Court SUSPENDS burkini ban

French mayor vows to IGNORE court decision


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>mfw when probable shitstorm

The ban was just a way for ((them)) to start a international debate so that they could control the narrative on both sides and create sympathy for the Muslims.


Corsican uprising when?

Yeah, pretty much this

Its yet another kike tactic, and we all know it

Juden wants Europe to get flooded and make civil war AKA race war which makes christians and muslims kill each other while the jew watches it all.

The absolute madman.

French Revolution 2.0 incoming


hahahahah get fucked you fucking frogs

Remember the adage:

Traitors First


>mfw Corsica finally get their independance because of burkinis


Did anyone else think it was batman in the thumbnail

The resistance is back in action !!

I'm sooo excited France!!


So let me get this straight France; Men are forced to wear speedos at french beaches because only a criminal would be hiding behind clothes...

Go to bed, Russia.

Dress code, Anders.


Just more media crap

Who actually cares if some people go into the water looking like ninjas?

do you care?

I don't

I'll wear what I like and so will you

Eventually, muslim women will wear bikinis, seeing their menfolk won't take their eyes off Western women in bikinis

Human nature

So either muslim men drag their women back to the mid-east, it won't be long before the younger muslim women defy the elders and parade around in bikinis too

That's how life works

So this entire burkini nonsense is of FAR more concern to muslims than to you or I

As endless trails of migrants have learned to accept, when you move to another land and culture, your grandkids will prefer their adopted country and culture. People want to fit in. Kids in particular want to fit in and they will fight their parents in order to fit in. I've seen it first hand. Give it three generations

In the meantime, don't waste energy on the burkini crap. It's a muslim problem, not ours


Corsica needs to secede
So does Bavaria for that matter
Also its this
No wonder scum like Valls is coming out in favor of it
Deport them or kill them I dont care what they wear until either happens

¡Viva la revolution!

Yes, I thought that as well.

I don't think you understand the logic here. Orthodox Jewish women don't wear bikinis because the goy are wearing bikinis.

Muslim women are a step below as well being considered defacto property in many arrangements.


Why are Corsicans so perfect?

Because they're not actually french.

No bully


Unrelated test post

Frogbro's make Frexit happen

It just looks like a wetsuit. Who cares?

>my face when when probable shitstorm

Dr. Pavel, I'm Batman.

extremely underrated

fucking lol'd so hard

Corsicans were always different than other French. They were always the best of them and the worst of them.

I support a Corsican secession.

How the fuck is it possible that wearing a burkini hasn't led to higher drowning rates?
Just look at it.

Also, of course the only ones in frogland with balls to stand for themselves had to be the italians...fucking frogs.


islam elevates superstition over human rights. The penalty for blasphemy is death, for example. It is perfectly reasonable to pass laws to limit the influence and spread of islam.

The fuck is with stupid muslims going to the beach anyway?
I thought fun was haram.

Forcibly stripping fat lasses on the beach is a bit much though.

That's the only way to deal with muslims because force is all they understand


Whats the point of banning Sup Forums. Its a god damned image board made by a flunky out of his closet.

Honestly its easier to make another than ban it.

This will never be a viable strategy.

Yeah, go ahead in Corsica and tell them that

Based Corsica

They should just leave France

If the James Bond books are to be believed theres an organised crime presence in Corsica. Can a froggie confirm? I think its fair to say they're less cucked. The union corse??

Soon as i heard of ban days ago, i knew this would happen

It happens with every law the left doesnt like, some random Judge decides he knows best and overturns it. No matter how many support it

That's why they want to ignore that court ruling.

France has cucked itself so hard in so many ways (and continues to do so), yet they go around and make this really weird, arbitrary, proto-fascist court ruling? This ruling literally doesn't help anyone or anything except for solidifying the Left's beliefs which is clearly the motive behind this ruling.

Can y'all find anymore information about the nature of this court ruling? I expect there to be some interesting info on their (((judges)))

Bavaria leaves
Corsica leaves
Texas leaves
Sicily leaves
Catalonia leaves
England leaves
Sweden annexes Ghana
Canada succumbs to Nigerian rule
All is well

why does that guy have 3 hands?

burkini ban circumvents the issue.

France is simply retarded.

- waged war on Christianity and whites
- destroyed Christianity in France.
- allowed massive amounts of Muslims to invade
- thinks banning burkini will slow them down.

Fucking France... they'll lose half their land mass to Gallo Islamia.

That's what we're gonna dub it... Islamic Gaul.

