France's flag has orange now

france's flag has orange now


ok, have a nice day




Estonia and France have a baby.

If you want to come to france, you don't need to add a colour on the flag.
Just not be black or arabian. Be white and you'll we be well admight be the people.
Plus french ppl love (most) foreign accents, so fresh frenchies QT's are yourz

>Be white
Wow... I thought France are tolerant and inclusive.

lol France

wtf is going on in this thread?

Ur mom
get fucked dork

We are summoning the Bogdanoffs.


*releases endorphins for every bogposts you make*

BIDF, pls

No one with a sense of colors would like that. It clashes.

Cute estonian assholes...

I'm making the call

Is the American CREATURA accent cute? I want to snag me a French girl for breeding.

woah haha


I'm going to need you to delete this

Probably be a 10/10 baby


ahaha, woah
finland is fat

hey poland your guts hanging out over your belt hahaha


i unironically really like the asymmetry

wtf I hate the USA now even more

Quality thread.

Disgusting, please post the non-edited flag!

We're using your country to extract coal and make you power. Show us allegiance.

hi :^)

Reminds me of the flag of Altaia (Russian Altay Republic) without a second bar

We have to go deeper.