
Believe it or not, I actually now a few people that have gone through this, basically telling me, "Jeez, I don't want to be next. I don't need all this negativity just because I have a feminist perspective/am a woman in a certain form of media". And the thing is, this isn't new.

And to anyone saying, "It's just words/they're not real!". Yeah, that's easy to say from the position of a rando on the internet, until you're the victim. But until then, you don't know what it's like in that position. So show a little empathy, man.

Other urls found in this thread:



I would respect those people if they continued the fight for what they believe. Backing down like a pussy doesn't exactly help the cause, therefore, they must not have given that much of a shit about it in the first place

Telling someone they're wrong and calling them out on their bullshit isn't harassment. When you post your opinions on a public platform, you should expect to meet some opposition.

Fuck off you cunt.

>they make a choice not to speak
>this is somehow infringing on their right to free speech
huh, that really made me think

I know you're just baiting, but 90% of people crying about misogyny on the internet are either exaggerating or outright false flagging.

>Who are you?
>I'm the COOK!


Fuck you, the world is a shit place and it's full of shit people. No matter what you do there will be a slice of the population that will hate you for it. Suck it up, buttercup.

Modern day feminism in the western world is pure cancer

>Demanding that things I don't like be removed from media isn't a call for censorship.

>People disagreeing with your demands is a censorship.

I don't know if Leftists actually believe this shit, or if they're consciously being duplicitous little shits. But this is a perfect example of the bullshit that is their worldview.

If gamergate actually had the balls to do that they would've won a stunning victory a long time ago.

Good. I don't pretend to be impartial or fair. Feminist positions are inferior and should be driven off the internet so that our views can dominate. This is already what's happening- feminism is treated like a joke and hounded by criticism everywhere it goes. Right wing positions are much harder to criticize and are gaining influence.

>goys are waking up to corrupt and agenda-driven media
>let's accuse them of hating women!

It's the pendulum.

The public has taken a lot of left-wing bullshit over the last couple of decades and they are tired of it.

The Liberals got used to winning so they pushed in very far, but they pushed too far with feminism and with black lives matter, etc.

Now people are pushing back and they're afraid they might be the ones losing so they are in a panic.

>stop making things that aren't right with my ideology
>of course THIS isn't censorship
>you disputing my ideology IS censorship
Good riddance.

jesus Christ those feminists are hideous


You are right about one thing though, most of us here do not know what it's like to be a victim

And that's precisely why we will not emphasize, because there's nothing glorious and legitimate in being a victim. We look up to people, that's what gives us a drive to become better version of ourselves

Feminists throwing hissy-fits on the internet and getting rightfully bashed in their figurative faces the way it should happen in real life if the world weren't in such a mess isn't something anyone should emphasize with

If you want to get along with losers, feel at ease. People end up where they deserve

There's a distinct difference between calling someone out on their bullshit and sending someone photos of their former home and telling them you're going to do horrible shit to them or doxxing their personal information so legions of bottomfeeders can harass them at their home or business, because apparently those shitstains have nothing else to fill the void in their existence.

Sjw, are the ones getting people fired. We just psychologically torment

>Put out an opinion that you know will be unliked.
>Cant handle the fact people dont like your opinion.
>Better close up shop, I cant handle the bantz.

Freedom of speech does not equate to freedom from other's opinions.

The vast majority of "femnists" are too busy beating a dead horse and crying about first world problems to actually be bothered with using social media for anything other than donation jars.

Cherry picking the 12 year old trolls from the actual allegations being made by people who see through this false attempt at raising money for some cause only makes it seem like they are "shutting down their account" because of the harassment, not because enough people have reported them being a con artist to incite an investigation.

Getting arrested for raising a shit town of money and only investing >1% of it into whatever cause you claimed would be pretty "negative" tho

Except they're usually the ones doing that to themselves for internet pity points. Nobody fucking cares where some landwhale feminist whiner lives, and nobody finds them attractive enough to actually stalk and harass them.

You're right, it's a statement... Here's another one, you're a faggot.

There's a distinct difference between fully using your public persona to engage in heated debates and ensuring your anonimity to prevent people from stalking and harassing you

Live and learn, bunch of cry-babies. Hillary Clinton can get away with talking shit because she's a millionaire with body-guards and political allies. If you can't afford to open your stupid trap and yap away your half-baked opinions, then don't be surprised when it backfires faster than a soviet-stock rocket-launcher

>say a bunch of bullshit
>get told to fuck off

>Feminist positions are inferior and should be driven off the internet so that our views can dominate.

This. It's what they want to do to us.

All's fair in war.

The cognitive dissonance is just astounding. The people doing the smearing, intimidating and threatening people's jobs should all be in the feminist side of that comic.


Women are the perfect tool of the establishment.

"He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy."

