I don't know anymore and I don't care

I try to avoid certain topics that I don't know or care about, but I've kinda had enough of this guy for being a piece of shit.
>be me at once for Bernie.
>thought he would do less damage than either Trump or Hillary
>at the time where media is still slinging shit at Trump
>learn about Bernie leaving campaign
>try to do some research with most of the shit-slinging done to find out Trump ain't that bad compared to Hillary
>later on sees some interesting news about Bernie that makes him seem shady, starting to lose trust
>nonstop articles about Hillary's many scandals
>sees this faggot try and say he's for Hillary cuz he pro-Bernie.
>like, nigga I know Trump kinda sucks but are you for real?
>tries to have discussion to understand why he decides so even though there has been proven evidence of her scandals, being calm and shit first
>nigga gets defensive and does not tolerate rudeness on his nice page of idiots

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking typical.

>decides to get on old account used for games and whatever to see how people responded
>dude deletes my comment and moves on spreading his bullshit
>motherfucker got me fuming cuz what you are doing is telling people what you want and fuck other people's opinions
>decide to comment again with a screenshot of the discussion calling him out for what he did
>tries to be an edgelord and responds with a meme before blocking that account
>fucking done
>tell a friend about the bullshit I went through to try and have a fucking talk without him getting all defensive
>leaves it there after blocking and throws shit in the comments along with this bitch
I can't stand people like this dude really. Just fuck politics, fuck the world. Fuck everything if these pieces of shit act the way they are and think they can get away with it.

is that his face or is he joking ?

Jesus that chin

Its not mine. Its the guy who I've had to give the time and day to deal with, wasting my time in my life fucking seeing and dealing with such bullshit that I no longer care anymore.

I don't give a fuck. But anyone else here can. Go right ahead I don't care fuck em up give them shit. Probably give me alittle satisfaction knowing there are some right-minded people (not right-side, just right as in well-knowledgeable) in this world.

we're you two dating?

No this is just another girl on the Internet who decided to shit on my comment like a cunt trying to smart and asshole-y enough to make her next-tier bitch. I didn't even go far deep into her profile to realize what a retard she is.

There was another guy who defended me and commented the same too and he got blocked and shitted on too. These guys are fucking cock-sucking assholes and it makes me kinda sick how we get shit while they get away with it.

bumping this so hopefully more people can see this shit




>we're you two daring
>we are you two dating

who cares fagt

I opened that thumbnail without being prepared and her face/chin made me audibly kek

Post his info on 8ch or d0xbin you fucking queer
nu-Sup Forums isn't going to do anything and you know it

I mean, you don't, but you don't have to worry about this shit.

Haven't used Sup Forums much so chill?

Oh brother I'm with you. I hate people tbsy just block you during debates or whatever. Ive always wanted to call them out face to face and debate me there, you can't block someone in real life.

Thank you.
Like honestly if you go to the faggot Espinal's page and find a tweet and see few comments calling him out and bullshit, all they do is shit on people after blocking them really.

you need to vote for trump for revenge


>what is more statistically likely, people that keep their phones on and carry them around and use them throughout the day; so when they come across something that want to screen-cap their battery is low
>some cabal of ancient energy wizards wants you to believe that all phone-screen-caps are low energy

i keep jewbook because i use it so much for university shit, but i'm very strict on never ever doing anything even remotely related to politics.

when the leadership spill between abbott and turnbull happened here, there was this insane level of people proclaiming "i swear to go, if you support abbott i'm going to fucking delete you"

i took all my self-restraint to stop myself going absolutely fucking HAM at these idiots for preaching love and tolerance but threatening to block and harass anyone who didn't agree with their virture-signalling and holier than thou attitudes.

the 90's/00's meme of "dumb bogans voting right" didn't disappear, their kids just grew up with the same IQ and a left wing slant.

the moment you question somebody's personal propaganda on facebook they'll block you. it's happened to me a few times, usually once somebody realises they're wrong and doesn't want to continue the conversation.