What were they fighting for?

What were they fighting for?


These the guys who died in video from Mali the other day?

Bit rude mate.





To preserve the muttness of the American race?

American bootlickers, why should we have respects for warmongers


Fuck off back to the caliphate you Muslim cunt.

I could say the same about your country a hundred years ago.

Gee I dunno nigger nazi

I too would be butthurt if I was an American citizen of impeccable moral standing joining the armed forces to fullfill my god-given American duty to die for Israel and end up getting shot by some nigger larping as al-qaeda in the middle of africa.

why are germans so soulless and irreverent

They weren’t even mixed mutts what are you talking about

>I could say the same about your country a hundred years ago.
Yes, but
>a hundred years ago

This is correct I do not see why should we defend people who join the military by their choice to die in some third world shithole and hail them as heroes

Really tickles that thinking pickle don’t it

Lol look at this hypocrites, this soldiers weren’t forced to enter this shithole to kill innocent people. They did it for money and good reputation in their warmongering country. They paid with their death in a fight where they tried to kill other people too. They only got what they were asking for. Now tell me again why i should care about this fuckers? This exactly guys are occupying my country with military bases since 70 years.

US military does not die in the USA. They are not defending the USA


always glad to see american cancer dead
every one counts

Based pole

>innocent people
b8 or achmed

You make it really hard to defend you guys sometimes.


>it’s okay to be disrespectful to people who are dead and did nothing wrong as long as you considered how they died
Really pissing on the grave huh

Is there another country in the West that fetishizes soldiers on the same level as the Americans? Obviously all people everywhere respect their militaries to some degree, but this American "you're all heroes, hail the army, muh valor, muh veterans" is kinda weird.

They are as innocent as your soldiers. They fight for their country or a certain ideology just like your soldiers too. Also you are the ones who created this militias in the first place.

North Korea?

is it okay to wear 9/11 memorial underwear while attending their burial ceremony?

>in the West

this right fucking there

oops my bad
United States is sure unique.

I don't think there's another nation with a mindset that their government-approved mercs fighting in an impoverished 3rd world shithole to secure natural resources are "fighting for their (home country's) freedom".

But in Poland soldiers is a very respected career because of our not-so-recent-anymore history.


I genuinely don't know what this means, it's not our fault that some nations are troublemakers

They were obviously protecting american soil
hum I mean the soil of their allies
wait what I mean is that they were protecting the soil of the puppet president in charge
against terrorists they created.

God bless.

Americans have always been willing to fight for allies.

That's wrong though.



why didnt they just sit in the car and drive away?

You can't do that on Call of Duty

>britian and france the moral, respectful good guys
>Germany the soulless unfunny bad guys


honestly though, what were they fighting for?

Exactly, what?
>inb4 muh freedom

You don't have to be hypocrite when you have no military operations.

Niger is an important ally in the Global War on Terror, and stabilization of Western Africa has been a primary goal of US African diplomacy for decades.

>americans spend trillions of dollars just to get killed by a nigger with an rpg

Dog bless, all these god damned Europoors(learned this from a fellow 'pede') do not understand that it is G*d's soldiers' duty to protect the constitution, these evil terrorists in niger were a threat to the great land we call home

I suggest a moment of silence for our brave soldiers of the north atlantic terro- I mean treaty organization for yet again dying under completely complacent leaders despite having the best technology and highest funding in the world. I'm gonna make sure my sonny goes into the army to become a true man and do his duty for the US and our greatest ally Israel


See this consistent art style and fast creation? People say we're retarded to suspect that someone is being paid to create these images to destroy America's image but this shit is for real. The shills have successfully secured their influence in this site to divide and conquer it's users. You fools are all being played