Is poverty sexist /pol?
Poverty is Sexist
my penis is sexist so im beating the hell out of it for the female overlords
So if I'm homeless does that mean I can sue the whole world to committing a hate crime against me?
mean is dumb as fuck brah. always has been always do.
I really hate it when people change flags like that
the sad thing is i don't know if the quote is real or fake
i-i think i'm going insane
some days i can feel the madness creeping up on the edges
Indeed it is, but not as sexist as glaciers.
Well having kids early on is a surefire way to get into poverty
Women have the option for abortion in Canada. I have no sympathy for single mothers
Thanks for correcting the record le weed man
Holy fuck, it's real. How can he be this stupid?
Glaciers are sexist? Jesus. Women are insane.
Its like literally "what did he mean by this". Really makes you think.
please tell me this is not real
Well at least if trump loses Hillary's gonna start a nuclear war it's for the best really
yep, more poor men than women is sexist. there should be an equal amount of poor women and men
Sorry maplenigger, but it's real.
How does one man get so based?
Doon't despair guys. This man is your greatest asset eh.
and aids is homophobic
No. Poverty is not sexist.
I've been homeless twice. Try sleeping in a car in winter and being hungry. It's horrible. I have a lovely home now. A wife and two daughters.
I was too proud to ask my family for help. Our home is so comfy.
Hardship can hit anyone.
what did he mean by this?
Because women can just have plastic surgery and fuck a rich guy and divorce him. She doesn't need to work a day in her life, except to pay for her plastic surgery, which she can pay for by LITERALLY FUCKING guys she choose on craigslist. That's why
i genuinely want to beat this guy with a lead pipe
such a political whore for liberal cucks
invade canada/level the cities/turn americas hat into the largest ecoreserve on the earth
What? I don't even.
Leave it to leafs to make sense.
He's right though it's entirely sexist.
Men are almost entirely the majority of the homeless population, and nobody does much of anything to help them at all.
Oh wait, he probably meant something very stupid.
>I've been homeless twice. Try sleeping in a car in winter and being hungry
I'd like to hear your story, if you'd be so kind.
Yes, against men.
done it, it's not abig deal. you're just a dumb UK pussy, I bet you talk with that shitty edmonton accent as well.
Yes, the overwhelming majority of homeless people are male. I think females ought to have equal representation.
Honestly surprised he didn't say it was racist.
OK. I'm on a shitty tablet computer so forgive spelling.The first time I was homeless my wife died and I couldn't afford to pay the rent. The second time the landlord sold all his properties because house prices were high.
You should learn to save. Make an emergency pot. Every time you get to that amount of savings you go emergency mode and act as if you had 0 in the bank.
Over time raise that sum.
Poverty is not a sentient creature, so it cannot be sexist.
The correct way to say it is "sexism leads to poverty".
If you get rid of poverty it wins
>If you get rid of poverty it wins
mostly men win, we can't have that in current year
>Feminist postcolonial science studies
>Feminist political ecology
>Feminist glaciology framework
Why do they bother making up these nonsensical self-important names when it's all the same whiny bullshit and everyone knows it?
nice going canada, you have a tumblr quotes president. good thing your actions don't affect the rest of the world in any real way
>Poverty is sexist
Seriously... the amounts of pot that Truturd has consumed has obiously fucked up his head.
That was a such a feels good webm.
Everyone needs that comfy feeling every now and then bro.
>good thing your actions don't affect the rest of the world in any real way
for once I'm fucking glad
Though be vigilant of some of the "refugees" we're bringing in using our border as a one-way ticket into your country to culturally enrich your cities.
Please build a northern wall. With trudeau's enormous spending, he'll be happy to pay for it.
We'll be thoroughly fucked after 4 years of trudeau being in charge, but you still have hope and are among the last sons of the West with that.
Make America great again.