ITT we speak in our native languages and other posters who don't know it try to guess what we said

ITT we speak in our native languages and other posters who don't know it try to guess what we said

Autismul este o boala teribila.

Other urls found in this thread:бред_сивой_кобылы

Autismul vine de la vaccinuri.

rip vine i was sad too when i heard it went down

Something something This board has autism and is terrible?
Vaccines give autism?

Something about autists

Me halutaan olla neekereitä

>Vaccines give autism?
Heт, этo бpeд cивoй кoбылы.


Țările din anglosferă ar trebui să folosească limbi de minoritate.

Vreau sa ma sinucid

Nu am de ce sa traiesc

Viata nu are rost

Folosește diacritice, e mai bine.


that's cherokee, don't reply to him, it's a shit language for dumb niggers
t. pima

Autism is a terrible something.

Wasal iż-żmien tal-bidla.

Tastatura nu le mai are si mi-e lene schimb limba

Your language supposedly has a heavy Latin component yet that's unintelligible to me.

Dacă folosești Windows 10 butonul este imediat langă timp, unde scrie ENG sau ROU.

Because the sentence happened to be full Semite. My bad. Did I guess right, the Romanian sentence?

I'semboko padni si'irimat yjora

good luck, only 400~ speak my native tongue

the ??? is ??? now

>He doesn't speak Cherokee

shit language
shit tribe
shit culture
karitiana for life baby

Boală = disease, so almost perfectly, although it's an easy sentence. If I use a lot more Slavic words it become unintelligible to other Latin/English speakers.

Iubesc să citesc, nu trebuie să fiu silit.

>Windows 10

Your entire history can be wiped out with a bad flu or in 2 generations of reservation sickness

ur entire history WAS wiped out L.O.L. mine is being preserved

shagawalalh noongah wrhite dawg

>ur entire history WAS wiped out L.O.L

I said something because I didn't know what "Boală" is, while the rest was clearly romance so I got the idea.
>Iubesc să citesc, nu trebuie să fiu silit.
This on the other hand.... is "nu" "no" and "să" "knows"? Other than that, no clue.

Something more Romance.

Inżilt il-pjazza, dħalt ġol-knisja, u smajt quddies. Wara ntfajt bilqegħda fuq iz-zuntier.

খুব সুন্দর। বাড়ি তে এই Cherokee ভাষা তে কখা বল কি, নাকি ইংরেজি?

>Cкaндинaв- нe cкaндинaв, ecли нe ecт гнилyю pыбy!

I got "in the city square" at the start but nothing else.

Tuplat päättää lähdenkö lähikauppaan kaljaostoksille.

Knisja is from chiesa, church. And if not mistaken, zuntier is from Sicilian for cemetery. But in Maltese it means parvise.

Chętnie bym wyjebał cwelowi któremu przychodzą do głowy takie popierdolone tematy

Le roumain a beau être une langue latine, j'ai quand même beaucoup plus de mal à comprendre que l'italien ou l'espagnol.

is there even another language that can feasibly understand a word of Finnish?


this but for magyar
kurva anyatok

Romanian is a latin language, but I cannot understand it as well as Italian or Spanish?

zkusíš mi jednu našroubovat a pošlu tě za tvoji bábou do koncentráku

plebs, lemme show you how it's done

acтъзи єcтє винєpи 9, a ʌꙋнии мapтѥ


C'est facile pour toi de lire les autres langues latine ? J'ai l'impression qu'il y a une plus grande différence de vocabulaire.

twojego starego jebało stado kangurów

Niggas iffy uh blicky got the stiffy uh got blicky uh drum it holds fifty uh

"I am a dumb nigger that failed English class."
Did I get it right?

La creatura autistica

"It is easy for you to read other Latin languages? I have the impression that there is a big difference in vocabulary."
It seems to be much easier for Romanians to understand other latin languages than the other way around, especially for Italian/Spanish.

something something Australia

>your husband was fucked by a flock of kangaroos
why yes thank you

Дaжe пpи твoeй eбaнyтoй лaтиницe я вce-paвнo пoнимaю, чтo ты гoвopишь

ALMOST good yeah bravo
stary in this context means father (unnoficially)

Зa чтo ты тaк нeнaвидишь бaтю?

aхa тo зaeбиcтe
мoжe быть тaк?
твoeгo cтapэгo eбaлo cтaдo кaнгypooв

Oi cunt you fuggen wat m8 imma smak u so hard you wont even b able to drink a point of VB in one go you noongar CCUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT

>Yhyy en ymmärrä tätä yhyy en ees vois arvata.

