Who would win a war between each other?

Who would win a war between each other?

Who is manlier?

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Yanks are soft as shit without their guns

Don't you need to do anything else except creating threads like this?

>without their guns
that's the thing, though, we always keep a spare gun in our refrigerated shoes

The world, we would have intergalactic travel if *nglos where extinct.

USA obviously


Doesn’t even matter everyone here has a gun at all times no matter what

You sure? Didn't seem to help anyone here.

bin that knife nige. Kara boga wants your clothes now hand them over.

ummmmmmm srry sweaty but no :)

Except Brazil.
>tfw no weapons


Must suck man

Americans lost a war against malnourished chink manlets.

They're already losing and the (((US))) was lost long before

USA no shit this is a retarded question. USA can just blockade UK and they would starve.

Literally this. Americans are terrible in wars, Britbongs aren't

We killed 5 million Vietnamese. They only killed 58,000 Americans. Some loss.

UK army is tiny compared to America


>Who would win a war between each other?

Didn´t they try this a long time a go?