Growing interest in alt-right

I am a noob who has been trying to learn about Sup Forums's beliefs as a whole. I keep seeing things about culture being inseparable from race. So I have a question: How do you reconcile that belief with good black Americans like Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell? Redpill me.

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>he took Sup Forums seriously

Well you have exceptions to every rule and people willing to challenge accepted dogma are few. Blacks are often collectivist in thought compared to Whites and so its nice to see some actual sincere opposition to the status quo.

gas the kikes race war now .. almost everyone but the few terrified jews on this board are most concerned with the JQ which is the root of nearly every other issue we face


Lurk more newfag. We're not AskYahoo.

jew here. :(

Well yeah I know a lot of it like the jew stuff is trolling but I figured this belief was genuinely held

>the jew stuff is trolling

Fair enough

I'm gay

>he didn't take Sup Forums seriously
>his wife got raped by niggers
>his son got killed by sandpeople
>his finance got ruined by jews
>hfw Sup Forums was right again

if you actually read Thomas Sowell you'd realise culture and not race is the deciding factor for degeneracy.

>Thomas Sowell
>former marxist turned uncle tom (((neocon))) shill for shekels

Same way feminists reconcile with the fact that their candidate of choise takes money from regimes like Saudi-Arabia; cognitive dissonance

That does not change the fact that blacks have a shit culture

You can integrate 2% nigs
You can't do that with 20%
Same with islam
It's all about percentage

Of course. I am a huge Sowell fan. I just want someone who believes that culture and race are inseparable to explain the contradiction created by the existence of people like him.

Only 13% of Likely U.S. Voters believe life for young black Americans has gotten better since Obama’s election


>what is the exception that proves the rule
There are intelligent and unintelligent people of every race, but blacks are, on average, less intelligent than everybody else. It's about statistics, not anecdotes.

That being said, there's still room for a partial cultural and economic explanation. I doubt they're terribly important, with the exception of cases of starvation and nonexistent education.

What contradiction?

I don't know one person who has ever said there are not Outliers on every intelligence graph for race. That is why it is called a bell curve boyo. There are shit retard neo-nazi white people and a few smarter than average black people. Outliers are a thing.

It's not that culture is inseparable from race. Of course it is and it has an impact. But culture doesn't pop out of nowhere.

Human behaviour depends on biological causes, genetic, hormonal, etc.

Over 60,000 years of separate evolution have produced different people.

All evidence seems to prove that there is a very significant IQ gap between races, and that it is hereditary.

Of course this is averages. So the most intelligent Black people can be more intelligent than the average White or Asian. Ben Carson, Thomas Dowell, Aimé Cesaire, etc. are all high IQ.

IQ and other inherent traits like the degree of empathy or the capacity to postpone immediate pleasure for a greater future outcome have a big role in the failures of Black populations in every single country they live in.

Good education is not enough, eugenics are probably necessary.

But unfortunately eugenics, the thing that would actually help make all races equal and prosperous, is seen as an evil Nazi thing.

pic related

We're not racists.

get the fuck out faggot

Should hang that in Trudeau's office

I'm gay

>blacks rape and murder whites at a tremendously outsized rate (relevant statistics a short Google search away on the FBI website), and are encouraged to do so by a disgusting culture of rap, drugs, and inner city gang life
>OP gives cherry-picked examples of a black neurosurgeon and a black economist
>OP: heh, checkmate racists. The crime statistics you threw at me almost got me. But these two are well-adjusted and intelligent. Nice try :^)

Nigger the Jew stuff isn't trolling. That shit is deadly serious.

pol is an image board where you shout your beliefs and hope for yous. You must sort the wheat from the chaff.

the only thing that should be hanging in Trudeau's office is Trudeau

>Ben or Thomas
Notice how those names are not some psuedu-african bullshit like DiAndre or Shaquena. This shows some level of assimilation into the civilized, white culture and a lack niggerdom.

On the other hand, look at monkeys like Ta nesi coates--he blames whites for all of his problems, hates the country and runs off to France to take muslim cock.

As I suspected. Thank you, Sup Forums. I kinda like it here.

It's not a contradiction at all. We are talking about the average not about the outliers.

>literally just shouted pepe once and she continued on

>Jew stuff trolling

You should lurk more before you make threads. You'll learn more here than you have in the 12 years of public school.

The Internet is serious business OP

>he thinks the Jew stuff is trolling

Tell your masters at CNN or whatever that we are completely serious about the rats who have hijacked international finance and media.

>The "Pol is one person meme"

When will this die?

god this election is such an embarrassment


No, but now Pepe is in her mind. Her campaign is fucked because the nazi frog will take over her brain

I'm gay

>I keep seeing things about culture being inseparable from race.
>How do you reconcile T Sowell etc

Culture is a property of a group rather than individuals.

If you have a group of people, their genetically defined attributes (average intelligence, temperament, etc) will produce a certain group dynamic - otherwise known as culture.

Blacks will lean towards one outcome, whites another, orientals yet another, and so on.

There will be individuals in every group who buck the trend, but most don't.

Valid point but I despise public school and never went to it.

Get nice and /comfy/ then because you're home now little goyim
Read this in the uncensored version and you will understand our humor.

>I am a noob who has been trying to learn about Sup Forums's beliefs as a whole.
We don't have any beliefs as a whole. We're a few hundred thousand people just posting shit on a board.

There's Trump supporters here, Clinton supporters, Johnson and Stein supporters, there's people from other countries supporting a hundred different political parties and ideologies and they all just post shit here.

The only belief we all share is that ANYTHING is open to debate and criticism. There are no safe spaces here. No trigger warnings. If you post something you had better be prepared to defend it, and if you can't defend it, maybe you need to look at it more critically

>There's Trump supporters here, Clinton supporters

Consider my record corrected

Not to mention is married to a FUCKING RAPIST AND SEDUCER OF STRONG WOMYN!!

>How do you reconcile that belief with good black Americans like Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell
Use your brain.

How do we explain this: Chinese people are short, but Yao Ming is 7'6".

When we say "Chinese people are short," this is a generalization, NOT a statement about every single Chinese person.

So the average Chinese man is ~5'7" (according to Wikipedia). And our statement was about the average Chinese person. And it's accurate. But it wasn't a statement that no outliers exist.

They're acting white
Why do you think nignogs refer to them as "uncle tom"?