Should nudity be more acceptable?
Should nudity be more acceptable?
I don't mean the degenerate way either
>says the commie from the commie side of the state
>implying natsocs are commie
Your question is too broad. Let's start smaller. Is public breastfeeding a problem?
People are becoming scared of the natural nude body because everything is being sexualized in this zog world
So you mean like Modeling?
Of course not
The average american looks like an walking garbage bag filled with cottage cheese.
So no.
I think light nudity should be okay on TV.
Kids seeing boobs on their TVs is not a big deal and niether is a woman taking her towel off and putting on a bra or something.
no, and I've never understood people who bitch out about it.
Same reason I would hate public nudity here desu. Average person looks like a big pile of crap.
No. Undercooling is not funny.
No. Americans are the only one that has any problem with it.
I have not even heard muslims complain about it. Although I suspect they are against it.
in the right places.
Hypothermia and sheeit.
He can't english good
Breastfeeding in public is better than feeding your child cow's milk.
Krautchan has of ruined my imageboard language.
what u mean
nah muslims are okay with public breastfeeding because it isn't sexual, it serves a utility
I doubt anyone here is for nudity in the sexual liberation sense
no comrade
you do not understand
it will not be the hot chicks being nude, it will be the grannies and fats
do not eat the bait like we did
>I was trying to understand your context.
"Supercooling, also known as undercooling, is the process of lowering the temperature of a liquid or a gas below its freezing point, without it becoming a solid. A liquid below its standard freezing point will crystallize in the presence of a seed crystal or nucleus around which a crystal structure can form."
NatSocs invented the free body movement
So what if old people are naked
nudity isn't for sexualizing it's for being contempt with who we are
Here in Washington State even I see fairly hot college chicks down at the local beach nude.
Olympics would be a good case of where nudity would be a good idea
I don't mind if they don't mind other people looking at them while they do it. It is, after all, in public.
contempt -> content
now i can't english good
In a non-sexualized way to show the aesthetic beauty of the human form I don't see why not.
Maybe the Greeks saw people naked all the time so nude status didn't give off the sexual vibe that it does to a modern westerner.
I got that one mixed up with hypothermia, my bad.
That's one point. If you're with your wife and she's breastfeeding your child in public, is it okay for others to watch or stare? One, perhaps because it's not often that you see a woman doing that and the oddity will always get attention. And two, perhaps because people (men) want to catch a glimpse of your wife's teet.
Men are not going to suddenly stop wanting to see tits, so: If public breastfeeding is okay, then should it be okay for other people to watch a woman do it?
Why in hell would it be a problem?
Fucking Americans. You guys are weird
the mods are asleep, post sexy sculpt
You can't just separate nudism from the sexual component. Can you honestly say you would be satisfied seeing your parents and siblings stark naked for all to see? To do that you must deny the inherent sexuality in the nude form.
We have evolved culturally with the notion of decency. Exhibiting the human form would only come out of pure narcissism and perversity.
>but my form is not pleasing therefore not sexual
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is largely subjective
>but the form is natural
so is rape and murder but we've evolved culturally to abhor that as well
I don't know if it is so comfortable for runners if their schlong or boobs flap around the while time
You're a creep.
Judging by this thread, Sup Forums seems way more tolerant than it used to. But that was probably because the teenagers grew upl
>so is rape and murder but we've evolved culturally to abhor that as well
"Should x be y?" fuck off shill.
It's not a problem, but I don't get how it is necessary.
I mean, it's not a problem to piss in the bushes publicly either, but I don't get how it's necessary when you can just find a fucking toilet.
Only in America, I mean it's natural and for me it doesn't come under the banner of being immodest given it's context.
you know that it open the door to 450 lbs whales "walking" on the street
I'm not a fuckin shill
It'd be more legit though desu. People in their most natural state is most fitting.
this is degenerate
everyone knows classic art was just a way for the elite to get their rocks off while the plebs couldn't
I just heard on radio here that a nude guy at a lake in Germany got caught in the dick from a fisherman's hook.
>You can't just separate nudism from the sexual component.
You can though. Seeing people isn't sexy for more than like 1 minute, and that's only like the first time. You get used to it quickly. People need to be desensitized.
The question is: should we be wasting tax money enforcing mandatory clothing laws?
Your point being?
>isn't sexy for more than like 1 minute, and that's only like the first time.
Got any evidence for that? Certainly your personal anecdote doesn't justify me going out right now swinging my cock in public.
>People need to be desensitized.
