Do you like eating raw beef?

Do you like eating raw beef?

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i never understand this meme

yeah love to midnight snack on your mum's raw beef

I like carpaccio, steak tartare, sashimi, etc. All good stuff.

Ewww wtf? Is that normal in Poland?

yes, I had this for breakfast today

The only raw foods I would eat is sashimi, but raw ground Does the meat taste bloody?

bit but I like it

yes, either as a spread on bread or with fries

They eat raw meat & uncooked potato.
Either they have a black out and no gas to cook or they are damn animals.


>uncooked potato
um nope
>damn animals
this, that's what we have in common with Germans

yes, a delicia

me too

na zdrowie

Raw meat tier

Uma delicia


You can actually eat it

>wild boar

I am ok with it.

Beef sashimi exists and is quite tasty. It's not mincemeat, of course.

You've forgotten horse my lad.

Is it true that Japs didn't know how to grill meat until the Portuguese came in the 16th century?

Yes, Tatar is one of my favorite dishes 2bh

Tasmanian Aborigines never discovered how to make fire. They had to rely on bushfires (usually caused by lighting strikes), from which they would take some hot embers or burning branches to start their own fires. They would keep transferring the flame to new fires and this process could continue for years.

Well nobody really likes abos to begin with, while weeaboos glorify Japan like it was some God-tier nation when it was (apparently) super backwards while being considered savage by the Chinese and even Koreans.

What I'm trying to tell you is that it should be obvious that the answer to your question is "no".


Yup. Usually with grilled onions, garlic, salt, lemon, and either spicy sauce, mustard or vinegar. I usually don't serve it with egg.

enjoy your stomach parasites

Pig farmer nation has shitty pig meat. Who would've thought.

I was just stating a fact, eating raw meat comes with a risk of catching parasites, even if the meat is considered sterile. If you want to take that risk then it's up to you.

I would love it if my mom would cook meat anything below well done

you dont cook tatarbeefsteak, its entirely raw but grinded multiple times and spiced up, also not a main meal you eat for dinner for days


I sure do.

VERY nice.

Completely forgot
Horse is uma delicia tier too desu. Now I want some.

Yes. But pork is more common.

Why do wh*toids love raw meat so much? What's their problem?

You are literally an animal if you don't cook your meat


poland i love you man but learn to cook the meat!