Why do conservatives and the alt-right (not just american alt right) hate science so much?

Why do conservatives and the alt-right (not just american alt right) hate science so much?

Science has given everything to the modern world.
>power, electric research of the 1800s
>medicine, medical research of early 1900s-ongoing
>manufacturing- engineering of the 1800s-ongoing
>digital technology, computation research 1930s-ongoing
>social science, understanding of human behavior-1970s ongoing

Yet nearly all of you act as if science has no basis, that it is pure " theorizing ", simply because it "proves" your shitty opinions wrong.

An example- psychometrics
IQ research, has shown racial differences for decades (alt right cucks love this, since it reinforces their racism)

Modern Psychometrics also show that old IQ test only test for Logical-Fluid intelligence and the most effective at doing so are Raven Matrices , the consensus in the modern field also is of "multiple intelligences" (do a google search), which has proven humans have a wide variety of "intelligences", and they vary from person to person.

Also IQ research shows Liberals have higher IQs than conservatives, and If it give you a link to a Raven Matrices test, you'll say its innacurate when it shows your lower scores, but I always score above 130, I GUESS I CANT BE SMART CUZ IM A DUMB LIBERAL LoL. (im not a liberal btw)

>iqtest.dk/main.swf (Raven matrices test, all modern IQ test use this.)

Other urls found in this thread:


nice little thread you have here OP


We love science.

>multiple intelligences
Jung, stop shit posting.

The raven matrices proves the black and white iq difference.

Also you have no source for the liberals statement. And even if it was true, it means little to nothing your quickness at pattern recognization if you believe everything you're told by a sociology professor.

I think what you mean is that liberals are more "educated" as in college graduates. But learning about 'white privilege' isn't exactly education

One post.
So many logical fallacies.

Btw, how do blacks do on Ravens Matrices compared to whites and compared to their own scores on Stanford Binet?

If anything I'd say the alt right depends solely on science, even when it isn't pretty

ty for the (you)

Yup and the research has been clear for decades.
Now what I don't understand is the rejection of the concept that this is due to environment.

Conservatives/alt righters claim that blacks can't "change" because of their genetics and instincts , and that the environment theyre in has nothing to do with their shitty behavior.

Yet they forget that instinct and genetics are literally a product of the environment. ( I don't mean just nature btw, I mean EVERYTHING that affects a human being)

>>multiple intelligences
>Jung, stop shit posting.

Um it technically has, I can even make a simple example.

Most humans have a differentiation between spatial- and logical-fluid intelligence. Those with better spatial intelligences are better with their body movement (i.e sports) and can learn spatial related things easier, meanwhile others have an affinity to logical thinking.

This goes through so much, from really logical intelligent people have shitty musical-rhythm affinity , to high degree musicians (i'm talking conservatory level, not modern pop musicians,)

>The raven matrices proves the black and white iq difference.
This is true, part of my point, and this is because logical-fluid intelligence is the cause for the G factor (it is what connects all intelligences in a way).

it shows the same as old fashioned IQ tests since they test for the same thing, As I mentioned in OP

except most of them dismiss evolution because of their religious beliefs.

>alt-right (not just american alt right) hate science so much?
alt-right was never against science, that's is one of the main differences between it and conservatism

>Now what I don't understand is the rejection of the concept that this is due to environment.
>Conservatives/alt righters claim that blacks can't "change" because of their genetics and instincts , and that the environment theyre in has nothing to do with their shitty behavior.
This straw man isn't worth addressing.

Regarding your argumentum ad populum: Assuming your premise is true, you might have a (somewhat tenuous) case that liberals are better at analysis in general but it is not an argument that they are right about any one particular thing (e. g., black/white intelligence difference). You'd have a better case if the entire second to fourth standard deviation above the mean held egalitarian views to a man or nearly to a man but even then, there could be reasons for them to consciously say something is true when it's not or that they could deceive themselves.