Free porn is already widely available for all to obtain and media has become increasingly sexual in its content over the past couple of decades. How do you propose we further "desensitize" them?
And the more important question is: Why?
So far the only argument put forth in this whole thread is just one big appeal to nature.
Whereas the argument I'd make for decency is that sexual liberation has weakened the concept of the nuclear family where ever you find it, it is a cornerstone of nihilism. We don't need more sexual liberation.
There's a time and appropriate place for it.
I don't believe nudity should be acceptable just anywhere but the stigma against it is too strong.
Breastfeeding for example is a perfectly acceptable wherever as a child has nutritional needs at inopportune times.
Nudity for the sake of nudity, usually to provoke a reaction, usually for protest, attention or public sexualised behaviour is degenerate.
I don't have a problem with nudity outside the home/changing room environments etc. Hell go have sex in the woods but I don't think we need nudity when you're walking through a city centre for example.
Why? So it isn't a big deal.
It has nothing to do with sexual liberation or anything. I just don't want to have to wear clothes all the time. Especially swimming.
>So it isn't a big deal.
Says who? Your personal desires don't substitute well for an actual argument. If convenience is your only point then there's a plethora of conveniences provided to you by covering yourself.
We didn't just wear clothes because we were born prudes.
There's also nudist beaches and nudist resorts for people like you, without the need to erode the moral standards of society.
Not in modern society, bucko. Go do that anywhere in a civilized country and you'll have some dirty looks coming your way.
They are pretty rare and far away. We should have more free beaches set aside. At least here in the US..
Are you trying to say modern society is great? The point of the thread is how to make it better.
god damn
What you're doing right now is challenging an established cultural notion and as with most socially progressivist philosophies you fail to put forth any reason or logic behind your suggestion besides perversion, both sexual and cultural.
How is society better off because we decide to revert to a more backwards state the likes of which uncivilized African tribes conduct themselves? We have evolved beyond this petty mindset of perversity for the sake of it.
We're not part of your islamic civilization, Kebab.
I don't like to eat in the bathroom, either.
those kids are way too hold to still be breast fed
>tfw have been living in nudist community for three decades
Nudity is fine, but it's a tough topic. We have mostly families (including mine) living here and having kids around makes it more sensitive. Bad people will obviously take advantage of certain situations, so nudism is more of a luxury than anything. Having nudity acceptance/nudism be more widespread probably won't happen because you can't monitor situations in broader areas.
I'm okay with it as long as the art is of fit, attractive people. Society should look at those that take care of their own bodies as superior to lazy fucks that demand attention for free. It should be a goal everyone strives for.
It's not a problem until women make it a problem (bitching about people staring at her exposed breast when there's reasonable methods to cover herself up).
Elite athletes with 5-10% bodyfat don't have boobs, silly.
Mr freg how to i stay hidrideded
It's more of a Christian thing. Abrahamic religions in general hate the human body because it's desires are a gateway to sin in their eyes, which is why they mutilate and deprive it the way they do.
what did pajeet mean by this
I love nudist beaches. feels great to be outside in the naked, but I don't think it should spread much further than spaces like that. maybe even pools [insert muzzie pool rape statistics in europe]
OTP- Oh the poo, pajeet must of stepped backwards into his poo in the street instead of steeping forwards
beaches, pools, athletic activity. these are all places where nudity should be accepted desu senpai
yeah, accepted more than pushed. the nudist beach I frequent might be 500 meters long at most... in a string of more than 10 kms of scarcely interrupted beach.
Yes, but not in a country full of disgusting wicked fat fucking mongrels and niggers.
Yes, as long as it turns on
quite degenerate
You're more of a creep than I originally thought
Sorry to butt into your conversation, but
No. Most people are ugly, make them hide their disgusting fat slobs from my sight.
And I dont want your balls hair in pool. It's disgusting.
Nudity should only be acceptable for people with aesthetic bodies and in certain situations (beach, swimming, nature, etc) not on the street or sitting on the train. People who think they look good should be shamed into covering themselves back up with jeers and looks of confusion mixed with laughter.
This. Majority of people who WOULD be naked would be ugly, because those who AREN'T ugly know it, and know that it's a bargaining chip. It's worth nothing if it's free to everyone.
For example: That reddit meetup photo where only the fat chicks flashed their tits. There were at least 2 or 3 decent looking girls that didn't do it, because they knew better.
No. It's the women making a bigger issue than it actually is that are the problem.
Yes. Christ cucks are a plague on western society.