

yanks are anglo


are yanks human?

the fog is on tyne

how come this holywood actor gets more moneys when he play doctor than reall doctor!?!+!?

it's all mine

just did a poo that's worth more than every life in america combined
except the fetuses cause they're super dooper precious

GOOD edition

Northerners aren’t human


people outside the anglosphere refer to yanks as anglo-americans


upstate new york

prude keks owned

[radical opinion]

just on an old laptop

anyone want any of the uncategorised chon pics on it

need sum xans


>Jurgen Plopp

Thinking about meeting black women to have attractive sons

4 from the top 1 and one from the bottom, thanks rchael

*establishes an ethnostate*

good lord what is happening in there


>BRAP Guardiola

first one

Always see Lovren trending and think it's about Lauren Mayberry

wish this was me

3rd row 6 along

wish i was aborted

everything should be free

Literally every economist from Smith to Marx to Hayek to Sraffa to Keynes to Philips to Friedman to Krugman to Keen, not to mention the first chapter of quite literally every economics textbook on the market today.


call 999

Never been further north than Manchester, what's really up there?

Can I have the drawing of IMG_1142 please

always got a giggle from those power stance pics haha

that's pretty silly since there's so many of them from non-anglo backgrounds which is why there culture is so fucked vs. good commonwealth lads



abortion is murder
taxation is theft
vaccines cause autism
these are the three truths liberals love to deny


know about three girls who've had abortions
one of them had gotten pregnant and then binge drank on vodka and ended up miscarrying half her baby, the doctor had to remove the leftover chunks of the baby out of her and she likely will have a 1% chance of ever getting pregnant again

really should start browsing my older reaction images instead of searching for a specific image
got millions of these images going to waste

the simpsons one with brit, aus and usa


Economists agree with VAT

hello boomer

here you go la'

this model is thoroughly refuted by the mere existence of veblen goods
and you're claiming it as a universal truth

poo band poo music

poo nigger

bet i could get her pregnant

delet this mate

theft is taxation
see robin hood, the british hero

Excuse me, pasties are a proud southern food cruelly stolen by northerners

f off??

the hangover anxiety is kicking in lads rip

Need this to happen to me

no it's not

I took one of the exes to get an abortion

video games cause autism
autism causes vaccines
vaccines cause taxation
simple as

a personal favourite of mine


mad how the tories used to the party of home ownership and now they do all they can to stop people getting a home

should i play pokemon or watch anime

he's waiting for you in heaven

The 'cut

completely irrelevant to whether it reduces sales.
incidentally, remember that the government cut VAT in 2008 to stimulate consumption.

Don't think I've ever read so much codswollop in my life

need to get you aborted sunshine


love are sidecar

>autism causes vaccines
eye-opening moment

sorry youre not a winner

Why was the 2nd world war the first one with clear goodies and baddies?

i'm right wing

Watch domo no nikkeru gaiden ultimate remaster edition

Looks better on girls than boys 2/b/q/h.

oh sweety
the basic demand and supply curves are an idealised representation of what would be expected of rational actors
actors are not rational, therefore this model does not represent reality


do you even know where Cornwall is mate?

>remember that the government cut VAT in 2008 to stimulate consumption.
yeah it contributed to a massive deficit

i'm alt-centrist

i'll be your left wing
now we can fly


I'm on the far-centre

>domo no nikkeru gaiden
googled this with no anime results

Literally about to get a haircut


the proliferation of the valuing of inherently unpossessable images on Sup Forums is surely a fantastic example of benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

An exception that proves the rule

Think it was too early for development of the reproductive system



I vaccinated my son and he wound up posting on /brit/. Don't let it happen to your kids.


it might not be but 3 inches, but it smells more like a foot

you know the horseshoe theory?
i'm the horse

I wear extra-medium shirts

just want a return to traditional society