Orwell knows whats up

Go fuck yourself you worthless pig. This shit originated with cunt feminists. So sorry we learned your tactics and do it better than you worthless pigs.

Sustained criticism isn't anti-free speech. Even social rejection isn't against free speech. The difference between anti-feminists and feminists is that where anti-feminists just criticism and shame people, feminists actually want to use the power of the state to stifle opposition.

We aren't going around saying "There's too much feminism. Help government! We need quotas and industry regulations and subsidization of noncompetitive products to get rid of these nasty feminists!"

The fact is people like things as they naturally are. Gamers like beautiful women with huge jugs to ogle in their games, and they pay for it. It's a natural result of capitalism and the male sex drive. There's nothing wrong with it. But feminists claim it makes you LITERALLY HITLER because some girl is in a bikini in Dead or Alive, and we need to ban these evil sexist games and blah blah blah.

Social justice doesn't sell. People don't like it. People have their natural human instincts and desires and they don't support feminist fairy products.

Feminist SJW started it by getting men fired from their jobs. Now you're crying that you opened that can of worms and you can't shove them back in.

If you don't understand G.I.F.T. then you shouldn't post things on the internet.

Reminder that Barry Deutsch is a fat greasy incel

I'll take Things That Never Happened for $500, Alex

The key error of the left is that they were so successful that they have now begun calling for their views to be made mandatory. Most Western people value freedom and individualism and they are now confronted with the reality that modern leftism runs counter to these principles.

>They make the feminist super ugly and mannish.

Well, at least they're honest that far?

If they didn't claim the victim card before actually being a victim, it wouldn't be so bad.
Biggest problem I see is that they constantly attack others for not sharing their opinions. Some go out of their way to spite someone else to show how might makes right and justify it all out after being criticized for trying to wreck someone else's well being.
For instance, there was some lady who tried to have Phil Mason (AKA Thunderfoot) fired from his job because he was "Racist/Mysoginistic". She doxxed him, released his personal info, then on top of that sent letters to his boss complaining about him. She then released a video claiming that he deserved it and that he provoked her and she wasn't even sorry.
Him disagreeing with her on the internet provoked her.
Granted, she tried and failed, and later when tables turned she released an "I'm sorry you made me do it" video, but she did the same thing that almost all feminists tend to do. She justified it out. "I'm sorry that you feel that way", "I'm sorry but its your fault", and "I'm sorry you made me do it" are not actual apologies.

Maybe if they took a step back and tried to actually discuss it instead of screaming "insert buzzword here" at someone for disagreeing, they'd be a little more respected. Hell, they might even find that there's things that everyone as a whole can agree with. They might even cause some others to start seeing things their way a little bit better and might even drop some of the bogus claims they make in favor of building bridges. But the movement as a whole has been burning bridges left and right then claiming its everyone else's fault.

Perhaps there ought to be a few more doxxings.

Solution, be a rando on the internet. Don't be a retard and link your personal profile to your controversial political beliefs. That way if you get attacked, who cares! This is internet 101

Haha what a slob.

>So show a little empathy, man.
do you realize there is more social stigma around our opinions on pol than feminists? imagine what would happen if a pol user posted their opinion on facebook? so how about you show us a little empathy, man

free speech isn't freedom from criticism


You are a coward.

I think something to note about the whole game thing as well is that Feminists complain about attractive scantily clad women in Games and Comics, then they bitch about it and it gets taken out, which makes the original crowd not buy said product any longer. Now, if the feminist crowd were to buy into the new product, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, but they're only bitching about things that they honestly don't care about.
I personally don't care for sex in video games, and I've been playing for a long time, but I'm not going around saying that its horrible or so wrong. I just play the damn game. If the game is more about sex than anything else, or if I dislike the game in general, I just don't play. Its simple as that.
If they took that approach, they'd be better off. But I think it would actually take them getting involved in those things first. Otherwise when the new product doesn't sell, the company just goes back to what they know works and go back tot he old recipe.

See you can ask for empathy all you want, but that's part of the reason why we are were we are. We give women too many brakes just for the sake of being women.
>Women are equal to men!
Says the feminist
>Gets treated equally
Men are sexist!
Men need to be more sensitive to women
Masculinity is toxic because it doesn't consider my feelings
I've seen this cycle reappear over and over. It's almost as if men and women can never be equal and require different needs as well as treatment huh?
Women have too much leeway when it comes to making mistakes
>Women(at least the ones all the ones I've run into) can not take criticism very and that YOUR fault.
Men have been dealing with harsh words since the beginning. Women have been pampered so their veiw of the world is extremely different. Then they go into the word of men and find that they can't take it.
Feminist ask for equality and when they get it; they complain. That's more than a big enough reason not give then sympathy.

>make shitty arguments citing your feelings
>get BTFO
>no more arguments
>claim that you've been silenced
