
God of /cum/

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first for anime

grimes gf 2018

the gf



*single mexican blocks your path*

Are girls like Gromes common in Canada?


Yeah, there are 2/10s everywhere.


jamming out to this rn

post music


Ok I am here


I like this

That's a beautiful power walk. He's able to assert his dominance naturally despite looking like a complete fag.

Why are so many Canadian girls such hard core SJWs?

they aren't

>they aren't

80-100 years is far too short of a lifespan
why couldn't it be 1000

wow thanks for that image
now show me the 20 others next
that must mean SO MANY canadian girls are SJWs
lmao dumb FUCK haha

hit a nerve eh bud


try this then if you like that, idk your song wasnt doing it for me at all

I could vaporize your jaw with a single punch, kike.

but how fast can you clack your ass?

Do you think I was talking to you, nigger?

its a general question genuinely interested

kys manchild

Antisemitism is not alloeed on /cum/. We are a pro-jew general.


Typical kike loving yank nigger.

I hope you go to hell for betraying your race.



that bitch is an escort lmao, got any more examples?

i mean in the liberal paradise of toronto who isn't an escort, really?

Good post

You are a very angry and rude person. I'm sorry but I'm afraid that we do not have a place for you in our general.

agree with the above post


fuck you kike sympathizer

most people

how many friends does /cum/ have?


Disagree with this post

Agree with this post

incel exception that proves the rule



i am not a virgy

Is that a man though. I can't even really tell anymore. WHERE'D THESE MUTANTS COME FROM

>tfw no girl(girl)friend


Not bad

Very bad

Your hostility is not warranted nor is your antisemitism. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

>tfw no zando gf

Estrogen: the post



>tfw don't know what a zando is
>tfw no file selected
>tfw tfw
>that face that feel that face
>face that feel with me

Sorry but there's nothing "estrogen" abouy my post.


go to hell jew lover


truly some high quality posting, keep it up guys

>tfw no dd/lg relationship

more like debased haha amiright goys

>he will never fill his mouth with big khazar milkies
>he will forever be clacking his ass, alone

my feet currently smell like apple cider vinegar

keep me updated







This area is pure waifu Quebec Seperatist qt farm girls from very catholic holmes with semi-curly light hair and Norman faces. Hope your fluent in Quebecois though, because they don't speak a lick of english and even LePen would have a hard time understanding what the fuck they are saying . (Heavy dialect)

Avoid Sherbrook like the Plague.

Good luck though, they are all married by 21 and the first kid pops out by 22. They all know each other and everybody is related to everybody somehow, and everyone will immediately know you are an outsider. They will be nice to you if you are diminutive and nice to them. They find you struggling with french to be endearing and funny - if you show up with no french at all they are pissed off and snarky.

yes ik interpals attracts losers

I will not be going to hell and there's nothing wrong with loving jews. Your hostility is unwarranted.

good to know
thank you stranger

>there's nothing wrong with loving jews

Why didn't you go, /cum/?

Weren't police funneling people through a violent mob to enter?

why would i go to an unpopular concert

Yes, that's what I said.

Because Richard Spencer is an r tard

Why didn't you say something else?


I heard something like that happened, maybe that's why it was so empty.

There's nothing wrong with what I said.

What is the spics reason for QuinceaƱera?

We could be talking about sixteenth century Genoese mercantile insurance policies but you had to talk about the kikes. Why couldn't you have said anything else. Fuck you.
Exactly what happened, in fact.

I wonder if monica bellucci would be my gf



its when youre woman

t. my abuela

>Exactly what happened, in fact.

Ah, so Vic Berger, who posted those pictures, wasn't telling the whole story about how people actually weren't allowed in. Very crafty and subversive of him!

The Carpathians ought be circled as well for curling in unrealistic manner.

This is a map of Europe rotated ninety degrees

I did not start this conversation. I was simply stating that antisemitism is not allowed here (because it isn't). You are more than welcome to talk about those ensurance policies at your leisure.

Now, please tone down the hostilities.

I do not care about Sup Forumss watered down meme George Lincoln Rockwell. Up to me all the bastards everywhere including you, including me and the slopeheads chewing on rice on the other end of the world would be shot.

you got a problem with arbys?