Vedä ittes jojoon vitun lahden linkkuveitsi-Leif

зa хyёв cтo
нe, тo нeпpaвдa
тaк тылькo гaдaм

perkele suomi


Yrittäisit edes vitun paskaslaavi

Easy there Malta

Ash Nazg Gimbatul

Ash Nazg Tharbatuluk

me gusta el pico grueso y venoso

"shut up fucking shitslav"?

>этoт язык
Dios mio

There are some imported Magyar words in Romanian and probably Slovakian and Croatian as well so it's still better than Finnish.

Did I get it right?


tak pojď sem a řekni mi to do očí debílku, sundej boty a zažiješ takovou ameriku že o tom budeš vyprávět v sauně kámošům při kouření péra

Huutista. Vuorislaavi suuttu. Mee sinne itsemurhayksiöös itkemään.

Onye m ga egbuli, m ga riokwa chineke ka o nyere m aka?

jävla bögtråd. finnbögarna måste hängas nu favä


>säger att finnar är bög

Can anyone in Romania read Cyrillic Romanian?

Tgħid ta' min hu it-tifel tal-mara lil ġar? Tgħid tal-iskarpan? jew forsi tal-mastrudaxxa li jgħix fil-kantuniera? Tgħid qatt toħroġ il-verità daqshekk skandaluża?

Tgħid ta' min hu it-tifel tal-mara tal-ġar? Tgħid tal-iskarpan? jew forsi tal-mastrudaxxa li jgħix fil-kantuniera? Tgħid qatt toħroġ il-verità daqshekk skandaluża?*

ابتعد ، نحن ممتلئون للغاية

Something about the son of your neighbor?

No, there's almost nobody that knows the cyrilic alphabet. 95%+ of Romanians were illiterate when the writing was being done with it, the education of the population happened with the Latin one.
If you translate it to the Latin alphabet it's easy to understand though, the language hasn't changed that much.

Something like that. First post has a mistake.

Stupid thread


Forsi tippreferi xi ħajta mimlija nies jidħku bik?

I can read most of the old alphabet

"Aceasta carte numita PLUTARH NOU, ce cuprinde in sinul sau pe scurt istoria a multor barbati..."

"This book called PLUTARH NOU, that contains inside the short history of many men..."

Same the transitional alphabet?

Never heard about that one, I can understand some words of it.

hardly, it's like romanian spoke in Rep. Moldova

it says about romanians living in Transnistria

I got "No, it is" and the rest is lost on me.
I need to start learning Russian again.

Prěsfincite ši de Dmijezeu ales Jepiskop!

Ačěstŭ karte, numitŭ PLUTARH NOU, če kuprinde ? sinul sŭu pe skurt istorija a multor bŭrbaci ku Duh mare, karij adǫnk avǫndu ?tru inima sa ?rŭdŭčinatŭ ačědrěptŭ, ši ?tru socijetatě omeněskŭ tokma de lipsŭ Maximŭ, kum kŭ omul nu atŭta šije, prekum Patrijej jeste nŭskut;

"No, it's a bullshit of an ash gray mare"

I can't be the only person who thinks Cyrillic works better with Romanian phonology

The ъ is actually ă, ѫ is î/â, ѣ is ea


Putangina m, kumain ka ng tite

I know, but that's irrelevant for my most. I wanted to transcribe this text as if it was written in Church Slavonic.

> Church Slavonic
Huh, that makes it kinda readable strangely enough.

Liternal translation is here:бред_сивой_кобылы
I intentionally used a not so popular idiomatic expression knowing it would be lost in translation.
>"a mare's nest"
>" a load of horse feathers"

this thread is boring check this amazing 5

Gå og heng deg, fittefaen

scandinavian, not scandinavian
and then I think something about fish

ꙟ was being used for în/îm

î inside word is not correct while â(ѫ) which is the same sound is always used inside the word or at the end of it

Cepилик wepкc бэдep wиs эвpi фeнaлeџi, м8

what's this one?

h3ll0 pf0hzz, p1NoYyYy pf0hwHArRr

kocham mamę