American blacks are already adapting and changing from blacks in Africa - I suspect predominantly from mixing with a majority white nation, however.

With that said, you're entire post is pretty fucking stupid. Environmental adaptations take either extremely lethal environments and lucky adaptions, or tens of thousands of years to occur for even minor changes. Furthermore, what are they going to fucking adapt to? They don't have to survive winters in Europe. They don't have to plan ahead for years to assure food is available. The environmental pressures that created whites do not exist anymore. In fact, they get handouts and gibs regardless of their own capabilities - we would never let them all starve to death for being unable to feed themselves, instead white people will provide the food for them.

You're saying causation is a strawman?

Instinct is literally caused by the environmental factors through generations. Genetics is less directly affected but it is also a factor.

I don't disagree negroids have lower logical fluid intelligences and violent tendencies because of the research that has proven this, but I'm not foolish to think this isn't caused by external factors.

This doesn't mean they should be treated like trash without first trying to educate them to help their cause. Even if they're more savagey- then whites they're still far more sentient and "valuable" than any other animal under them.

Also no 2 person have the same environment (even siblings of the same household have differences in their "environment" ).

I'm alt right and I AM a scientist. The fuck are you talking about?

Oh, a 14 year-old who FuckingLoveScience!, avatars of the God of Irony himself.

Well, I guess in a couple years you'll read on correlation =/= causality, and if you chose STEM in university later to get rid of your crass scientific illiteracy, you might join us one day :3

This thread's heading in a very 'problematic' direction, OP.

Social Science has given the instrument to critique rationalism. Fuck off with your science. Science seems objective, but it's up the elites that manipulate it's meaning. Read some Frankfurt School.

Neither side of the political spectrum truly respects science. The right ignores global warming and clings to religion. The left disregards racial differences and pretends chromosomes don't exist.

I'd argue chickens, beef cattle, dairy cows, etc... are all more useful to society than blacks are.

>Now what I don't understand is the rejection of the concept that this is due to environment.
Maybe because noone has been able to construct an environment that improves IQ or MMPI pathology scores.

Pro prediction: nobody will be able to alter environment so as to make an Afghan Hound intelligent as a Jack Russel or turn an Australoid into the next Tesla.

Wow, so you're part of the 5% of scientists who support Drumpf? Amazing.

what the fuck are you talking about, faggot ?

alt right doesen't hate science, just the "I FUKKIN LUV SCIENS" liberal faggots. Reading pop sci articles, smoking weed and watching bill fucker nye and le bin ban theerry and acting like a geek isn't science.

no one hates science
science is God and the Universe
people hate nerds like those that are unlike NDT

big FU to libs. go celebrate the genius of clock boy with Obama. made a clock a saftey hazard by exposing wires with deadly votage in a school setting and plugging it in when told not to. then he gets to sue the district. FU and your bs left wing science.

>> Science
>> Democrats lying and claiming its science

I would like to show your brain the science of ballistics

I'm an EE. I love science. And dick.

no online IQ test is going to be accurate. Online tests are short, simple, and give inflated results. Even if they use the proper methods it's not the same. I assure you your IQ is probably not 130.

IQ tests have to be done face to face and are on a strict time table, and they take hours to complete. I know this because I administered IQ tests in a lab setting when I was an undergraduate research assistant.

>alt+rgt here
I dont hate science, I'm an engineer.
I support nuclear power.

Hitler did something wrong, get so many whites killed in vain.

Social science is a fucking leftist scam aimed at redefining reality.

>muh multiple intelligences

See. OP is trying to redefine this shit as we speak. Take whatever metric you like, the genetic influence on IQ, educational attainment and career prospects is constant. I'm not saying that there aren't various ways to measure intelligence, just that OP is trying to remove the validity of some of the established ones because they suggest conclusions that are anathema to his entire worldview, namely that there are inherent differences between people that no amount of affirmative action will completely remove.

why don't you try to engineer a sentence in english shitposter.

