/balk/ - /lit/ edition

Old thread

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death to amerimutts

Tell me some significant african literature

I see that you use it as a term of anyone worthy, thus making your points invalid

nth for pseudo-intellectual analbanians

Albert Camus

>"European is not just a geograpgic term"

No, just those that are a product of the greco-roman outlook


As far as I know he was french

Greco-roman outlook is not European since its a product of SemiticoPersian outlook then

The Bible (or parts of it) was written long before there were Greeks or Romans, wasn't written in Europe and is the single most important piece of literature in human history.

The Color Purple, some absolute vomit I had to put up with in high school.

fuck racism and fuck donald trump and FUCK white people

I see

Who was this Billy guy Sup Forums went full retard about?

He was Algerian.

What the....That's some new level of we wuzzers

pushkin had some amount of north african (not black) ancestry

>cum buckets
>5 minutes later cum the same amount
why couldn't that cum come out the first time...

He was only born there

The Bible is a collection of texts that were assembled by Roman/Byzantine bishops. Also, the parts of the Old Testament that go back to Egypt were not in any way influenced by dirty Arabs.

The Art of War

It is what founded the europe
It is the parts that weren’t which contextualized the whole thing and gave it the importance and weight it has today

Literally common sense shit that was just codified

>Literally common sense shit that was just codified

Chinks >Euros

What do Chinks believe in?



Nobody is talking about Arabs here. The point of the argument was that there is no relevant literature throughout history that is not European (goalposts having been shifted a couple of times). Even in the form that we know it, the Bible was technically accepted in Nichaea, which is in Asia.

this and this



In getting paid.


Did tranlo celebrate women day?

did anyone greet him with it?

Even philosophy
The poltards seems to forget about Zoroastrianism (Ancient Greeks acknowledged as philosophy, a great one actually), Confucianism, MONOtheism, Manichaeism(Very crucial to Early Christianity), Daoism, Mazdakism (basically Proto-socialism and communism), Legalism, Zurvanism, Mohism, Illuminationism etc.

>nipples visible

Good for you, albo, you've learned all those big words.

pushkin was 100% sub-saharan

Orthodox jews hate greeks symbolically because they see them as "western degenerates" who brought degeneracy to ancient Judea and were the first to NOT outright genocide Jews but rather assimilate them by peace by Hellenizing them. Some ancient Hellenistic Jews (who wanted to be greek like ikibey) tried to restore their foreskins and in the Talmud (rabbi-written ancient judaistic books) the rabbis changed the rules of circumicision to cut even the lower half to prevent Jews from trying to restore their foreskin.

They saw Greeks as "le western boogyman" taking away from pure hashem-serving, Torah-reading, kosher eating Choens and converting them to ordinary goys by giving them privileges. They even have a holiday (jewish christmas) called Hanuka where they celebrate victory over Greeks and Greek assimilation.

>post yfw you realize Greeks are the sole reason Jews refuse to assimilate to this date

Sqipoburger is right, non Europeans are subhuman

>The point of the argument was that there is no relevant literature throughout history that is not European


Moмчeтa, кaк ce eбe? Mиcля, чe eбaх, aмa нe cъм cигypeн...

Better jew than greek any time dbi

its a boytit so its safe for work

There are so many jews in bulgaria, if you're from macedonia or sofia shop there is a high chance you have one ancestor who was chosen

Desert Jews are definitely shiftier than sea Jews. Sea Jews have gotten soft.

Benis in bagina


Jews in the Macedian region are Sephardi Jews, curly hair, matte skin. Plovdiv Jews are Ashkenazi, blue eyes and all.

Is this true

>beer buttov

Nigga you're still on season 1?

feeling proud of muh ancestors rntbhonest

epic of gilgamesh

>Mитe "Maкeдoнчeтo" Бepбaтoвcки e видaн мaкeдoнcки нoгeтoпcки игpaк и кoмитa. Poдaн вo Блaгoeвиoтгpaд вo илиaдa дeвeтcтo и oceмдeceтaaтa гoдинa, yчacтyвaл вo чeтaтa нa Бajep Лeвepкyзeн и Toтeнaaм, дeнec нaj знaт зaтoa штo e кopcтникoт нa иcтoчнoмaкeдoнcкaтa мaфиja co цeнтap гpaдoт Coфиja

Epic of Gilgamesh has archaeological but not no literary significance.


Romania jews are ashkenazi, bulgaria are sephardi. but ashkenazi are shitskins too (judging by Sup Forums charts they are less white than greeks)

You haven't seen the jewesses from Plovdiv.

Why do you even bother visiting Sup Forums?

many ashkenazi are whiter than FYROMians

Бaзиpaн Mиткo

ashkenazi are germanised/slavicised jews
sephardi southern euro jews

You're retarded, go google orthodox jews (all ashkenazi) see that they are like gypsies

Pure ashkenazi non-mixed genetics

ashkenazi are european jews like einstein and shit retard

>Arabs are brown


you know i like you fyrombey so i dont say this to insult you but some of the shit youve written makes me think youre unironically 70iq

The Israelis memed "ashkenazi" to be white because they associate safardi with north africa (not spain and balkans) and mizrahi with arab shitskins. They look so brown that greek-tier people seem Aryan to them lmao

Ashkenazi are unironically less white than Greeks (except interbred secular ones from germany/russia)

rolan emmerich

Holy fucking shit, now I remembered that I forgot my credit card pin number

t. retard who thinks "Ashkenazis" are not shitskins because of 1/4 IDF russian soldiers that fulgrim reposts

Adolf Hitler

>height is determined by the father
>ashkenazi are brown
>dinarics are a race
>me put glue inside pc
the best of Fyrombey

Last one is not me

Height is passed by the father, sorry yours was a manlet and you inherited his shqip manlet genes

Ashkenazis that are not intermarried are less white than Greeks. Try to refute that when you look at any whiteness chart.

recommend me a movie friends

Lord of War or War Dogs



unironically watched them yesterday

seen it

top o' the mornin' to ya laddies !!!!


seen it
isn't that a series?

today i learned that i can suck my own dick

La Moustache

>isn't that a series?
start watching them

I've tried a few times and I can hardly reach the top

You must have a big one if you can suck it

The death of Stalin

only 18 cm not that big


How do albanians masturbate with their cut dicks?

Do you get off to friction of aggressively moving your cock? What do you have to move?

>only 18 cm
y-yeah bro that's totally average you feellin me man?

inject parafin and youll get bigger dick

This dinarid comes to shqips and tells them

>You are dinaric like me but you must convert to Serbdom and pray to Sveti Sava

How do shqips respond?

that's not how it works