CTR copypasta

>fuck off

You mean Ghana annexes Sweden obviously

But seriously guys I'm curious. Has the mafia taken an interest in the migrant deal? I mean traditionally they offered "protection". Anyone know?

I'm not sure I understand this concept. There is, under this law, some minimum amount of skin you have to show while on the beach?

No shit, i was wondering how Jewish that court was

This ban was fucking stupid anyway though, French still to crack down on mosques promoting terrorism, not some Muslims on the beach

Globally warmed GMO vaccines.

I was in Sicily for my honeymoon in May and we were on a train and these Africans were up to no good. I always wondered how the mob handles them

A lot of the "cab drivers" there use Benz's as their cars and have very business sounding conversations on the phone (in italian) for the entire trip, regardless of time of day


Why are liberals/lefties so retarded and inconsistent?

anti-Christianity = antitheism, smart, wisdom, liberty... because most Christians are white

anti-Islam = ignorant, dumb, racist, islamophobia because most Muslims are colored.

Because the goal of Marxism it to destroy the west from within

The "cab drivers" are probably informants for the mob, being a cab driver means they can go pretty much anywhere without second looks

Christ Sean really did age like a brick through glass didn't he?

James Bond

Interesting. Perhaps they steer clear when there isn't a profit to be made. I assume after enough outrage they could possibly find a way though. I mean its the opening to Godfather isn't it

Well gee, if Muslim women want to liberate themselves by going to the beach and assimilating with the native culture, but still retaining their own, why not let them wear their fucking burkini's?

>there was a time when England didn't have a colour problem

mudslimes don't know how to swim. Remember all thosehealthy bearded refugee "women" and "children" that drowned after their shit barges capsized?
It's why they're only knee deep in the water.

>assimilating with the native culture
>retaining their own

This is making my head hurt user I hope that was an ironic post

There are bigger problems with Islam than dress codes.

Also the biggest problem is that there are any non-whites and Muslims at all in Europe.

You cannot assimilate to the native culture and maintain your own, it's one or the other

There is no such thing as Arabic-French, there's Arabs, and there's French and a mile wide ravine between the two

we all know what happened last time the government disagreed with the people.

kek wills it.

>Two groups, the League of Human Rights and the Collective Against Islamophobia in France, contested the ban.
>Collective Against Islamophobia in France

jesus wtf are this fucking organisations... human right activists are already cancer in western states, but the second one?

>banning a different style of beach wear

>we all know what happened last time the government disagreed with the people and there was a massive food shortage in the capital


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It's rather simple, demographics will determine the destiny

You will get Africa if you have lots of Africans

You will get the Middle East if you have lots of Arabs

You will get europe if you have lots of European

People fall back to the genetic baseline one way or another

According to frenh law, the Mayor can be held responsible for any disturbances in his town, like an accident, a KKK rally gone wild, people burning mudslimes alive in their cars etc.

The Mayor is only covering his ass and is also gaining support from the locals.

becuase democracy is for cucks and europe should not get from being 100% white to barely 60 like you.

Are the frogfags going to kill each other again?

This is originally how jews came into power.

Literally France's fault jews became rich.

They're on the right track.
That said, I rather leave the country than living with Corsicunts any time soon.
They just hate everyone.
inb4 civil war

>wear burkinis

Cognitive dissonance at its finest

But burka is banned in France

Have a more up to date version.

Corsican independence when?

>fucking burkini's

because this fucking things are a recent invention to undermine western culture.

Before they "invented" the burkini all this woman where prohibited to go the the beach, because they would have to show their skin other, none family man, so they didn't go because they wouldn't be allowed by their religion.

So instead of rejecting a real misogynistic issue motivated by religion, they encourage it.

Also a burkini is not a wet suite. A wet suite has one simple function, providing heat insulation of the human body for long activities in water (and provide abrasion resistance).

Wow that is so outdated

can we reach state of constant terrorist attack which never ends?


Which part of Corsica are you from lads?

Hamburgaccio here

no u r germcuck go prep bull for your gf idiot and fuck off

Pariggio here.

>encouraging their religion
i'm still lost here. how is this a slap to france's face? if their religion says they can't show skin why not let them wear an uncomfortable tarp?


My wife is from Kutná Hora, we have 2 children so the joke's on you my czech friend.

>can we reach state of constant terrorist attack which never ends?
yes but then terrorist attacks may per second only kill as many people as are born within one second


Only one of those occurred in the past 400 years and today europeans aren't feeling any direct consequence of this. The Asian/Middle Eastern population (Which I presume is the population that Aamer is part of) in the USA is still being marginalised today

>>Irrelevant meme is irrelevant

Time for another happening in France.