Why do germans love niggers and arabs?

why do germans love niggers and arabs?

They don't

They love turks.

I heard german poster said ' we eat black and brown sausage ' yesterday
Was that mean this?

we love all people

They have good taste in brown waifus

They don't, they just treat them like humans.
Which proved pretty controversial.


I love only japanese women

To any japanese user here: what are your favorite JAV actresses? I like ai uehara

Except Germans

Germans aren't people

Schleich dich!

sorry, i only accept orders from humans

Don't self-bump your shitty thread, you fucking cunt.


Socialists will always insist on their system working until everything is destroyed.
Their retirement ponzi was running out of steam so they had to import potential workers. Didn't work out as expected

Ich glaub es h a c k t


Who dat name pls

no we don't, we actually hate them more then niggers.

Gay lefty Bavaryan here.

Migration has made Germany less autistic and I am grateful for it. Also, please don't use the n word.



Nice to meet you! I'm gay lefty Bavaryan.

I'm a far right extremist, nice to meet you too.

Ab ins Gas

>I'm a far right extremist

Most poor people left behind by civilized society are. But it's okay, take my hand, I will take care of you, little zikabro

Maria Ozawa

I don't make physical contact with homosexual

How can I get a cute Brazilian bf? :^)

because they also love destroying europe

Just look in the middle of a favela


Is that Portuguese for "males-only nude beach"?

I hate Germany so much.

Still didn't forget the Germanic tribes burning Rome's libraries. We'd be 1000 years in the future if it wasn't for you

We took you to the stars, shitlord.

good, fuck Rome they deserved everything

The classic Americans are dumb meme yes yes.

>i-it's just a meme!

Hunnic blood.

After all these years you still don't understand just how different Americans are from all other country's peoples.

We're totally individualistic ergo, all totally different under one border. The place is a fucking mess, but it somehow works.

>We're totally individualistic

Is "individualistic" code for "fat"?

Alright dude.

>Americans aren't dumb

milf likes bbc.

That's a hapa


I fucking hate japanese posters

Because German are the nigger of Europe, the live only to destroy europe.

But I love you, France

I love you :(


Nice to meet you, Mohammad