Smart post

>You're saying causation is a strawman?
Strawman is that HBDers hold that environment has no effect whatever on IQ or other psychometrics. If you locked Newton in a dark room from infancy to age 3, nourishing him with TPN (total parenteral nutrition) and never talking to him, his IQ would probably be in the 50s.

Genetics governs the ceiling. Environment governs the floor.

> Wow, those public workers really vote left
Nothing escape your eagle eye, Sherlock.

>Why do conservatives and the alt-right (not just american alt right) hate science so much?

>ignoring that many scientists have been Christians
>ignoring the vast amounts of studies and scientific findings regularly posted on "alt-right" forums

Are you even trying? or is this just because people disagree with you?

>Now what I don't understand is the rejection of the concept that this is due to environment.
No shit, the environment is a factor; nobody has ever denied that. But denying that genetics can be a factor to completely replace that with "muh environmental factors" is fucking retarded.

>le winter makes intelligence meme
Surviving in Europe is easy compared to Central Asia or the Congo

I love science. It's been good for humanity.

I hate people who worship science like a religion while constantly talking about religious belief and faith as retarded. They have the same faith, only their faith is in scientific theories published by media and often based on little more than a few equations.

There is a great deal science cannot explain. We've learned a few things, but most of the things we've learned have only shown how little we know. We'll likely go extinct before figuring everything out.

Furthermore science has wrong so many times before, only a fool would put faith into it.


these people don't exist, it's a made up term, so you'll find peoples opinions about science are about as varied as anywhere,

to be honest a lot of the things on your list humanity would be much better off without in the long run

*except for white people

yes but this also can be applied to the entire concept of IQ differences between populations, which literally proves another aspect of "multiple intelligences"

>Also you have no source for the liberals statement.
do a google search and be surprised.

I'ma physicist, (typical I know)
hey same, Physics myself, (doing meme work on entanglement soon) what about you?

very true, modern politics are cancer desu

My point is that sentience is higher in order, and even though it takes effort, blacks should be taught to per lack of better words "be white".

>Maybe because noone has been able to construct an environment that improves IQ or MMPI pathology scores.

Wrong, several studies (want source just google man, im too lazy to link everything) have shown increases through time and also through environmental factors (those who smoked tobacco had less IQ growth from childhood, even if they professional lives were "good" or "successful", now this could be a double sided causation, (tobacco makes you less intelligent, or less intelligent smoke tobacco)

Education in critical thinking may not be the same as "improving IQ" but it causes a more effective use of intelligence.

>o online IQ test is going to be accurate. Online tests are short, simple, and give inflated results. Even if they use the proper methods it's not the same. I assure you your IQ is probably not 130.
These Raven matrices, they are accurate regardless of medium. BUt you are right, my IQ isnt 130, when I was 17 I was full on to the IQ meme , too a weschler (which had Raven matrices and aural sections ) and I was scored at 156 with deviation of 12 ( because of age )

Irregardless IQ doesn't prove everything, however my affinity is in music, I became a conservatory level musician in just 3 years (it usually takes training from childhood to do this).

>ignoring literal flat earthers

I fucking love science

science is great don't know what your talking about newfriend

Cultural Marxism /= science

You posted so much and I didn't read any of it.

been here since 2008, its been interesting see the massive change in the board.

Science is a constantly improving and self correcting field. We need to compare a shit ton of data points before coming to a conclusion.

One of the biggest fallacies that liberals love defending so much is the Galileo Incident. In that case, it was the church that was following proper procedure when it came to science. Galileo was forcing something as fact without enough evidence or working models.

In a similar vein, there may be an issue with global warming, however there needs to be a sufficient amount of proof and working models before it becomes a fact instead of theory.

I am a scientist, work in a science lab, and have worked international with other scientists. I can tell you that pretty much all of them are apolitical and only lean left because they've been told to do so.

