Good goy, be atheist, never question anything

Is there anything more blue pill than the big bang theory? It is a clear case of brainwashing.

The big bang/atheism is the theory that in the beginning there was nothing, and then nothing magically condensed and exploded, and then all of a sudden the universe as we know it popped into existence. Nothing exploded in order to create everything.

It seems so blatantly obviously false, how can NOTHING explode to become SOMETHING? It defies all common logic. It's a theory that is completely implausible and your own common sense and mathematics that you should know since a baby tells you that nothing cannot suddenly become something, yet it is widely accepted anyway.

It's an experiment to see how many people they can brainwash into believing something blatantly false without question just because scientists told them so. The Bible explains exactly how the universe was created by Almighty God yet most people believe jewish brainwashing and believe something clearly false instead of the word of God.

>hehe be a good goyim and believe what we tell you even though it is obviously false, don't question it goy!

Don't even get me started on evolution/abiogenesis. You have to be legit retarded to believe in either.
>1 second there is no life in the universe
>these rocks (which came from nothing) suddenly rubbed against each other in a special way
>1 second later life exists in the universe
>then eventually these rocks (eventually) evolved into humans

Atheism requires more blind faith than any other religion in existence. Nothing can even compare to the degeneracy of Godless heretics. Notice how atheists never say a single thing about muslims or jews? They always only attack Christianity. They are nothing but the tools and soldiers of satan and the jews.

To believe that life comes from non-life requires far more faith than simply believing the truth of God.

God bless any Chrisistians on Sup Forums. May God protect us all in these times of ultimate degeneracy.

im sure that u have worked very hard on this post friend




2 servants of satan show themselves immediately.

try again tomorrow at around 3:30 pm PST (15 hours from now)

you'll get more bites

>worshipping a dead kike on a stick

Jesus was the first anti semite.

I agree with this 100%, EVILOOOtion is fucking bullshit. Yes your dna can change slightly and you can have dark eyes and light eyes, but that doesn't mean you came from a rock. Also yes people looked a bit different thousands of years ago, so your skull changes a bit in a few thousand years, who gives a shit?

>The big bang/atheism is the theory that in the beginning there was nothing, and then nothing magically condensed and exploded, and then all of a sudden the universe as we know it popped into existence. Nothing exploded in order to create everything.
The big bang theory was created by a Catholic priest who was a astronomer and physicist

fuck off shill

Atheism is for children and low I.Q adults.

Catholics are not Christian. The catholic church is almost definitely the anti-christ.

Nevermind Evolution was endorsed by the church because it doesn't invalidate anything of god's plan.

The better question I always level is, If you demote the Big Bang to "Nothing turns into everything" isn't that exactly how God does anything?

As an Atheist myself I somewhat question your ideas of Christanity?

How are things funded and backed by the Christain faith in this country suddenly anti-Christain?

And seeing as you're from the UK, you'd understand our Churches have been centers of education and learning for centuries?

Stop responding to this garbage.

Oh look, an edgy Christian teenager repeating what he was told by his parents.

Oh look a filthy kike with no argument.


Big bang theory was first theorized by a catholic priest, if I recall.

The big bang theory was made up by a christian priest.


the funniest part of that gif is that it's near-literally true


Catholics are not Christian. They go against the most core tenet of the Christian faith. Islam is less heretic than catholicism is at this point.

>confusing atheists with antitheists



Not an argument.

The very first lines of Genesis describe the Big Bang with precision so I don't know what you're talking about saying that there's any difference between these two? Moron

I don't need to make a argument against a false statement, just point out that you're a idiot

the situation is such that scientists decided to compete with religion instead of merely complementing it. They cornered themselves into a position where they HAVE to explain things now. They go ahead and put forward some halfway reasonable sounding stuff, that still wont really accomplish what it needs to accomplish, and for political reasons people have to agree with whatever they put forward.
Thats why

there is no question that scientists have no answers in my mind. Nor will they find any the enterprise is doomed from the start

Except the big bang theory doesn't state that "nothing existed before", just that matter was extremely compact and dense.

Fucking idiot. You managed to strawman an entire scientific theory.

>Over 300 years of Christian History was devoted to studying the Universe
>50 year old Christain cult sects say this part of Christanity is wrong.

People who believe modern science isn't compatible with Christianity are the truest of blue-pillers.

You really think just because we have a better understanding of how the universe works/how it used to be that god didn't create it?

Your movie-thingy is not accurate and reflects your limited and skewed/simplified understanding of the universe and life in it.

> using only one "color"
> not using environmental "stencil"

> pic related

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Hmm, starting to see a pattern here

Actually they don't state anything because we cannot now, but they hypothetize that because space-time began with the Big Bang (incorrect name, it should be Big Stretch), there is no "before"

> Nothing
> Omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, invisible deity appears out of no where
> Creates everything
> Will send me to Heaven as long as I worship him and give money to church
> Tells me to kill people who leave religion
> Used to perform miracles, now appears on toast
> Not a shred of evidence other than a book written over the course of hundreds of years

Most atheists are agnostics and if they find proof for God, most will become believers in a heart beat. Also recently atheists have been criticizing Islam non-stop and the Old Testament is heavily criticized (which means they criticize Jews).

You have to be on certain intellectual level to evaluate arguments.

I repeat to you again - missing are environmental "stencil" and colors other than "red".

>be me
>believe in god
>believe a big sky man created everything in the week
>all of my beliefs are based on a fucking book
>god created all life from nothing
>first human was magically created and the second one was made from his rib
>they then had two sons who cannot of reproduced because god denies incest, so the human race can not of logically been
>admit my religion is fucking stupid
>kill myself
>nothing happenings because when you die you dont go anywhere or come back
lol christfags

what fucking country is that

>0723 Friday morning
Why aren't you at work you fucking parasite

Sent from my iPhone

Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument

Hmm, starting to see a pattern here

Space-time _as we know it_.

disprove that the cosmic background radiation isn't echoes of the big bang and i'll believe you.

That caricature is about the extent of most atheists' religious educations, yes.

>The big bang/atheism is the theory that in the beginning there was nothing, and then nothing magically condensed and exploded, and then all of a sudden the universe as we know it popped into existence.

That's actually not the big bang theory.

The big bang theory said in the beginning was the Planck epoch.

After the Planck epoch, which lasted less than a second, the laws of physics as we understand them took hold.

You're misstating what the big bang is. Probably because you don't know.

You're like the people who say Darwin said we came from the monkey - when he never said that. He said monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.

>atheists don't question


user, the thing about the big bang is that we have evidence of it. In a vacuum matter has been shown to pop into existence, and according to quantum mechanics that is entirely possible. Furthermore, I am an atheist BECAUSE I question everything. I acknowledge there may be a god, and there may be a pantheon of gods, but im not putting my faith into that blindly. I believe it is foolish to put your faith into something blindly, but there is nothing wrong with it unless it hurts other people (Islam). I recognize I may be a minority, but not all atheists are le ebin redditors.

Being an athist doesn't necissarily mean you subscribe to any theory.
It just means you consider the ''kike on a stick hypothesis or the 'Arab in a cave talking to an angel' hypothesis to be implausable.
