Why are they so fucking proud of their nation?

Why are they so fucking proud of their nation?
I fucking love their proud-mindset
Tell me about your country's good thing
I want to see more patriot of Sup Forums

Super welcome : France
welcome : Another country
Not welcome : Nazi scum

Not being fr*Nce

well, that's because we're naturally superior, of course


Sir! Francreich is the master race sir!

>technically welcoming anglos to a France thread

We have the best lifestyle, it's called art de vivre, google it.

Soon you will create this thread in french

Inshallah mon ami


Burkina Faso Represent!

It seems fancy culture based life style
Well suited to image of france

>Not welcome : Nazi scum
germans are better people than anglos or asians

Do you love germany?

I've never realised how good we had it until I visited other countries
You know you like us

because it's the best one

germans are anglos

germans arent people

Why are you mean?

fuck off /fr/
god bless England, France and my yellow fever

not since they were raped by superior franco normands
they are clever and thougher than you tho
never post on this soyboy general

>yellow fever
absolutely disgusting

>they are clever and thougher than you tho
doubt it

I know.

they military, economicaly, scientifically made it pretty obvious since 2 centuries now

I want to be in France!

are Arabs, blacks etc. who are born in France proud of being French?

kek no
but nice try alsacien

kek no

They don't fell French at all. Assimilation never really worked.
Even people of Spanish and Portuguese descent keeps strong ties with the country the come from, as grand children of immigrants.
Funilly enough, it's Eastern Europeans that assimilated the best.

i never understood why brits were so upset with polacks they are bro-tier

Well I think they weren't really the same immigration we've got. They've got Polish Gopniks (bydlo or something) while we didn't.


well, i never gonna forget, when black security worker wanted to check my things before entering la defense xmas market and white dude(perhaps his boss)told something about blanc and let me in without checking if I'm terrorist

>buying bread in a supermarket
It should be illegal.

only when it's about free healthcare and family gibs

rest of the time they proudly and loudly claim they hate it

tfw you know the world would be a better place if Napoleon wasn't ganged up on by all of Europe

You would think arrogant cheese drinking xenophobes wouldn't be so pro immigration but here we are... 10% muslim and rising

>the fact that immigrants are in their country means the people are pro immigrant

french girls have the smelliest feet because cheese

france is shit dude

STFU man
And no OP, as you can see we're not so patriotic as you believe, unfortunately
A lot of us spend the whole time in shitting on our own country

>Even people of Spanish and Portuguese descent keeps strong ties with the country the come from, as grand children of immigrants.
explain it

Why wouldn't people be proud of their country? What are they communist internationalist traitors?

I'm black and I'm proud of being french desu

usa usa usa

You're not supposed to sniff their feet you weirdo.

b-but I want french gf so I can tease her feet about being smelly