Your average scientist spends too much time with science or nerdy hobbies to actually look into politics objectively. They see on television smart looking people with liberal values and just copy there opinions to be a part of the smart people gang.

I will also say there is next to zero black scientists, most are white, asian, or Indian. As for female scientists a good number of them are biologists which isn't a negative thing but biology requires a different way of thinking than other disciplines. Based on this scientists have little to fear from a more 'open' world as their job security is not as in danger as say a trades person, hence they don't go the extra mile into politics.

>flat earthers aren't ironic

They're not...

Sup Forums didn't exist in 2008, lying newfag.

Also, nice reddit-tier multiple-replying in a single post, laddy.

This couldn't be more true.

They've redefined Intelligence as the Logical intelligence which is one of many and every special snow flake is good at one of them!

Intelligence comes from ones ability to compute/process information and their ability to analyze and critique it. People then try to act like Memory is part of intelligence or Spatial Relations and Reflexes. So the dip shit who flunked pout of high school but is really good at dodging the ball in dodgeball is a genius too in his own special way? Fuck that. He might be physically fit and good with spatial relations and sports, but that's just not what intelligence means.

IQ is a shitty test by the way, I believe mine is 141 but it's meaningless.

And then the new kind I took at my high school a few years ago was more of this liberal meaningless nonsense like I scored a 96 in Focus and Concentration but 150 something in Logic and Reasoning. What the fuck does Focus have to do with Intellect and Intelligemce quotient?

Liberals are the ones who didn't like how science answered them when they asked "are we all equal?", so they changed the rules to cheat their way through it.


I'm really good at smoking weed, masturbating, and playing video games intelligence! Haha see, we're all special!

Career in earth sciences, got plenty of steady jobs outside of research. Currently on a team studying some of the wind sculpted features on Mars. Not quite as exciting as physics but I'm enjoying it. Chemistry is my core background so when the research train ends I can always go work for big corps trying to stick to EPA rules. Nice six fig job.

>I hate people who worship science like a religion while constantly talking about religious belief and faith as retarded. They have the same faith, only their faith is in scientific theories published by media and often based on little more than a few equations.

someone is scientifically illiterate.

Just because the entire law of gravity is based on F=ma does not mean that it isn't based on immense research.

Nothing about science is based on faith, you may be talking about the scientific illiterate trusting science just because of intellectual authority but actual people who are literate in scientific fields are not.

>There is a great deal science cannot explain. We've learned a few things, but most of the things we've learned have only shown how little we know. Furthermore science has wrong so many times before, only a fool would put faith into it.

Science isn't a system like religion that it has to be "right" all the time. Science is a constantly improving and self correcting field, that will always be wrong about certain things until the next research proves otherwise.

>In a similar vein, there may be an issue with global warming, however there needs to be a sufficient amount of proof and working models before it becomes a fact instead of theory.

Yes but don't make it seem that theories have little to no basis, as someone working on entanglement "theory" there is more than enough evidence to suggest this is a "factual" "thing".

Global warming is real and it is happening, what it isn't 100% is to what EXTENT are humans affecting it.

nigger this board replaced /n/, which was literally the same thing.

>Also, nice reddit-tier multiple-replying in a single post, laddy.

Nice, I am just working at my university for now. I don't know what Ill do after I hate the way money poisoned research so its going to be hard.

wanting me to do captcha all those times, fuck you dude.

It's legitimately what fucking troglodytes like OP want to do.

Anyone can take some random good thing about then and call it intelligence.

I'm a very persistent and aggressive person for example. I don't use that to say "I have a high level of Motivational Intelligence, check my Raven Matrix".

What New Age, hippy bullshit

woops my text got all fucked up there

nigger this board replaced /n/, which was literally the same thing.

>Also, nice reddit-tier multiple-replying in a single post, laddy.

wanting me to do captcha all those times, fuck you dude.

