Growing interest in alt-right

I am a noob who has been trying to learn about Sup Forums's beliefs as a whole. I keep seeing things about culture being inseparable from race. So I have a question: How do you reconcile that belief with good black Americans like Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell? Redpill me.

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>he took Sup Forums seriously

Well you have exceptions to every rule and people willing to challenge accepted dogma are few. Blacks are often collectivist in thought compared to Whites and so its nice to see some actual sincere opposition to the status quo.

gas the kikes race war now .. almost everyone but the few terrified jews on this board are most concerned with the JQ which is the root of nearly every other issue we face


Lurk more newfag. We're not AskYahoo.

jew here. :(

Well yeah I know a lot of it like the jew stuff is trolling but I figured this belief was genuinely held

>the jew stuff is trolling

Fair enough