
They even used the same emblem.

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I apologise for hurting your eyes.

this is now

You know that they used to be the same country, right? Similar to Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador's flags.

the fourtuplets
there's a reason why they chose that, a very endearing one to Argentina


I like their color scheme though

More like Niggeragua.

the original can't be toped

They look pleasant, to be honest.

i like Botswana better, even if it's just a double Estonia

Liberian oficial state flags, what do i win?

I'm biased towards blue. It's such a pleasant colour to look at.

They could get some originality, like us. Well, at least Guatemala got the 90° turn

Here's a better flag that all of Central America should unite under.

I agree that they aren't original, but OP seemed more shocked than he should desu

I like our flag desu

That's nothing compared to Sri Lanka's flag.

It's more of the fact they used the same triangle with a rainbow and a Cap of Liberty on a stick.

How so? The one I posted is just colourful vomit.

The orange, brown, green, yellow color scheme is bad. And the lion with the sword is awful.

You'd think Liberia would learn from the USA on how to make flags.

well that's, like, just your opinion man
i admit the "original" looks better with only maroon and gold

I agree about the colour scheme, but I still can't call mine a better one. I just can't.

they did but only partially
the "put national flag on the canton" was too much

Have you seen the Buddhist Flag?


>supporting pseudo-commies that steal all resources and fucked the country they rule

Probably one of the worst Gadsden designs.

This is the first navy jack. It looks like shit but it's symbolism game is strong.

>instituting public education and making the country go from energy dependent to an energy exporter is "ruining" the country


Can that even be considered as a flag? Looks like a coloured barcode.

I don't know, you'd have to be colorblind to like this flag.

No, but systematically limiting economical growth and concentrate all productive activities in your family and friends is. Don't even talk to me about Nicaragua situation, there is a reason their population keeps emigrating here. No one escapes in masse from a good place,user

I can't form an opinion on it as a flag because I just can't see it as one.

had to google it and apparently it's a thing
created in a council in Colombo, Sri Lanka even

Yeah it is. Weird.

I had to do the same thing, but some of the variants are slightly better.

I liked this one from that article. Not a huge fan of the colour scheme, but in general looks nice.

orange is really indian, it has to stay
well it's not supposed to be light orange but saffron

after seeing the Maltan post i agree with you,
why didn't they vote on this?

Wait, whose flag is that?

How about the red? I like the colours on their own, but I don't really like the contrast between them on the flag.

Swieqi. A town here.

>How about the red?
not sure what to change it with. if white or silver it would be blinding, and blue is too shocking. black then?

Black fits with everything.
What do you think about a black background and an orange wheel?

doesn't suit their ideology
but black wheel could be just fine
too bad it won't happen

You're right. I have no say in it of course, but if they like it I guess nothing's lost.

Nicaraguan here. The Sandinista's need to suck a fat cock.