>IQ research shows Liberals have higher IQs than conservatives

Of course it does, if you administer the tests only to the following groups:

- Students of know ultraliberal colleges (so that as few educated conservatives as possible skew your result upwards)
- Inbred hillbillies at a gun show in bumfuck nevada (so that as few uneducated liberals as possible skew your results downwards)

>Modern Psychometrics also show that old IQ test only test for Logical-Fluid intelligence

Which is the only one that really matters so that's not an argument.
What the fuck does it benefit society if you're more ""intelligent"" at spreading gossip?


I've taken that test multiple times and I always score 126, yet I'm not a leftist. Now what?

Besides all that, nice strawman you got going there, nobody here "hates science".

YOU are the ones who try to silence everyone who researches matters that don't fit with the globalist agenda.

Study shows that blacks statistically commit more crime? DAS RAYCISS

Study shows that children of single mothers are more prone to commit crimes and are generally worse off than children raise by both parents? OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN

And this is the reason why there is, actually, a field of science that we hate, and it is indeed social science.
We hate it because unlike hard science like physics, chemistry and so on, there is no hard data that unequivocally proves or disproves the hypothesis.
Everything is down to trusting that the group that published the research wasn't pressured or bribed into distorting the data to fit an a priori decided result.

Psychology is also another science that smells like bullshit, since many recent attempts at replicating famous studies that changed how we perceived the human psyche when they came out came up with completely inconclusive results.
An experiment that cannot be replicated is useless and unscientific.

Just go for what you love and make sure to develop money making job contacts too.

Someone is obviously completely illiterate. Fucking idiot. Did you even comprehend a single fucking thing I wrote, you god damn kike.

I like science a lot but mainstream academia is rife with flaws that undermine it as a whole

You think I don't know about /n/ and later /new/, which moot both axed because "muh racism" before creating Sup Forums in later 2011

Science deals with reality, something conservatives have a lot of problems with.

youre fuckin stupid and have literally 0 literacy in how science of intelligence is researched. yes totally Oh right, New age hippy bullshit yup, I mean Dr. Gardner (who began the study on multiple intelligences) is just a retarded hippy.



What did I miss?

well then what is your point?

Yes because it's conservatives who demand hate speech, guns, discrimination, racism, sexism and anything else not PC be banned while demanding safe spaces

Go back to Redit you fucking faggot.

Science is a Jewish trick to slander our Lord

Social (((science))) is not a science. It does not adhere to the scientific method. It's only called a (((science))) because modern society places a great deal of trust in science thus associating something dishonest with science adds a measure of validity to what would otherwise be dismissed as nonsense.

>yes but this also can be applied to the entire concept of IQ differences between populations, which literally proves another aspect of "multiple intelligences"
Having a high IQ doesn't mean being "right" about ones political or other opinions but it does a pretty good job of predicting educational attainment, liklihood to enter professions like engineering, medicine, law, etc. and it is inversely proportional to violent/property crime conviction (I would argue no direct causation there but a correlation of low IQ with other psychometrics like high time preference, psychopathy and hypersensitivity to ridicule. (Mongoloids, for example aren't very aggressive or acquisitive.))

I only hate EU funded "science"
I.e. supporting Brexit causes stress and may kill you

I mean you honestly think that those researching are doing it without any bias at all?

>the alt-right has a position on science

You're fucking disconnected from Sup Forums, and quite obviously came here to be a keyboard warrior and "defend" your personal ideology, replying to anybody that has an opposition to you in any way, shape, or form- only redditors use this damage control-like technique.

>tobacco makes you less intelligent, or less intelligent smoke tobacco)
Nicotine, or more specifically, its metabolite cotinine, has significant positive effects on attention and memory and reduces liklihood of Parkinsons and alzheimers (Hillary should have taken up smoking).

alt-right loves hard science. Experimental and observational science gives up usable technology.

