How do Brits live with themselves, considering behavior like this?

How do Brits live with themselves, considering behavior like this?

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Friendly reminder: last week KFC ran out of chicken due to a logistic problem from switching suppliers and the entire UK went into de facto crisis mode. People were calling the police because KFC was out of chicken, something straight out of a Boondocks episode.
Yes it really happened.

pretty sure they're there ironically so they can tell their snaggle-toothed friends how shit american food is based on the experience they had at taco bell

London is like 60% Muslim. They won't eat pork or dog, like the Chinese population, so chicken is all they have.

One of these opened in Brisbane. Food has never gone through me so quick, painted the bottom of the toilet bowl. Is that what yanks poo like everyday?

>Shart in mart
It's not a meme

I eat taco bell/del taco on the regular and have never gotten diarrhea from it.
I think pooping after mexican food is just a white person thing.

Only the least self-respecting poor people eat at Taco Bell. That "food" is always nasty. Which is why I can't understand the picture in the OP.

Only really dumb people eat in Taco Hell. You'd have to have a love of violent gastroenteritis to want to subject your digestive system to that.

Can someone explain the "spicy food slaughters your anus" meme? Ive ate so much of it all my life, never once have I experienced any bad-sharting afterwards.

mutts are used to spicy food, it's in their bloodline

You must have a virgin tummy, my chad stomach can handle any and all spices from the Himalayas in Asia to the Appalachians in America.

^This. About 90% of people who eat there are ghetto trash or dumb college students who also think Ramen is edible or food.

>t. inferior first w*rld white stomachs
Either you have never drunk or eaten something hot or with beans before or you just have terrible genetics. Condition yourself to be able to eat real food.
It's a facebook meme that only holds true for the weak.

Taco bell ain't food. Their tacos meat is like dog food ground up. Shit ain't even meat.

Eating taco bell in the state only happens if you're poor trash or if you're drunk/high as fuck and it's 3am.

It's kind of like having sex with a 40yr old druggie STD infested hobo. You can probably get it for $2-4 bucks, but would any sober non-hobo? Probably not.

I'm pure 100% African no drop of perfidious wh*Te blood has ever touched my bloodline

Mexican food can be excellent if you eat in the right restaurant or go to Mexico itself. Taco Bell isn't Mexican food however, it's a novel way to repackage toxic waste and sell it as food.

Quality post

I'll admit, I can't handle spicy food in my mouth but having it slip out of my ass brings no pain whatsoever, in fact- I love feeling my feces flow through me like an erect cock slipping out of a dry vagina.


Even the smell of Taco Bell is gross.

>He doesn't exclusively eat at fast food restaurants every weekend

Western Europe doensnt have culture and tradition anymore so fast food is well liked in these individualistic and hedonistic societies

Different cunts have different food standards, for example the EU standards would label US chain foods as they're made in the US unfit for human consumption. So while the chains' ingredients are probably the cheapest shit possible, it's still edible.

taco bell is just a new novelty, five guys moved into my part of london and for its few days it was busy af and now its empty for most of the day

its 25% too much but london is only 25% muslim