding
Those trips
Praise Kek
I'd say she pulled the rug out on herself
The transformation is complete
Filling 30 minutes with slanderous lies honestly seems like desperation. She can only repeat the words racist, bigot, etc enough times before they start to sound meaningless. I watch a Trump rally and he covers economic, domestic, and foreign policy. He comes off as sensible, straightforward, and capable. Nowhere in his speeches do I get any hint of the hardline fascist image that he's been painted with. If this man doesn't win the election this country won't last another decade.
Only the complete liberal tumblr retards are on her side now.
She's tickling them.
It's funny how Bernie lost the election because niggers and spics are retarded, and went for name-recognition. They also think (((Bernie))) is white, because they're clueless about Jews.
By giving him free publicity? Hahaha wow, liberals have officially lost it
I think he died a while back and they just turned him into an animatronic.
>says not to trust polls
>shows a poll that very accurately predicted the outcome of a very recent referendum
I kek'do at that line. Honestly, Trump'so policies aren't 'prejudiced' enough; all non-European immigration must end and eugenics must be implemented.
yfw even if trump doesn't win hes making the dems less retarded and bringing them back towards moral decency with slight changes in policy.
assuming she goes through with it of course.
People of median IQ will vote based one motions and what their surrounding peers believe. They don't want to lose their social standing so they'll abide by dumb and irrational choices as long as they can keep how people perceive them.
redditor spotted
This. But its Aussie, maybe he is shitposting.
Five nights under Bill's Desk
>virtually tied
You realize if you keep coming here, within two weeks you'll move on to the first stage, and that stage is being a Nazi?
prolly so
unless she has given up and is now just campaigning for him.
She has crazy detailed policies.
Trump? His sole policy is build wall lol na um maybe? build nice wall? no wall? what audience clap for? jeeeeez wheres ivanka already i wanna eat that pussy shit's fatter than a trump steak!
>American polls are the same as British polls
Really made me think!
The current administration has already put us back to 200 million B.C. and she was part of it.
>Trump's policies
Is Hillary a time traveller?
Does she have advance knowledge of the future trump victory?
idk this might be a smart move for her. I've talked to a lot of libs on omegle who've told me the same old "trump has no policies" but they'd shut up after I link them this page. Now if Hillary tells everyone that his own page where he spells out his policies aren't even policies that might make people think that page doesn't even have any policies. That would only happen if people are dumb enough to believe a policy page contains no policies.
Here's your (you)
>biggest complaint apart from taking things out of context is, HE HAS NO POLICY
>Hillary links directly to his policies
Surely its some intern who fucked up and not high up Democrat staffers? I just dont get it
>very accurately
I fucking love(d) that show
Big time, trip 7's confirms anyways. Yeah she's now resorting to the votes she knows she will win - dumb fucking SJW retards and all the filth they bring.
Happened to me. I don't even try to hide it from my family anymore.
The media and polling makes it seem like she could win but everything else makes it seem very unlikely. Just incredibly feeble and tone deaf. Two realities, one is a bubble funded by millionaires, one a spartan existence where only the strong survive. Hmm.
You mean if people are dumb enough to not read words...oh shit. If the state of games has taught me anything, it's that people hate reading words if it's more then 10 of them in a row.
So what you're saying is that he's had a lead all of a month ago and unlike the graph you just looked at, he can clearly never have a lead again? Right.
her speech inspired me to donate to david dukes campaign.
go donate some sheckels goys, it will be insult to injury if we all give some even if it is one fekkking dollah.
link for the lazy
>yfw hillary is a trump plant
I've been there. There are no policies there. One may find platitudes, but there is nothing that resembles a policy or position.
MAGA, dear leaf, is a bumpersticker, not a policy. This applies to everything you linked to.
Right. Because only really smart people can get into expensive schools.
>Hillary steadily losing her "lead"
>Quinnipiac to the rescue with a push poll that omits almost all detail to their methodology
Really makes you think.
She looks desperate. Her desperation is the only transparent thing about her
Fake. Google it
If Trump actually were proposing prejudiced policies I would hang his sign in my window. The guy is a fucking former Manhattan liberal who fucking grew to despise the Democratic party, he's no fucking klan member. Hillary is barking up the wrong tree here
Trump has a shitload of policies. No idea how anyone could think that
See, now this is GOOD shilling! Almost subtle enough to be believable. Take notes everyone!
Hill's problem is that hpshe is solid "Why not to vote Trump" and no "Vote for me because..."
Obama had the whole hope thing but Hillary is literally just saying the other guy is worse. That is why Trump will keep coming back after each slump.
Wrong, Nazi is the 3rd stage. Conservative and lolbertarian are the first 2.
That's the messed up part. The majority of people won't even click that link. This is a textbook bluff.
Guys, Hillary is absolutely destroying Trump in the polls. I think it's about time we just call it quits. I mean, we've done so much already by changing the narrative, no need to keep pushing.
Who would even have Google this to know that it was fake?
Oh right sorry, forgot where I was.
There are some polls showing a Trump lead +1 or +2 and the others show Clinton by +10. It's pretty much the exact same as Brexit.
>If you go through her twitter, you'll find these tweets that NO twitter team would be dumb enough to tweet.
>She's just such an evil cunt that there are people work
holy shit does chelsea looks like webster hubbell
Fucking leaf.
>Name drops the water filter salesman which will lead a bunch of normies to his videos and may radicalize them
>Name drops Alt-Right which validates a movement of 10s of Sup Forumssters, leading normies to potential radicalization
>Sends her followers to Trump's campaign site where it will spell the rosiest views of his positions
Hillary's working for Trump.
Hillary walks among us here at Sup Forums.
Repeating digits confirms
>The system is not rigged
>but it kind of is in this one instance
>P-P-Plz beleb mi!
No its not. LA Times poll has been debunked. I hope that you don't count Rassmusen as serious poll.
Well respected polls are showing him losing, that is reality right now.
Did she feel the need to even have a policy?
Looks as if she thought she'd just walk it in because
and because Americans are so dumb (see Mark Dice)
Yep, Americans believed Kennedy died of a heart attack aged 87
Americans believed ISIS was building bases on the moon and seriously nodded when asked if the US should nuke them
Americans don't know what DC stands for when attached to Washington
Americans tried to look intelligent when asked if Richard Nixon had a chance of beating Hillary for the presidency
Americans .....
why would she feel the need to formulate policies, lol
Americans lathered in fake tan with fake tits and playing with their hair so excited to be interviews at the beach thought
Hillary's plan to lower the standard of living was ' Um yeah, um -- yeah, should be done'
thank goodness most of them are too lazy to vote huh
Nioce nigger hillary, Trumps shit all just makes sense
>making a generous donation to an Ivy league school in order to get your dummy kid in the door is the exact same thing as rigging literally 99.9% of the polls in the country
Look I can green text too.
This tweet is so fake it's pathetic.
>listing drug classes but not drugs themselves, their dosage or frequency
>LA times poll has been debunked
Can I get a source?
Its off the rails when she attacked Alex Jones in Reno today