The alt-right can't harness zero point energy or death rays for our bid to take over the world with social sciences.

Social sciences = New Age Secular religion

No one here hates science. We hate the corruption of science by politics.

Sorry I should have added that what environmental intervention won't do is make an Australoid into the next Tesla. It won't close the black/white IQ gap unless there's a change in black genetics or white genetics because genetics is a more powerful factor. Genetics imposes a ceiling in intelligence.

>youre fuckin stupid and have literally 0 literacy in how science of intelligence is researched.
>Oh right, New age hippy bullshit yup, I mean Dr. Gardner (who began the study on multiple intelligences) is just a retarded hippy.

Wow great argument 10/10 :DDDD

I apologize if I'm being an asshole or coming off as a moron. I am genuinely skeptical of any theory that suggests "spatial intelligence" is a thing, because in my book intelligence is a well defined concept that has nothing to do with that. Just because someone runs a well organized study and does a bunch of research it doesn't give them the right to start changing the meaning of words.

This happens quite commonly as the result of an agenda to do away with old concepts under the guise of science and a better understanding of things. I am not a scientific illiterate, I'm a double major in Finance and Computer Science and have always been considered some sort of an autistic geek because of my strong interest in Science.

I just also happen to know that Science is only so accurate as the ones running the show allow it to be and people are partisan with their own agendas to push.

Almost no one in the world is anti-science, that is to say, anti-problem-solving.

You're just using science as a front to defend your point of view.


Eh yes and no, and it depends on specific situation/ or subfield.

Example: as a recent research has shown, a lot of the current scientific publishing is affected by muh funding to an extent that research isn't being truly "peer reviewed" and replicated.

A lot of these studies are on psychology/social issues, but the validity of those fields are not just 'meme" to try and convince gullible people by intellectual authority. Even if a lot of its research is not confirmed it does not just make them meme science.
Yes everything you mentioned is correct, which also reinforces the furthermore understanding on "muh intelligence" because I feel it is a way to truly understand human behavior to a "deeper" level than we do now.

>You're fucking disconnected from Sup Forums, and quite obviously came here to be a keyboard warrior and "defend" your personal ideology, replying to anybody that has an opposition to you in any way, shape, or form- only redditors use this damage control-like technique.
wow I forgot Sup Forums was just about detracting with insults and memeing, how stupid of me to expect to have a discussion.

wew lad.

yup same, Just mentioned how politics and money have literally eroded scientific research.

The study I'm talking about mentioned cigarettes specifically, so it may be due to tar and other chemicals.

I am aware of the effect of nicotine on attention and memory, don't know about preventative effects (that shit is literally meme science because it's so difficult to differentiate between causation and correlation in disease).

we hate science after we became woke by black twitter intellectuals that all modern science is thanks to slavery and stolen from ancient kangz

Both untrue and irrelevant.

Because theory is exactly what science is you dumb-ass. It isn't just the alt-right of this opinion. Watch Lindybeige. Plenty of people from typically connated with left-wing views think that science is just theoritical.

Why do conservatives and the alt-right (not just american alt right) hate science so much?
they don't. its usually leftists and liberals that reject science and re-engineer it using different terms

>Even if a lot of its research is not confirmed it does not just make them meme science.
It literally does though. Less than 50% of psychological studies can be replicated. As such, and for all we know, this research is completely made up.

Anyone who takes any claims made by psychologists or sociologists at face value is a schmuck.

I don't hate science and I don't think most conservatives do, either. A lot of liberals seem to have some absurd love of science, going on about how awesome science is, etc, almost like it is some sort of religion. It isn't, obviously, but it is just more liberal virtue signalling. Science is seen as something goof, thus if they post "I love science" memes on their facebook they can be seen as virtuous for supporting it.

