How are you gonna refute this Sup Forums?

How are you gonna refute this Sup Forums?

Why would we refute it?

We hate Hillary too.

>dood financial institutions and banks r bad !!

how much of a blue pilled idiot do you have to be?

eat shit gook

It's basically accurate. Afghanistan was a mistake

We're already spending a lot on many of those things.

At a certain point, more isn't going to do anything.

You can't just throw money at every problem. It doesn't work that way, liberals.

Hello nigger

The military and everything behind it probides America millions of jobs that drive the economy

We afford most of the top things


>in-tact roads
>great public transportation in cities that need it
>passable education system (could use work)
>"renewable energy"
>"clean environment" (wew what is china)
>insert feed the poor meme
>who the fuck wants publicly funded elections

and on top of that, we still funded wars

who the fuck made this macro? A Canadian?

That would be permanent, damge the economy and you just know people will abuse it. At least with wars they end after a few years.


>public elections


Spotted the Jew.

>Will punish healthy young people who work for their money.

>Grid and internet should be upgraded, the rest is an issue for the states.

Public transport
>Worst invention ever.

>So don't get loans for college.

Renewable energy
>Sure, why not.

Clean environment
>Will punish businesses and have no effect thanks to Pajeet and Chineet

Feeding the poor
>donner party.webm

Public elections
>Ask the Kony2012 guy how well that worked out. Keep it in your pants you anonymous fuck.

Americans are a bloodthirsty, callous people. They're getting exactly what they want. Don't you know that in America, war is sexy and fun? And that books are for faggots? They're mostly happy to subsidize retarded projects like the F-35 and missile defence systems. Fuck the sick and the poor. America is a man's country.

we have all those things though

>What we can afford
>Things that I want.

>What we can't afford.
>Things that you want.

Both parties do it and based only on your respective shitty ideology, you "feel" you understand which one is a better waste of money.

never said we can't afford, just don't fucking care

thats some 00's type bullshit OP. Now Im glad we killed some mudslimes.

You sound envious leaf

>things we don't have
>healthcare, infrastructure, public transport, education, feeding the poor, public elections

...Come again?


Donald "Trump" is so dumb lmao. I'm voting for the Humanity Party :p

Infastucture please.

Wall too.

>Iraq and Afghanistan
To keep oil flowing at a cheap rate. Kind of a national security issue
>wall st is kinda fucked up
>big oil
National security, enable the us to have oil drilling on its own rather than relying solely on ME nations
National defence
Are these people retarded

>At a certain point, more isn't going to do anything.
True, except you're nowhere near that point.

F35 was national defence and exports. We bought like 72 of them, and they are NOT cheap. We also supply them with the missiles through our gov. owned ammo and high-high-tech kongsberg group.

>We bought like 72 of them
You dun goofed

we can't afford any of it. fuck off.

Remember when Trump said that he would have America back off from being the ATM of NATO?

Remember when Liberals absolutely threw a shitfit about MUH RUSSIA?

I don't trust libshits anymore for a good reason.

>Remember when Trump said that he would have America back off from being the ATM of NATO?
Kek. That's the only thing I like about NATO. Pisspoor countries like mine get cheap/free shit that we otherwise couldn't afford.
Still want out tho.

>1 post by this ID

Also here's a breakdown of the US's spending. Clearly flinging money into something isn't actually helping too well

Whoops, forgot to post image and I deleted it a few days ago I think. That's embarrassing

Doesn't Hillary support like every single one of those things we "CAN AFFORD" while paying lip service (lying) to dumb voters about how she'll work for all those gibsmedats that we "CAN'T AFFORD"?

The only country in Europe to report real economic growth the last decade was Sweden. So really makes you think, huh?

F-35 program hasn't even cost more than $400 billion yet

$1.5 trillion is the total projected cost involving R&D, building of airframes and operation costs until 2065, inflation calculated

In contrast, the annual US health care spendings(even just education budget alone) is much more than that

That's all that triggered me

The rest is true though

Fuck off balkanshitskin


>"clean environment" (wew what is china)
just because someone is worse doesn't make you great by default...
>passable education system (could use work)
I'd say understatement but you probably don't know what that means

I've been to Croatia. Don't talk to me about public transport and infrastructure. Yours sucks.

>renewable energy
Do other countries honestly look at existing renewable energy train wrecks and think for themselves: oh boy we want some of that too?

>looks ugly and ruins the landscape and nature
>almost doubled energy prices for consumers in Germany
>can't actually replace any regular power plants, cause it doesn't provide constant power

We've dumped hundreds of billions into this yet I fail to see even any positive outcome.

Commie scum. The USA wont go this path into its own destruction

We would be doing fine without all these niggers and spics.

>You can't just throw money at every problem. It doesn't work that way, liberals.

Actually, it does work that way. There are tons of unemployed engineers, architects and workers.
All that is needed is more money thrown at the problems.

>Don't talk to me about public transport and infrastructure. Yours sucks.
In what vukojebina were you and what was wrong with public transport?

Everything under the "CAN AFFORD" is shit Sup Forums is generally against. Why the fuck would we need to refute it?

>There are tons of unemployed engineers, architects and workers.
>All that is needed is more money thrown at the problems.

Or cutting down on the H1-b visa system that is flooding the market with what are essentially indentured servants.

Major tourist city. Buses were infrequent and the lines seemed poorly designed.

The cities I visited in Czech, Germany, and Austria had good to excellent public transport.

Wow, you're almost entirely backwards,

It's a clusterfuck during tourist season. Every summer we get approximately 4 times more tourists then the entire country's population.
You can imagine what impact that can have on traffic. Come back in the winter.

>All our poor people are obese as fuck.
>Something like >80% of American Black women are obese or overweight


The government doesn't need to be funding ANY of these stupid things.

Just lower taxes so real people like Elon Musk can build and develop shit like this.