Wtf Ireland?

wtf Ireland?

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human bean


...real human bean



>tfw femme is pronounced like fa m


well, you can ride them, indeed

>tfw nő gf

I wish I were Hungarian

So do the Irish think that pic related is a transexual or something?

fun fact - the polish word kobieta was actually an insult and very rude way to call a woman until like XIX century when it became the official word for some reason

I'll be your nő friend tonight


It's pronounced ban i.e bean an tí (ban un chee) = woman of the house


Thats not kavinsky


>womb man

Europe only needs one language

t. Edward Etherington on vacation

what are you wtfing about

>Crimeans call women bikes
Hmmmm....really made me think

Ireland is as Irish as Mexico is Nahuatl.

It's a meme. Irish are Anglos in denial

far far more people are of Gaelic ancestry proportionally than of Nahua ancestry in Mexico

I'm talking about spoken language, not ancestry.

Usually your language forms your identity, not your actual ancestry. Turks are a famous example. Irish are the rare exception.

kobieta comes from word kob which means pigsty

Irish language is part of our identity in a manner of speaking, the ambivalence toward it is part of being Irish. I'm very critical about the lazy nationalism we have though, everybody here likes to be "proud to be Irish" but balks at the idea of doing some that takes effort

Syl, sylgojmag.

Why do Anglos disrespect their females so much?

Is Kvinna/Kvinne/Kvinde etymologically connected to Queen?

It comes from Old English. The original word was Cwene, which meant woman. It's Germanic but it doesn't come from the Nordic languages.

Actually from looking at Wiktionary it seems they do both come from the same Proto-Germanic root.ǭ

Yeah, and it's also surprisingly related to slavic žena. Kv just shifted to zh sound during the process of palatalization of slavic languages

It's actually mna, but if you're talking in specific contexts you'd say bean (pronounced ban). E.g. "women of the house" (i.e. stay at home mom) is "bean an tí" (same with house, too; house is usually "teach" but in this context it's tí (pronounced tee)).

Irish is a fucking dumb and confusing language like that.

WTF Brittany I thought we were Celtic bros ??

Fräulein is also considered sexist now

But not as offensive as Weib

how the fuck do you call a wife if "jena" is already taken.

Donna derives from Domina, old Latin for "Lady". Madonna, in fact, meant "My lady".


no no no!

>Low-German included
Finally someone did it right!

>tfw you will never ride a crimean bike

And one people

>Fräulein is also considered sexist now

.... and a real hero