Conservatives don't really care for virtue signalling so you don't ever hear about how they "love" science. There are a few hardcore religious fanatics that deny some aspects of science because it conflicts with their religion, and also they happen to be conservative. So I can understand why you think conservatives hate science, but that's a logical fallacy and you should know better.

Quads confirm.

This is pretty accurate. Athiest movements are pretty much the pinnacle of this retardation, some humanist morons seem to contradict themselves by saying they love science then turn around tell anyone that science is undeniable and you are a idiot for not believing everything it says. Ultimately forgetting what "Science" is a in the first place, a human understanding of the reality around us.

I can't tell you how many times I've been looked down upon as a idiot for defending this pure fucking obvious deduction. Humanists almost become religious when it comes to science. I just laugh at them for basically being what they hate.

There are white well-educated families in rich neighbourhoods with adopted black children who still score the same as black children from black families in modern IQ tests.

Environment has nothing to do with their intellectual capacity.

>I apologize if I'm being an asshole or coming off as a moron. I am genuinely skeptical of any theory that suggests "spatial intelligence" is a thing, because in my book intelligence is a well defined concept that has nothing to do with that. Just because someone runs a well organized study and does a bunch of research it doesn't give them the right to start changing the meaning of words.

You're saying this as a biased opinion, psychometrics isn't a meme science that has no basis in "real" world dynamics.
An example of Spatial intelligence testing, is giving a person goggles that reflect and making them do common physical activities to see their spatial adaptation.

I just also happen to know that Science is only so accurate as the ones running the show allow it to be and people are partisan with their own agendas to push.

this has become true to an extent because of politics and money poisoning research.

Politics is basically cancer to science.

>think that science is just theoretical.
totally man, in theory you're just an ignorant idiot who has no idea how science works but idk.

This is like saying mental illnesses aren't a thing.

Even though yes
>less than 50% of psychological studies can be replicated.

this doesn't discredit stuff that has been replicated and "proven" to a certain extent.

>Anyone who takes any claims made by psychologists or sociologists at face value is a schmuck

Anyone who trusts any politicians is also a shmuck.

> So I can understand why you think conservatives hate science, but that's a logical fallacy and you should know better.


Nice OP, keep going. I like seing Sup Forumstards assblasted. They already called you a kike and a shill. In no time they will call you a cuck.

>doesn't have a clue of what science is

Sup Forums. Proving OP right one post at a time

>A whole fucking field of human understanding based on inspecting and analyzing information is not theortical
I feel like you're trying to bait me, lad.

I left the social sciences after basically realizing this. Although I have a PhD and could have got a tenure track job, it would be spiritual suicide to continue in that career. Social scientists sell respectability to ideology. It is not real science. When people say "studies prove", you must always ask is it from the natural sciences or behavioral and social sciences. The former are rent-seekers living off the modern liberal bureaucratic state.


Those are exactly the kind of people I am referring to. They are religious fanatics, and they are an extremely small portion of the people who make up the wider group of conservatives. It is a logical fallacy to assume that their beliefs are in any way shared by the rest of conservatives. I find it extremely hard to believe that anyone who has been on Sup Forums for longer than a couple months cannot immediately see this logical fallacy for what it is, so I assume you are just trolling. If so, please stop. You are only undermining your own arguments.

Hey, you're the leftypol shitter tripfag. I see you changed your name for disassociation purposes.

I lean towards the right and love science. Stop being autistic.

Portugal, you'll never get on our level. Don't embarass yourself.

It is clear he is either a baiter or he isn't really here to debate or discuss, but more to purely get fuel for his own narcissism and pretty much ignore people over-all. Look at how he pretty much just overlooks anyone giving a proper explanation.

Because 'science' as you put it faggot is completely dependent on government grants primarily to fund these studies.

Science is what retards cling too when they are spiritually lazy and lack philosophical thought. Appeal to authority. A scientist could tell you the world is flat and you would believe them because you are weak.

Miss my old trip? I will change it just for you ;)

>Although I have a PhD
Prove it